System parameters are global parameters for the installation. These parameters defines the behavior in a wide range of areas like Background jobs, Reporting and User Assistance. The most important system parameters that are supposed to be set when configuring a new installed system before taking into operation are described here.
All system parameters:
Parameter |
Category |
Behavior |
Logging of background processes |
Background Jobs |
Logging of background processes. Default value is OFF. |
age limit in days for |
Background Jobs |
The age of completed background jobs to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). (Note: Background jobs marked as "Exclude From Cleanup" will not be removed.) |
Scheduled tasks process startup |
Background Jobs |
The values are ON/OFF and defines if the scheduled tasks process is started or not. Default value is ON. |
Number of background processes |
Background Jobs |
This parameter limits the number of job slave processes for the Scheduler. The maximum number of job slave processes for Scheduler is determined by the lesser of the values of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES and this parameter. This cannot be set to 0. Default value is 10. NOTE: This parameter is deprecated from Apps9 onwards since this does not make any impact to control the number of background jobs as it has been deprecated from Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) onwards. In future this will be obsolete in IFS Applications as well. Use JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES oracle parameter instead. |
age limit in days for inactive |
Background Jobs |
The age of inactive scheduled tasks to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
age limit in days for |
Background Jobs |
The age of background jobs with state "warning" to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 30 (days). (Note: Background jobs marked as "Exclude From Cleanup" will not be removed.) |
age limit in days for |
Background Jobs |
The age of background jobs with state error to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 180 (days). (Note: Background jobs marked as "Exclude From Cleanup" will not be removed.) |
tasks process startup interval |
Background Jobs |
This parameter defines how often the scheduled tasks process wakes up and checks if there are any scheduled tasks to submit on the batch queues. Default value is 60 (every minute). |
Connectivity Inbox process available |
Connectivity |
The values are ON/OFF and controls the use of IFS/Connectivity Inbox background job process. Default value is OFF. |
Connectivity Outbox process available |
Connectivity |
The values are ON/OFF and controls the use of IFS/Connectivity Outbox background job process. Default value is OFF. |
Connectivity Inbox process restartup |
Connectivity |
This is the number of seconds for the process running Inbox background jobs to wait before checking for new jobs to process. Default value is 30 (seconds). |
Connectivity Outbox process restartup |
Connectivity |
This is the number of seconds for the process running Outbox background jobs to wait before checking for new jobs to process. Default value is 30 (seconds). |
age limit in days for accepted |
Connectivity |
Age of accepted messages in the Outbox to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
age limit in days for accepted |
Connectivity |
Age of accepted messages in the Inbox to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
Cleanup age limit in days for Application Message Statistics | Connectivity | Age of Application Message Statistics to removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
Info Cards framework |
Custom Objects |
Info Cards framework enabled or disabled. Default value is ON. |
Tablespace for custom LOB's |
Custom Objects |
Default tablespace for Custom Objects LOB's |
Custom Fields framework |
Custom Objects |
Custom Fields framework enabled or disabled. Default value is ON. |
Tablespace for custom indexes |
Custom Objects |
Default tablespace for Custom Objects indexes |
Tablespace for custom tables |
Custom Objects |
Default tablespace for Custom Objects tables |
Conditional Fields framework | Custom Objects | Conditional Fields framework enabled or disabled. Default value is ON. |
Custom Pages framework | Custom Objects | Custom Pages framework enabled or disabled. Default value is ON. |
Data archive process startup |
Data Archive |
Data archive process started or not. Default value is OFF. |
archive process startup interval |
Data Archive |
This parameter defines how often the data archive process wakes up and checks if there are any data archive orders to execute. Default value is 3600 (every hour). |
Migration default tablespace |
Data Migration |
Default tablespace for tables used by the IFS Data Migration. Default value is ‘*’ (No tablespace defined). |
Data Migration default tablespace for dynamically created indexes |
Data Migration |
Data Migration default tablespace for dynamically created indexes |
Data Migration alternative user for replication jobs |
Data Migration |
Data Migration alternative user for replication jobs |
IFS EOI Model Name | Enterprise Operational Intelligence | Default IFS EOI model name |
IFS EOI Authentication Type | Enterprise Operational Intelligence |
Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) or Basic Authentication
(BASIC_AUTH). Default value is WIA. |
IFS EOI Base URL | Enterprise Operational Intelligence | Base URL to EOI |
Event Registry date and time format |
Event Management |
The date and time format used by Event Registry. This parameter controls the syntax when defining conditions in the Event Registry. Default value is YYYY-MM-DD HH24.MI.SS. |
Event Registry date format |
Event Management |
The date format used by Event Registry. This parameter controls the syntax when defining conditions in the Event Registry. Default value is YYYY-MM-DD. |
Event Registry time format |
Event Management |
The time format used by Event Registry. This parameter controls the syntax when defining conditions in the Event Registry. Default value is HH24.MI.SS. |
Server used for HTTP requests |
Sets the proxy to be used for requests of the HTTP or other protocols, excluding those for hosts that belong to the domain specified in "List of hosts and domains for which no proxy should be used". The proxy may include an optional TCP/IP port number at which the proxy server listens. The syntax is [http://]host[:port][/], for example, If the port is not specified for the proxy, port 80 is assumed. Default value is "*" (no proxy). |
List of
hosts and domains for which no proxy should be used |
A comma-, semi-colon-, or space-separated list of domains or hosts for which HTTP requests should be sent directly to the destination HTTP server instead of going through a proxy server. Optionally, a port number can be specified for each domain or host. If the port number is specified, the no-proxy restriction is only applied to the request at the port of the particular domain or host, for example,, When no_proxy_domains is NULL and the proxy is set, all requests go through the proxy. When the proxy is not set, UTL_HTTP sends requests to the target Web servers directly. Default value is "*" (no hosts or domains). |
Permission set to be granted Lobby presentation objects by default | Lobby |
Permission set to be granted Lobby presentation objects by default. No default permission set. |
Number of days ahead of expiration for subscription renewal prompt |
Object Subscriptions |
This parameter controls the number of days before the subscription renewal message should be sent for a subscription which is about to expire. |
Url or path of the company logo file used in quick print |
Output Channels |
This is initially automatically set during the Extended Sever installation but can be edited manually here. |
PSO Integration Queue ID | PSO Integration | Batch Queue ID for the PSO Integration. |
Replication process available |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and control the replication background process on a master site. The replication background process checks the replication queue. When the background process finds a row in the replication queue it creates a Connectivity message. Connectivity sends the message to the slave(s). The process is only needed on a master site. Default value is OFF. |
Replication process restartup interval |
Replication |
Controls the replication background process interval between wake-ups of the process. The process will sleep for the specified number of seconds before checking for a new row in the replication queue. The replication background process creates a connectivity message and place it in the connectivity outbox. The message will be processed by the connectivity outbox process. This means that the Connectivity Outbox process available parameter needs to be ON in order for connectivity to process the message. Default value is 30 (medium restart) |
age limit in days for replicated |
Replication |
Controls the cleanup of the replication queue and the cleanup of replication messages in the connectivity outbox and inbox. The cleanup only removes rows that have been successfully processed. The value is specified in days. Fraction of days is allowed. Default value is 0.007 days (1 minute). |
Log Replication Send warnings |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and controls if warnings on the receiving instance should be sent or not. Default value is ON. |
Log Replication Send information |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and controls if information on the receiving instance should be sent or not. Default value is OFF. |
Log Replication Receive warnings |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and controls if warnings, on the receiving instance should be logged or not. Default value is ON. |
Log Replication Receive information |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and controls if information, on the receiving instance should be logged or not. Default value is OFF. |
Collect Replication statistics information |
Replication |
Values are ON/OFF and controls the collection of statistics upon replication. Default value is OFF. |
Replication statistics date key format |
Replication |
Values are YYYY-MM-DD/ YYYY-MM-DD-HH24 and controls the sum up interval for the statistics. With a value of YYYY-MM-DD statistics will be summed up daily and a value of YYYY-MM-DD-HH24 will sum up the statistics hourly. Default value is YYYY-MM-DD. |
Report Plug-in output directory |
Reporting |
Path where the output of the report formatter plug-ins are saved. Default value is *. |
Enable bind variables for SQL Quick Reports in IFS EE |
Reporting |
This parameter prevents SQL Injection possibilities.The values are YES/NO.The parameter is default set to YES. |
Default paper format |
Reporting |
Values are A4/LETTER/OTHER and defines what paper format should be used by default when printing reports. This parameter will be overridden per user if specific settings of paper format are made for users. Default value is A4. |
Show only
the assigned logical printers and |
Reporting |
This parameter defines whether the default printer settings in APPSRV module are used. The values are YES/NO. If value is YES, the printers shown when ordering a report through the print dialog are filtered. i.e. Only the default physical printer and the logical printers assigned for the report/user are displayed. Default value is YES. |
age limit in days for printouts |
Reporting |
The age of printout logs to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
Cleanup age limit in days for reports in Archive | Reporting | The age of archive items to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 (days). |
Information Access Layer (IAL) |
Reporting |
The name of the Oracle user containing the IAL when enabled, or * if IAL is not configured. |
Information Access Layer (IAL) |
Reporting |
The values are ON/OFF and indicate the possibility to replicate objects. Useful when performing large updates to the database, to make sure there are no heavy background jobs performing replication activated in the meantime. Default value is ON. |
Fallback image path for Report Designer when image is not in the database |
Reporting |
If the image used in the report layout is not found in the database the location specified under this parameter is used to fetched the image. |
allowed XML size for Report Designer reports (KB) |
Reporting |
This parameter controls the size of the XML data, to prevent the out of memory crashes in middle tier. This limitation is checked before formatting the report from Report Formatter and if the memory consumption exceeds the allowed values, appropriate messages are shown to the user. The default values is 0 (zero), which is meaning that there is no limit. |
Breakpoint XML size for when to format Report Designer reports in memory
or using disk storage (kB) |
Reporting |
This parameter controls the Disc Cache. With it, you can make sure that small reports are handled in memory without being swapped out to disc. Disc Cache will slow the PDF generation down by 30%. However large reports needs to be swapped out to disc in order to save memory. The parameter sets the limit of XML data size (Kb). If the data is larger than this limit, the Formatting Processor (FOP) will use Disc Cache. A good setting for this is 100kB. This is also the default. |
machine name where the Crystal Web Service is installed |
Reporting |
The machine name to be used when accessing Crystal Web Service is installed. The default value is *. |
protocol of the Web Server where the Crystal Web Service is running |
Reporting |
The protocol to be used when accessing the Crystal Web Service. Normally this is the IIS default protocol. The default value is http. |
port for the above mentioned Web Server |
Reporting |
The port to be used when accessing the Crystal Web Service. Normally this is the IIS default port. The default value is 80. |
Virtual Directory name given to the Crystal Web Service in IIS |
Reporting |
The Virtual Directory name be used when accessing the Crystal Web Service. This is the name one would specify when installing the Crystal Web Service. The default value is IFSCRWebSetup. |
if web database access security check is required |
Reporting |
Specify if web database access security check is required when previewing/printing Quick Reports. Default value is NO. |
Default tablespace for dynamically created tables of IAL Owner Schema |
Reporting |
Default tablespace for dynamically created tables of IAL Owner Schema |
Extended Server Url |
Reporting |
This is initially automatically set during the Extended Sever installation but can be edited manually here. |
Make Report Designer PDF/A compliant |
Reporting |
Make Report Designer PDF/A compliant. Default value is NO. |
Information Access Layer (IAL) create empty table when exception in creating temp table |
Reporting |
Information Access Layer (IAL) create empty table when exception in
creating temp table. |
Information Access Layer (IAL) - Maximum occurrences of erroneous schedule jobs |
Reporting |
Information Access Layer (IAL) - Maximum occurrences of erroneous
schedule jobs. |
Set automatic rotate and center for Report Designer layouts |
Reporting |
automatic rotate and center for Report Designer layouts. |
Report rule advanced logging ON/OFF |
Reporting |
rule advanced logging. |
Default tablespace for dynamically created indexes of IAL Owner Schema |
Reporting |
Default tablespace for dynamically created indexes of IAL Owner Schema |
Default logical printer ID to be used when none of the Report level or User level default Logical printer value is not set | Reporting | Specifies the default Logical Printer to use in Print Jobs when no Logical Printer is passed or when no user, report or user/report default Logical Printer is defined. Default value is NO_PRINTOUT. |
Send a notification email when an archived report is distributed | Reporting | Specifies if to send a notification email to the distributed user(s) or users in a distribution group when a report is distributed. Default value is YES. |
Prevent overwrite of report life when RDF is deployed | Reporting | Specifies if to overwrite the modified report lifetime changed through Report Definition with the report lifetime specified in the RDF. Default value is NO. |
Message Queue for report email and routing | Reporting | Specifies the queue used by IFS Connect to send the generated report through email. This is also used to process the application message created when routing the report or the generated data through IFS Connect when printing to SEND_*_TO_CONNECT logical printers. Changing this requires a restart of the application server. The Default value is OUT1. |
Ignore security info for application owner |
Security |
Values are ON/OFF/SHIFT and indicate whether fetching of security information may be skipped when running the application as application owner. Ignoring the security information will lead to a faster login. Option SHIFT gives the possibility to control this setting at runtime by pressing shift during login. Default value is SHIFT. |
Cleanup age limit in days for Security Checkpoint Log |
Security |
The age of Security Checkpoint Log records to be removed by cleanup processes. Default value is 7 days. |
Security checkpoint framework available |
Security |
This parameter determines whether Security Checkpoint framework is used. Values are ON/OFF, default value is OFF. ON means that Security Checkpoint Gates in the server code should be checked. OFF means that no Security Checkpoint check is performed. |
Security Checkpoint username timeout |
Security |
Security Checkpoint username timeout. Default value is -1 |
Number of days to keep streams messages before removal |
Streams | This parameter controls the number of days streams messages should be kept. Any messages older than this value will be removed by the cleanup process |
Default file encoding for files read/written by Oracle |
System Settings |
This parameter controls which default character set a file will be written by Oracle Database server using UTL_FILE is using if Database_SYS package functionality. Default value is Oracle Database Character Set. Valid values are any Oracle Character Set. |
Location to store BLOB data |
System Settings |
Values are EXT/INT/ASK and controls where the BLOB data should be saved or if the user should be asked for each save. Default value is ASK. |
Stored decimals for objects using 'IFS Currency - Preserve Precision' |
System Settings |
Stored decimals for objects using 'IFS Currency - Preserve Precision' |
Microsoft Bing Map license key for Virtual Map |
System Settings |
Microsoft Bing Map license key for Virtual Map |
HTTP transfer timeout for outbound calls (seconds) |
System Settings |
transfer timeout for outbound calls (seconds). |
Delete Object Connections When Parent Objects are Deleted |
System Settings |
If set as 'ON', the connections between the parent and attachments will be deleted when deleting parent objects. For example, if a business object which has attached documents is deleted, the connections between the business object and attached documents will be deleted, not attached documents. Default value is 'OFF'. |
Debugging allowed, |
System Settings |
This parameter controls whether it is allowed to do Remote Debugging or not in this installation. The values is ON/OFF, default is OFF. It is recommended to set this parameter to OFF for production installations. |
SQL Trace allowed | System Settings | Should be OFF for production installations |
Profiling allowed | System Settings | Should be OFF for production installations |
System Settings Profiling directory, where the profiler writes its files | System Settings | Not used |
Name of the Application Owner | System Settings | Default Application Owner is IFSAPP |
Name of the field that uniquely identifies an object in GIS Map | System Settings | This parameter identifies the field name on GIS Objects in ArcGIS and where IFS business object ID is stored. Default value for the field name is IFSID. |
Customer Id to connect RCM Toolkit | System Settings | Customer Id to connect RCM Toolkit. Only available when RCM Integration is installed |
Web service Token to connect RCM Toolkit | System Settings | Web service Token to connect RCM Toolkit. Only available when RCM Integration is installed |
In-Memory compression level | System Settings | The level of compression to use when tables are loaded to the In-Memory storage. For futher information see here |
Translation Environment Mode | System Settings |
This is for R&D Internal use only.
Values are SUPP/DEV and controls the translation admin functionalities in the Text Translations window. Default value is DEV. |
Touch Apps Extended Logging | Touch Apps | Values are ON/OFF and controls the logging details captured in the Mobile Logs. |
Touch Apps Push Data Available | Touch Apps | Values are ON/OFF and controls the Database Process for managing the Touch Apps Push Queue. |
Touch Apps Push Data Restartup Interval (seconds) | Touch Apps | Set frequency of the Database Process for managing the Mobile Push Queue. Default value is 30 seconds. |
Touch Apps Queue (Batch) | Touch Apps | Batch Queue ID for the Mobile Batch Synchronization. |
Touch Apps Queue (Push) | Touch Apps | Batch Queue ID for the Mobile Push Synchronization. |
Touch Apps Sync Service Timeout (seconds) | Touch Apps | Mobile Synchronization Timeout for the database to wait for a response from the Extended Server. |
Touch Apps Sync Warning Threshold (seconds) | Touch Apps | Threshold time for a single entity to be synchronized before a warning is written to the Mobile Logs. |
Base address for HTML help |
User Assistance |
Base URL for the top-tree of the application end-user documentation when HTML is used as on-line document format. Default value is *. |
Tips and Tricks |
User Assistance |
URL for Enterprise Explorer Tips & Tricks videos. The default value is |
Search dialog hints |
User Assistance |
Values are ON/OFF and control if the end users will receive hints in the search dialog or not. Note that it is necessary to generate Search Hint information to be able to use this feature. Default value is OFF. |
Search dialog Match case Default |
User Assistance |
Search dialog Match case. Default is ON. |
IFS Portal |
User Assistance |
IFS Portal. Default value is |
IFS online |
User Assistance |
URL for on-line helpdesk on Internet (towards vendor) or intranet (at customer side). Default value is and should be changed to enable usage of IFS Support. |
openIFS Community |
User Assistance |
openIFS Community |
Default server language setup
User Settings |
Controls the default language used in the server environment, when the client running the application defines no language. This parameter is to be used for translation test purposes. Default value is ‘en’ (English). |
tablespace for |
User Settings |
Controls which tablespace to use for new Oracle users created as an assigned Oracle user to a Foundation1 user. Default value is USERS |
tablespace for |
User Settings |
Controls which temporary tablespace to use for new Oracle users created as an assigned Oracle user to a Foundation1 user. Default value is TEMP |
Default profile for new Oracle users |
User Settings |
Controls which Oracle profile an Oracle user is assigned to when created. Default value is DEFAULT. |
Define the characters which should not appear in Key Fields |
User Settings |
This parameter can be set with characters which should not appear in the key fields. The key fields where the relevant business logic is implemented will not accept these characters and will return an error message. Moreover character ^ is the text separator in IFS so it will be validated internally and it is not required to be included.If multiple characters need to be restricted they should be enclosed within a pair of parentheses [ i.e - (XXX) ], in the default character set two periods '..' are restricted using this syntax. The Default character set is (..)&%_<>=;~” Use the special markers LF and CR to include Carriage Return and Line Feed respectively. Note: If ‘(‘ and ‘)’ are to be used as restricted characters, they have to be included as ‘((‘ and ‘))’ respectively. |
Endpoint of the registered QnA service | IFS Aurena Bot | The endpoint of the customer-specific QnA service registered through QnA Maker. <protocol>://<QnA Service> . This should be entered by the System Administrator. |
The QnA service Endpoint API Key | IFS Aurena Bot | This is the customer-specific QnA Service Endpoint API Key used for Authorization which required by the IFS Aurena Bot Service to initiate a connection with Customers' QnA service. An administrator should add this to system parameters. |
The secret of the Direct Line channel | IFS Aurena Bot | IFS Aurena Bot client uses the Direct Line channel to make a connection to the Bot Service. An administrator should add this to system parameters and can get this key from Manage Service Team. |
IFS Application Identification | IFS Aurena Bot | This is an identifier to uniquly identify the IFS Application installation. To add or update the system parameters, Administrators can get this key from Manage Service Team. <SYSTEM_ID> |