Develop Dialog Boxes

  1. Introduction
  2. Add Dialog Box
  3. Add Parameters to Dialog
  4. Make Basic Layout
    1. Add Fields
    2. Rearrange Fields
  5. Modify Window Level Actions and Settings:
    1. Change Window Title Dynamically
    2. Connect Data Source
    3. Add Navigation Between Forms
    4. Create Standard Data Transfer
    5. Customize Data Transfer
    6. Execute PL SQL Methods
    7. Get Record Default Values
    8. Handle Messages
    9. Refresh Data
    10. Repopulate Data
    11. Add Splitter
    12. Add Tree List Box
    13. Add Button
    14. Add Graph
  6. Modify Fields Actions and Settings
    1. Create Custom Validations
    2. Set Logical Parent
    3. Create Zoom Functionality
    4. Add List of Values
    5. Set Field Read Only
    6. Resizing Behavior
  7. Register Form
  8. Add Navigator Entry
  9. Enable Localization
  10. Quality Control
    1. Test Dialog
    2. Debug Dialog