Create invoices

You can manually create invoices in Maintenix.

  1. On your to-do list, My Open PO Invoices tab, click Create Invoice.
  2. On the Create Invoice page, provide the requested information and click OK.
  3. On the PO Invoice Details page, click Add Part PO Invoice Line.
  4. On the Part Search page, enter your search criteria and click Search.
  5. From the search results, select a part and click Assign Part.
  6. On the Add Part PO Invoice Line page, provide the requested information and click OK.
    Note: You must add every part number for the invoice. This is done automatically if you selected the purchase order when creating the invoice.
  7. If you want to add non-part items to the invoice, click Add Miscellaneous PO Invoice Line on the PO Invoice Details page.
  8. On the Add Miscellaneous PO Invoice Line page, provide the requested information and click OK.
    Note: You must list every non-part line from the invoice. This is done automatically if you select the purchase order when creating the invoice.