Define Location for Scheduling


This activity is used to define Scheduling Information for a Location.

The Availability Defined flag describes the availability of the Location. The values are set according to the following logic:

 Location Types are not mandatory when creating scheduling details for a Location, but act as a template for Add Time Minutes, Lack of Coverage, Do on Location Incentive, and Duration Overhead on the location. The location types can be setup in Define Location Type and the information inherited from the Location Type can be amended for each location. It is also possible to define Availability Patterns for a Location Type. These patterns will not be inherited to / visible on the Location, but will be used by scheduling, if no availability has been specified on the location itself.

It is possible to group locations by defining a locality for the location. It is possible to make a distinction between a location and a locality, by making use of the Do In Locality Incentive. The Do In Locality Incentive can be used together with the Do on Location Incentive. Let's assume we have an apartment building where each apartment has a different location, but all of the apartments in the building have the same locality. By using the Do In Locality Incentive, it is possible to set a hard constraint on the location and a softer constraint on the locality, and make the scheduling engine schedule work within the same location (i.e. apartment) together but not necessarily all work in the building at once.
If the Do In Locality Incentive is not set then the Do on Location Incentive will apply for both locations and localities. Recommended values for Do In Locality Incentive are -1 or anything between 1 and 2. A value greater than 1 will act as a multiplier.

For more information about Locality refer to Define Locality.

For each location there are three tabs where additional scheduling information can be added.


System Effects