Installation Parameters¶
The parameters order¶
The installer is strictly command line based and all configuration and parameters are passed in values files or as single arguments to the installer script.
If the same parameter is passed to the installer several times the last in order will override the previous ones.
If a values yaml file that can hold many parameters structured in the yaml standard with the values:
namespace: exampleprod
customerCode: example
environmentType: prod
solutionSetName: My Groovy Solution!!
replicas: 2
accessLog: enabled
If above ifscloud-values.yaml is passed to the installer, and the parameter is also passed to the installer like this:
.\installer.cmd --values ifscloud-values.yaml --set ifsappproxy.accessLog=enabled --set global.replicas=1
the installer will use the "enabled" value of the parameter ifsappproxy.accessLog and "1" of the global.replicas since that was passed as a "--set" in the command line. So "--set" wins over "values" and if the same parameter is "--set" several times the last will win.
.\installer.cmd --values ifscloud-values.yaml --values solutionset.yaml
in this example the "solutionSetName: My Groovy Solution!!" will be overwritten by the solutionSetName that is always defined parameter in a solutionset.yaml files.
IFS cloud values file¶
All configuration files and certificates should be placed in the config folder according to the folder structure in Windows Management Server.
**This is a good starting point: Follow this link to get an example template of ifscloud-values.yaml . **
Use the parameter guidance in the sections below to fill in the values in the ifscloud-values.yaml file and add optional parameters.
Password limitations¶
As IFS Cloud has many underlying password dependencies and locales, we restrict the passwords to fulfil all limitations. The following restrictions and recommendations apply:
Must start with an alphanumerical character [a-z] [A-Z]
Passwords should have least 15 characters (recommended)
These special characters are not allowed: \ / @ ' " | - * $ & # § [] {} () (and other language specific characters )
General Parameters¶
Bold parameters are mandatory others are optional
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
chart | specifies which master-chart to be used | Default: ifscloud/ifs-cloud can be a path to a local master-chart as well (only used by RnD). To use the local master-chart set e.g. " chart: .\master-chart " |
chartVersion | Normally only used by RnD to specify specific helm chart version. | |
certificateFile | Location of the pfx file that holds the certificate and private key. See Certificate Handling for more certificate requirements and info. If the certificateFile is omitted or the file can not be found, a new selfsigned certificate will be automatically generated and used. |
e.g. /path/to/yourcert.pfx or c:\path\to\yourcert.pfx |
certificatePassword | password for the pfx file. | Note the pwd need to be a string. e.g. ifs123 or "12345" |
helmRepo | The url of the Helm Chart repository. | Use - |
helmUser | The service principal user name. This username should be provided per customer by IFS. | |
helmPwd | The service principal password. This password should be provided per customer by IFS. | |
global.namespace | Sets the namespace in the k8s cluster norally you would set is as a concatination of the customerCode and environmentType | none, but the parameter is mandatory and must consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters or '-' volvobnt |
global.customerCode | This is a label of the system. All monitoring metrics will be tagged with this label. Typically the label would be an abriviation of the company name. | none, but the parameter is mandatory e.g. volvo |
global.environmentType | This is a label of the system. All monitoring metrics will be tagged with this label. Typical values prod/test/bnt/dev | none, but the parameter is mandatory e.g. bnt |
global.customerId | Used in the License report. The id can be found in the Build Place portal. | The parameter is mandatory |
global.customerName | Used in the License report. The id can be found in the Build Place portal. | The parameter is mandatory |
global.installationId | Used in the License report. Just an environment identifier that is unique per customerId e.g. TEST/PROD/DEV/MIG/TRAIN/CFG | The parameter is mandatory is typically the same as the parameter environmentType |
global.systemUrl | The FQDN of the primary url where the system is accessed. Note: the https:// is not part of the FQDN |
e.g. |
global.secondarySystemUrl | The FQDN of the secondary url where the system is accessed. This could be an internet facing external proxy that only allows b2b and mobile client requests. This FQDN could have a different domain than the normal systemUrl. If the entire system is exposed to internet, the secondarySystemUrl is not needed. |
e.g. |
global.containerRegistry | The url of the docker container registry, where all containers will be fetched from. Note: Always append a trailing slash. Note: the https:// is not part of the FQDN |
Use - |
global.imageCredentials.username | The service principal user name. This username should be provided per customer by IFS. | |
global.imageCredentials.password | The service principal password. This password should be provided per customer by IFS. | |
global.scale | Defines the scaling of cpu/memory compared to the production mode 100%. | Default: 100 A scale of 10-20 is a small development environment. A scale of aprox 50 is a small test environment. Scale should be set to 100 in all production like environments. |
global.replicas | Sets how many containers should be started by default | The default number of replicas to be started of each type of container. Can be overridden by the containers local replicas parameter. |
global.cpuRatio | This will set the k8s CPU request/limit ratio on all containers. | Default: 50 This will set the CPU request to 50% of the CPU limit on the containers. Read more on k8s CPU request & limits on k8s user documentation for more infomation. |
global.httpConnectTimeout | This will set the timeout of http connection to the ingress proxy and the ifsapp-proxy | Default: 60 |
global.httpSendTimeout | This will set the Send timeout of http connection to the ingress proxy and the ifsapp-proxy | Default: 600 |
global.httpReadTimeout | This will set the Read timeout of http connection to the ingress proxy and the ifsapp-proxy | Default: 600 |
global.ingressLimitRps | Limits requests per second that the ingress will pass through. Can be used to prevent DoS attacks | Default: not set set with care, highly dependant on the workload of the specific environment. |
global.ingressLimitRpm | Limits requests per minute that the ingress will pass through. Can be used to prevent DoS attacks | Default: not set set with care, highly dependant on the workload of the specific environment. |
global.sslCiphers | The SSL ciphers used by the ifsapp-proxy To set cipher on ingress edit ifs-ingress-values.yaml in Remote installation. |
global.sslProtocols | The TLS versions used by the ifsapp-proxy To set TLSv in ingress edit ifs-ingress-values.yaml in Remote installation. |
Default: "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3" |
global.demandPort | Demand Server Port number | Default: 5010 |
global.crystalPort | Crystal Server Port number | Default: 443 |
global.ssrsPort | SSRS Server Port number | Default: 80 |
global.nodeSelector or pod.nodeSelector |
Can be used to define nodeSelector on namespace or pod | global: nodeSelector: | IFSCloud: "true" or e.g. ifsapp-odata: nodeSelector: | IFSCloud: "true" |
global.tolerations or pod.tolerations |
Can be used to define tolerations on namespace or pod | global: tolerations: | - key: "IFSCloud" operator: "Equal" value: "true" effect: "NoSchedule" |
global.affinity or pod.affinity |
Can be used to define affinity on namespace or pod | ifsapp-odata: affinity: | nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: -key: "" operator: "In" values: - "linux" | | ifs-jdbc-url | | | The host should be the DB server's IP address. Oracle db service name or sid. Oracle db listener port. Advanced jdbc strings to support failover/RAC or TCPS can be defined here. |
jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= Note: If passing the jdbcUrl as a command line argument it needs to be quoted and escaped. set \" jdbc:or......D)) \" |
ifscore.networkpolicy.enabled | Set to true to activate network policy | default: true |
ifscore.networkpolicy.internetAccess ExceptionList |
Optional if network policy is enabled. A list of subnets that should be blocked for access from containers Note: the DB server will always be automatically opened on port 1521 even if behind internetAccessExceptionList subnet. |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true demandhost: internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: |
ifscore.networkpolicy.demandhost | Can only be set if network policy and internetAccessExceptionList is enabled. The IP's of servers that can have Demand Server (as e.g. Cold standby). This IP will be opened even if behind a restricted subnet (internetAccessExceptionList) |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true demandhost:, internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: |
ifscore.networkpolicy.crystalhost | Can only be set if network policy and internetAccessExceptionList is enabled. The IP's of servers that can have Crystal Services. This IP will be opened even if behind a restricted subnet (internetAccessExceptionList) |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true crystalhost: internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: |
ifscore.networkpolicy.ssrshost | Can only be set if network policy and internetAccessExceptionList is enabled. The IP of a server that can have SSRS Services. This IP will be opened even if behind a restricted subnet (internetAccessExceptionList) |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true ssrshost: internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: |
ifscore.networkpolicy.connecthost | Can only be set if network policy and internetAccessExceptionList is enabled. The IP's of servers that can have service that the ifsapp-connect pod need to reach. This IP will be opened even if behind a restricted subnet (internetAccessExceptionList) |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true connecthost: internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: |
ifscore.networkpolicy.systemurlhost | Can only be set if network policy and internetAccessExceptionList is enabled. If the IP of system_url is behind a internetAccessExceptionList subnet and a pod with internet access need access to the system url, this IP will be opened even if behind a restricted subnet (internetAccessExceptionList) |
ifscore: networkpolicy: enabled: true systemurlhost: internetAccessExceptionList: - ip: - ip: | | Set the ifssys-password for the IFSSYS user in the DB. | | | The iifsadmin-pw of the IFSADMIN is the initial user defined in IAM. This user is the only user that can logon to Cloud Web in a fresh installed system. With this user the additional users are defined in Solution Manager | |
Path to a.cer file or a key as a string The string certname1 can be named a more descriptive name read special section below. |
e.g. certificates.database.dbcert: /path/to/dbcert.cer |
global.certificates.database.certname1 | As a encryption certificate for the db connection are common for all pods the database cetificate is a global (ifscore) parameter. |
e.g. global.certificates.database.dbcert: /path/to/dbcert.cer |
Specific Certificate for pods¶
Certificates can be imported per pod, and will then be added to the java truststore (cacerts) at pod startup. Under each pod parameter section a certificate section can be added.
mycertintext: |
mycertfromfile: C:\remote\ifsroot\config\certs\mycert.crt
Note: All certificate names (e.g. mycertintext, mycertfromfile ) need to be unique over the entire ifscloud-values.yaml
Parameters for DB installer and DB import¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
dbInstaller.ifsappPassword | The IFS Cloud application schema owner's password. Used when creating the application owner in prepares.sql |
dbInstaller.deliveryPath | Path to DELIVERY or BUILD_HOME (this is normally passed as an argument since it should not be persisted in a ifscloud-values.yaml file.) | It default to the delivery or build home from where the installer was started. | | If the IFS Cloud schema owner is not IFSAPP, this parameter can set a different schema owner name | defaults to IFSAPP, All new system should use IFSAPP. |
dbInstaller.jdbcUrl | Only one of the jdbcUrl's is required. This param will win over the parameter. But the should be used if it is a simple jdbcUrl. | | | This is the default jdbcUrl used by all contaniers, it can/should also be used by the db installer. If the points to an Oracle RAC cluster or Oracle Dataguard the dbInstaller.jdbcUrl should be used to deploy to the DB. | |
dbInstaller.fileName | Full path to a file to be deployed. (this is normally passed as an argument since it should not be persisted in a ifscloud-values.yaml file.) | |
dbInstaller.sysAdminUser | Admin user (PDB common user) when running Prepare Database, i.e. used when deliveryPath is set and delivery contains prepare.sql. If no value is given, SYS will be used as fallback. | SYS |
dbInstaller.sysPassword | Password for the SYS Admin user (e.g. SYS) in DB. Only used when deliveryPath is set and delivery contains prepare.sql. If sysPassword not defined, prepare.sql as the admin user will not be run. (this is normally passed as an argument since it should not be persisted in a ifscloud-values.yaml file.) | |
dbInstaller.connectRole | If connection must be done as SYSDBA or SYSOPER, instead of NORMAL. Only relevant when action is FILEXEC. When running Prepare Database, the connect role is always set to SYSDBA | |
dbInstaller.ialOwner | If the IAL schema owner is not IFSINFO, this parameter can set a different schema owner name. | defaults to IFSINFO |
dbInstaller.extLogging | Extended logging. | defaults to N |
dbInstaller.waitingTime | Waiting time if locked processes, | default = 3600 (one hour) |
dbInstaller.dbServerSize | Number of parallel threads when running independent file types | default = 12 |
logFileLocation | Path to where all logs will be placed | defaults to %TEMP%/ifsinstaller_<namespace> --set logFileLocation=c:\logs | | Password when creating the user ifsiamsys in prepare.sql | Random value set as fallback in define.tem | | Password when creating the user ifssys in prepare.sql | Random value set as fallback in define.tem | | Password when creating the user ifsmonitoring in prepare.sql | Random value set as fallback in define.tem |
Parameters for AMM¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappamm.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Defaults to 1 Note: this container should not have more than 1 container running. | | ifsmon-password | ifsmon-password | | ifsmonitoring password | | | ifsappmonitor-pw | ifsappmonitor-pw | | ifsappmonitor password used by AMM to do login validation tests |
Parameters for BUSMOD¶
Should only be set if component PBIES is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappbusmod.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter | | busmod-aad-secret | busmod-aad-secret | | Password for the aad | |
ifsappbusmod.assServerName | Optional | The Fully qualified name of the Azure Analysis Service to connect to, required for v1 endpoints < 22R1 |
ifsappbusmod.authService | Mandatory | The authentiction url |
ifsappbusmod.appId | Required | The app id (client id) of the azure application registration that is linked to the service, this needs to be created before the service can be installed, this should be handled when a new customer is provisioned in azure. |
ifsappbusmod.tenantId | Required | The Azure tenant id where the app id (client id) is created |
Parameters for Power BI Service (PBIES)¶
Should only be set if component PBIES is active
Parameter | Required | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsapppowerbisvc.replicas | Optional | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter | | Mandatory | Name of the secret used to access Azure Active Directory (AAD) | pbies-aad-secret | | Mandatory | Secret to access Azure Active Directory (AAD) | |
ifsapppowerbisvc.serviceConfigEnabled | Optional | Indicate whether the service is configured or not, if false then the readiness probe will not fail. | Default set to false |
ifsapppowerbisvc.azureAdClientId | Required | The client id of the azure application registration that is linked to the service, this needs to be created before the service can be installed, this should be handled when a new customer is provisioned in azure. | |
ifsapppowerbisvc.azureAdTenantId | Required | The Azure tenant id where the client id is created | |
ifsapppowerbisvc.azureAdServicePrincipalObjectId | Required | The object id of the service principal of the Azure application registration | |
ifsapppowerbisvc.authConfigUserNameClaim | Optional | The claim of the OpenIdConnect token to use to send in the effective identity to an SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) when Row Level Security (RLS) is turned on for the model | Default set to |
ifsapppowerbisvc.authConfigCustomDataClaim | Optional | The claim of the OpenIdConnect token to use to send in the effective identity to an Azure Analysis Services (AAS) when Row Level Security (RLS) is turned on for the model | Default set to |
ifsapppowerbisvc.logLevel | Optional | The minimal level of messages that needs to be logged | Default set to warn |
Parameters for GRAPH¶
Should only be set if component graph is active
NOTE: This uses mounted secrets. Therefore, make sure that the secrets are properly configured in case the pod fails in the PodInitialization state at startup.
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappgraph.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappgraph.serviceConfigEnabled | Indicate whether the service is configured or not, if false then the readiness probe will not fail. | Must be set to true when deployed in an environment, Default set to false |
ifsappgraph.logLevel | The minimal level of messages that needs to be logged. | eg:- debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. Default set to warn | | Azure Cosmos Gremlin Host | eg:- | | Azure Cosmos Gremlin TCP/IP Port. | eg:- 443 | | Azure Cosmos Gremlin Database. | eg:- graphdb1 | | Azure Cosmos Gremlin DB Collection. | eg:- collection1 | | Unique ID given to the customer. | eg:- cust001 | | Type of the Database to use. | CosmosGremlin, Mongo. Default set to CosmosGremlin | | graph-cosmos-authkey-secret | graph-cosmos-authkey-secret | | Cosmos Gremlin Account Key | The Primary/Secondary (Read-Write) Account Key Should be specified here in plain text |
Parameters for SCIM¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappscim.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter | | The password for scimext-pw |
Parameters for IAM¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappsiam.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappsiam.ifsadminTempPasswordEnabled | Allows the temporary flag of ifsadmin password to be disabled when setting this to false | Default: true |
ifsappsiam.keycloakLogLevel | Sets the log level for keycloak | ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE and WARN Default: WARN |
ifsappsiam.forceRecreateDomain | Force the realm version back to zero so that all upgrade scripts are re-run upon start | Default: false | | This is the ifsiam-password for the IAM schema owner IFSIAMSYS | | | The ifsiam-admin-pw used to logon to the iam admin portal | | | The ifsreadonlysupp-pw is the password for the readonly user. | | | The ifsmon-password used by AMM to logon to DB with user ifsmonitoring (is always reqired by IAM) | | | The ifsappmonitor-pw used by AMM to do login validation tests with ifsappmonitor user (is always reqired by IAM) |
Parameters for DOC¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappdoc.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappdoc.techDocUrl | URL to techdoc | Leave empty, but can be set as e.g: |
Parameters for PROXY¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappproxy.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappproxy.basicAuthEnabled | true/false Allow basic authenitcation on integrations. |
Default: false Warning enabling basic authentication compromises system security! |
ifsappproxy.documentationLink | Can be set to a specific Technical doc. | Leave empty, but can be set as e.g: |
ifsappproxy.accessLogEnabled | true/false Enable access log on proxy |
Default: true |
ifsappproxy.logLevel | sets the proxy server error log level. | Default: warn Valid values are debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. NOTE: anything other than those above will stop proxy server starting. |
Parameters for ODATA¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappodata.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappodata.logLevel | sets the oData server error log level. | Default: warn Valid values are debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. NOTE: anything other than those above will stop proxy server starting. |
ifsappodata.maxPoolSize | Sets maximum connection pool size | Default set to 50 |
ifsappodata.minPoolSize | Sets minimum connection pool size | Default set to 1 |
ifsappodata.queryTimeout | Sets timeout for data retrieving requests | Default set to 299s |
ifsappodata.maxQueryTimeout | Sets max value for timeout of data retrieving requests | Default set to 5m |
ifsappodata.statementTimeout | Sets general timeout for any given request | Default set to 15m |
ifsappodata.integrationQueryTimeout | Sets integration timeout for data retrieving requests | Default set to 10m |
ifsappodata.integrationMaxQueryTimeout | Sets integration max value for timeout of data retrieving requests | Default set to 15m |
ifsappodata.integrationStatementTimeout | Sets integration general timeout for any given request | Default set to 30m |
Parameters for APPLICATIONSVC¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappapplicationsvc.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for CLIENT¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappclient.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for CLIENT SERVICES¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappclientservices.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappclientnotification.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for NATIVESERVER¶
Should only be set if component fndmob is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappnativeserver.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for NATIVEEXECUTOR¶
Should only be set if component fndmob is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappnativeexecutor.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Should only be set if component fndmob is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappnativenotification.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for CONNECT¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappconnect.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappconnect.enterpriseId | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsappconnect.connectQueryTimeout | Sets a time limit for data retrieval requests | Default set to 600s |
Parameters for REM¶
Should only be set if component fndrem is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsapprem.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
ifsapprem.entp_id | Sets the enterprice id | Mandatory if replicas >0 |
Parameters for RMPANEL¶
Should only be set if component rmpanl is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsapprmpanel.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Defaults to 1 |
Parameters for RMSYNC¶
Should only be set if component rmpanl is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsapprmsync.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Defaults to 1 Note: this container should not have more than 1 container running. |
Parameters for Sigining Service¶
Should only be set if component fnddss is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappsigningservice.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for REPORTING¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappreporting.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter | | Sets a key for encrypting reporting secrets in the IFS Cloud database. If this parameter is not passed a ramdom key will be generated. Note if this key is lost the reporting passwords need to be reentered in solution manager again, since the key is the only way to decrypt the secrets. That said - the parameter is more or less Mandatory. | e.g. 2a6f434d2f0689029b7da6856ca4ad11 |
Parameters for REPORTINGBR¶
Should only be set if component brbase is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappreportingbr.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Parameters for REPORTINGCR¶
Should only be set if component crystl is active
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappreportingcr.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Always set to 01 |
Parameters for REPORTINGREN¶
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsappreportingren.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Default set to global.replicas parameter |
Should only be set if component MXCORE is active.
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsmaintenixreportserver.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Always set to 1 |
ifsmaintenixreportserver.keycloakReportSuperAdminUser | The Keycloak admin user used for Jasper report | |
global.customContainerRegistry | A url of a custom docker container registry where Maintenix customized containers can be fetched from. Note: Always append a trailing slash. Note: the https:// is not part of the FQDN |
global.customImageCredentials.username | The service principal user name. Customer project provide user. | |
global.customImageCredentials.password | The service principal password. This password should be provided by customer project | |
ifsmaintenixreportserver.customRegistryEnabled | Defaults to false - if true the Maintenix image will be fetched from the customContainerRegistry | |
ifsmaintenixreportserver.imageVersion | The custom Image version |
Should only be set if component MXCORE is active.
Parameter | Purpose | Examples/Defaults |
ifsmaintenixappserver.replicas | Sets how many containers of this type should be started | Always set to 1 | | Optional if component mxcore is active If set, must be set to: ifsmtxapp-password |
ifsmtxapp-password | | Mandatory if component mxcore is active The password for mtx schema owner in the DB |
| | Optional if component mxcore is active If set, must be set to: ifsmtxapp-password |
ifsmtxapp-password | | Mandatory if component mxcore is active The password for mtx report schema owner in the DB |
global.customContainerRegistry | A url of a custom docker container registry where Maintenix customized containers can be fetched from. Note |