Example of Creating a Basic Operational Report using Crystal

This example describes how to create a Crystal Reports report with Crystal reports 2011. The example report shows step-by-step instruction of how to create the Demo Customer Order Invoice report:


Create Report

  1. Start Crystal Reports and start the report wizard by selecting New. Select Standard Report. (If the welcome page appears, you can start the report wizard by selecting Report Wizard option under Start a new report category.)

    Example step 1
  2. Select Create new connection /Oracle Server , and provide the Service, User ID and Password in the connection dialog window and click Finish.

    Note: This database information is used only in design time. At runtime these information will be replaced with the user name, password and database specified in the crystal web service configuration file.


    Example step 2

  3. Select the view(s) defined for this report and select > button to add the view/table. For the Demo Customer Order Invoice report only the CUSTOMER_ORDER_IVC_REP is derived from the ORDER_INFO_SERVICES_RPT table. Click Next >.

    Example step 3

  4. At this step you may decide to add all the fields of the selected view(s) to display in the report. Select the field and click the > button to add a field to the report. Click Next >.

    Example step 4

  5. Select the data fields to group the results from. The ORDER_NO field groups the Demo Customer Order Invoice report. Select the field and click the > button to add a group field to the report.

    Example step 5

  6. Select Finish in the Standard Report Creation Wizard. This will show you a preview of the new report.

    Example step 6

  7. Edit the parameters field Click on the Design tab and from the View menu, click Field Explorer. Another way to do this is to click the Field Explorer button on the Standard Toolbar. Select Parameter Fields and click New.

    Example step 7

  8. Add a new parameter field named IFS_RESULT_KEY of the type Number. Leave all other options to their defaults.

    Example step 8

  9. Edit the record selection formula. (Report/ Selection Formulas/Record…)

    Example step 9

  10. Change the selection formula to filter out the required result set. The result key of the current report is set in the IFS_RESULT_KEY parameter field. All the filtering must use this parameter to avoid results from other reports in the same view(s). After adding the selection formula, save the changers and close the formula workshop dialog.

    Example step 10

  11. Layout the field according to the requirements.

    Example step 11

  12. Make sure the Save Data with Report option is not checked in the File menu. Save the report.

    Example step 12

Accessing report data/parameters not part of the report view

Refer to this section for information on making additional report information accessible by the Crystal report by making it part of the report view.

Example of creating a report accessing multiple report views

Refer to this section for an example on how to example of creating a report accessing multiple report views