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Primitive datatypes, typically set on attributes, specifies the type for a single value.

attribute Name Text {  
   maxlength = 50;  
attribute RunwayLength Integer;  
attribute Temperaure Number(4,2);  
attribute NextMaintanance Date;  

Enumerations are specified by their underlying type, as defined in the enumeration model.

attribute TransportedAs Enumeration(DeliveryType);  

Record Structures are specified by the structure name. For example:

function DefaultRepresentativeRole Structure(Person);  

Entities are specified by their underlying type, as defined in the corresponding entity model.

function DefaultRepresentativeRole Entity(Person);  

All of the above datatypes can also be passed as arrays. For example:

function DefaultRepresentativeRole<>ListEntity(Person);  


attribute TransportOptions <>ListEnumeration(DeliveryType);  

Attributes can also be of a complex type, such as Currency or Measure.

Note! Default type is Text with unlimited number of characters, unless maxlength is specified.