Select Part Toolbar

[To Demand Planning]


Use this toolbar to select and navigate among parts, using the combined part no and description drop-down combo box. The combo box will automatically filter and auto-complete parts that match the part number and description entered.

The drop down list box itemizes the parts in the selected flow. This list is used for three things:

  1. Selecting a specific part.
  2. Listing all parts belonging to a Group.
    When a group is selected, the parts that belong to it are marked by a gray background and placed at the top of the part list. Within the groups, the parts are sorted using the method chosen in the select sort order combo box. The special sorting remains active as long as parts within the group are selected, but it can be cleared by a) clicking Clear Parts in the Group button, b) selecting a new sort order, and c) selecting a new flow.
  3. Managing by exception.
    By selecting sorting by MAE, Value of MAE, ME, or MAPE the parts with the greatest forecast error appear at the top of the list. This allows you to start with the worst forecasts and gradually move down the list until the forecast errors are within acceptable limits. This selection is done from the select sort order combo box.

The toolbar also can be used to navigate up and down within the current set of forecast items, to switch over to group level, to recalculate the forecast, after changes have been made to Adjusted Demand, and to copy values from System Forecast to Adjusted Forecast.

Shortcut keys:

F3 Opens the Select Part toolbar and places the cursor in the Part No field.
Shift+F3 Opens the Select Part toolbar and places the cursor in the Description field.

Toolbars may be turned on/off in the View/Toolbars menu.

The width of the cells can be modified by dragging the line that separates the cells in the header. The rightmost cell can be modified by dragging its right edge.

Activity Diagrams



Select Part


wpe23.jpg (777 bytes) Open Opens the contents of the combined Part No and Description combo box. Type the first characters of the part number and/or description and the system will auto-complete the entry. Shortcut keys for opening the toolbar and placing the cursor in the Part No and Description fields are F3 and Shift+F3 respectively.
wpe24.jpg (774 bytes) Previous Moves to the previous part based on the sort order in the selected flow (Shortcut key: F5).
wpe26.jpg (780 bytes) Group Switches to working with aggregated figures for groups of parts (Shortcut key: F4).
wpe27.jpg (783 bytes) Next Advances to the next part based on the selected sort order in the selected flow (Shortcut key: F6).
wpe28.jpg (819 bytes) Refresh Recalculates the forecast of the current part or group. The command is available only after changes are made to the Adjusted Demand. This is necessary if you want to see the effects of these changes immediately. If you do not need to see the changes immediately, the changes will take effect when the forecasts are updated by the server (Shortcut key: F2).
wpe29.jpg (809 bytes) System to Adjusted Copies values from the system forecast to the adjusted forecast (Shortcut key: Shift+F4).
wpe1.jpg (791 bytes) Copy Down Displays the copy down dialog that is used for copying parameters to all parts that belong to a group selection, or to the base flows connected to this combined flow. This button is active on the group level, and on the part level on combined flows.
Distribute Displays the Distribute Adjustment dialog that is used for copying parameters to all parts that belong to a group selection, or to the base flows connected to this combined flow. This button is active on the group level, and on the part level on combined flows.
wpeD.jpg (801 bytes) Clear Parts in Group Clears the blue list in the Select Part list combo after a group selection has been displayed.
Best Fit Forecast Models Used to make a search to find the best forecast parameters on the selected forecast model. The parameter result is placed in the current field so that the parameters are used only for the current period forecast. The best fit search is the same as that which is used for the best fit forecast model, with the only difference being that this function only performs a parameters search for the selected forecast model See Forecast Models.
Forecast Wizard Wizard to help you select the right season profile, forecast model and parameter for a part. See Forecast Wizard.
Undo To undo the last action you performed, click Undo. If you click Undo again, you will undo the action you performed before that, and so on down the list.
Redo To redo the last action you undid, click Redo.
Approve Click here to approve the change made to the forecast, only approved forecasts will be used for IPR calculations. If you do approve on a group or combined flow level all the base flow part members will be approved. A group or combined flow level is only considered approved when all its base flow member parts are approved. You can turn on auto approve in the demand plan server setup dialog by doing this the parts will automatically be approved when you move to the next.
Check Checks this part / group. Used to mark a part / group that has been taken a forecasting action on. This function can be used to filter out parts that are unchecked, or to only look at parts that has been checked after a certain number of periods. Can be useful during analysis of forecast accuracy etc. Pushing this button set the parts checked date with to days date.
Publish Opens the publish dialog to publish this part / group.


This window contains:

Part No: The inventory part number from IFS Inventory.
Description: The description of the inventory part from IFS Inventory.