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Stream Notifications



Stream notifications can be used by events to notify when a print job is successfully completed or if it completes with an error.

Notify when a print job is completed

You can use the PDF_REPORT_CREATED event to send a stream notification when a print job is successfully completed. You can add an event action as shown below to setup this event.

Stream Completed Print Job

Stream Completed Print Job

EventAction Type In order send a stream message this should be set to Streams Message.
Perform upon Event Set to PDF_REPORT_CREATED event so that a stream message is triggered when a print job is successfully completed.
Action Description Add a meaningful description which describes the event action.
From The user the stream notification is sent from.
To The user the stream notification is sent to. This is normally the logged in user.
Subject The stream notification subject.
Message The stream message body.

Notify when a print job ends with and error

You can use the PDF_REPORT_ERROR event to send a stream notification when a print job is set to error state. You can add an event action as shown below to setup this event.

Stream Error Print Job

Stream Error Print Job

Action Type In order send a stream message this should be set to Streams Message.
Perform upon Event Set to PDF_REPORT_ERROR event so that a stream message is triggered when a print job is set to error state.
Action Description Add a meaningful description which describes the event action.
From The user the stream notification is sent from.
To The user the stream notification is sent to. This is normally the logged in user.
Subject The stream notification subject.
Message The stream message body.

Notify when a scheduled report is completed

Fill out the necessary information on how the report should be scheduled.

Stream Schedulled

Switch on Send Stream Notification toggle button and enter a note to enable a stream notification to be triggered when a scheduled report is successfully executed.

Stream Schedulled