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Setup Services Layer

Field Overview

  • Local IFS HOME:
    Folder where the bundled Application server will be installed. As well as an instance per project. C:\ifs_ds is the default folder.

Application Server

  • IFSSYS Password:
    Password to the IFSSYS user for the Main Database connection.
  • Connect As:
    User used by Application Server Tester to connect to the application server (AS)
  • URL of the team server used for this project, e.g.


  • IFSCONNECT Password:
    Password to the IFSCONNECT user for the Main Database connection.

Team Server

When a call to the local AS is made to a missing Handler, that call is seamlessly rerouted to the team server instead. Contrary to the local AS, the team should contain a full ifsapp. Or at least the Handlers that the local AS is missing.

Figure:  Setup Services Layer pane in the Project Wizard