Client ControlsΒΆ
Below is a list of client controls available within the IFS Aurena Framework:
- Address Field
- Arrange
- Badge
- Boolean
- Box-matrix
- Calendar
- Card
- Charts
- Color Picker
- Command
- Computed Field
- Contact Widget
- Currency Measure
- Date Range Field
- Date Time Picker
- Dialog
- Field
- Fieldset
- Free Text Field
- Gantt Chart
- Grouping Field Set
- Grouping Field
- Item Picker
- List
- List of Values
- Markdown Text
- Message Box
- Multiline Field
- Panel
- Process Viewer
- Progress Field
- Radio Button
- Rating Control
- Search Context
- Section
- Selector
- Sheet
- Signature
- State Indicator
- Static Field
- Timeline
- Toast
- Tree
- Tree Diagram