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File Executor

The IFS Cloud Installer supports single file execution by defining the file to be executed and by defining the parameter action=fileexec.

Example, running ActivateComponents.sql separately as single execution file:  
CMD> cd c:\exampletmp\deliveries\build_home\ifsinstaller   
CMD> ./installer.cmd `  
   --set action=fileexec `  
   --set dbInstaller.fileName=c:\exampletmp\deliveries\build_home\database\ActivateComponents.sql `  
   --set dbInstaller.password=example `  
   --set dbInstaller.jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" `  
   --set logFileLocation=..\..\..\logs\ifscloudinstaller  

Note: All or some of the parameters passed to the installer above can be stored in a values yaml file.
         e.g. > installer --values values.yaml --set action= fileexec --set dbInstaller.fileName= <build_home> /database/ActivateComponents.sql --set dbInstaller.password= <password>

Example, running prepare.sql separately as single execution file:  
CMD> cd c:\exampletmp\deliveries\build_home\ifsinstaller   
CMD> ./installer.cmd `  
   --set action=fileexec `  
   --set dbInstaller.fileName=c:\exampletmp\deliveries\build_home\database\_utils\prepare.sql `  
   --set dbInstaller.userName=SYS `  
   --set dbInstaller.password=example `  
   --set dbInstaller.connectRole=SYSDBA `  
   --set dbInstaller.jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" `  
   --set logFileLocation=..\..\..\logs\ifscloudinstaller `  
   --set dbInstaller.ifsappPassword=example `  
   --set ifscore.passwords.ifsiamPassword=example `  
   --set ifscore.passwords.ifssysPassword=example `  
   --set ifscore.passwords.ifsmonPassword=example  

Note: All or some of the parameters passed to the installer above can be stored in a values yaml file.
         e.g. > installer.cmd --values values.yaml  --set action= fileexec --set dbInstaller.fileName= <build_home> /database/_utils/prepare.sql --set dbInstaller.userName= SYS --set dbInstaller.password= <SYS password>

Parameters for db_deploy

Parameter Purpose Examples/Defaults
action For single file to be executed, then action should be set to "fileexec" --set action=fileexec
dbInstaller.fileName Full path to file to a single to deploy - also requires action=fileexec <build_home> /database/ActivateComponents.sql
dbInstaller.userName UserName defaults to IFSAPP
Password. If dbInstaller.password not defined, defaults to dbInstaller.ifsappPassword value  
dbInstaller.connectRole If connection should be done as SYSDBA or SYSOPER no value means NORMAL or
Full jdbc connection string. If the string can't be used (e.g. an Oracle RAC url or DB has different IPs from installer and k8s cluster) the dbInstaller.jdbcUrl can be specified to overide the string. jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= <HOST/IP> )(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME= <sid> )))
dbInstaller.extLogging Will generate verbose logging of DB deployment. defaults to "N"
--set dbInstaller.extLogging=Y
logFileLocation Top location for output logs during the execution. default to the OS temp folder, e.g. windows  %TEMP%/ifsinstaller_<namespace>
--set logFileLocation=C:/logs
optional if already defined above
Password when creating the application owner in prepares.sql Random value set as fallback in define.tem Password when creating the user ifsiamsys in prepares.sql Random value set as fallback in define.tem Password when creating the user ifssys in prepares.sql Random value set as fallback in define.tem Password when creating the user ifsmonitoring in prepares.sql Random value set as fallback in define.tem