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Time Clock Integration (TIMCLO)

This page includes the development guidelines about the Time Clock integration using REST APIs.

General Information

Time Clock setup should be completed as given in Setting up Time Clock (TIMCLO) and following prerequisites should be in place:

  • Basic data setup in the IFS Cloud (Human Capital Management > HCM Services > Time Management > Time Management Setting > Time Clock)
  • IAM Client Creation
  • Permission Set
  • User and Person Creation
  • Giving Company and Organization Access

TimeClockService projection is used for registering attendance, overview attendance and report shop floor operations from Time Clock.

TimeClockLovs fragment holds all the queries and entitysets used for LOVs.

Get Basic Data

Entity Sets

  • TimeClockTerminals - Specific settings that should apply for the Time Clock type user
  • TimeClockTypeDetails - Buttons for each Time Clock type. Each button is connected to a system defined Time Clock object
  • TimeClockObjectLibs - Rules used to build up the functionality behind a button
  • TimeClockDetailItems - Settings for data fields that should be available for buttons in the Time Clock
  • TimeClockGenerals - Settings for card reading connected to Time Clock user
  • TimeClockTypes - Different types of Time Clock terminals
  • EmployeeCardDataSet - Employee Card Data
  • ClientTextTranslations - Translations of text in client
  • LovPromptTranslations - Translations of title of lov
  • TimeCardWeekDataSet - Employee's attendance information for a selected week
  • AbsenceLimits - Employee's used and unused absence limits as valid on a selected date
  • Balances - Employee's time balance information as valid on a selected date
  • EmpSched - Employee's schedule information for a selected week

For more information please refer API documentation of TimeClockService projection.

Report Time and Attendance


  • Arrival - Registers In clocking
  • Departure - Registers Out clocking
  • AbsenceRequest - Registers absence requests for the employee
  • FutureAbsence - Register employee absence for a future period
  • InBalance - Accrues hours to a balance ID when employee clocks-in to work
  • ManualResult - Registers attendance results for employee's using the Time Clock. That is, instead of inserting clocking records, employees can directly enter the wage code result
  • ArrivalAndDeparture - Register attendance intervals
  • OutBalance - Accrues hours to a balance ID when employee clocks-out from work
  • GetTimeCardSummary - Gets summarized information of selected week
  • PrepareEmpSchedule - Gets the date that the week ends on
  • ConfirmTimeCard - Confirms the attendance
  • RemoveConfirmTimeCard - Removes confirmation on already confirmed days

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ Arrival


  • GetTimeClockTermminal - Gets Time Clock Terminal of passed TimeClockId or set of Time Clock Terminals without TimeClockId
  • RttNameQuestion - Gets an employee's name using the employee ID
  • RttArrivalQuestion - Gets the time of the employee's in-clocking
  • CardDrivenData - Gets employee information from employee card number
  • GetCompanyIdFromEmp - Get Company Id of employee
  • GetCurrentUser - Gets the current user based on credentials signed in
  • GetServerTime - Gets date and time of server
  • GetNormalLimit - Gets any errors when clocking in and out for limit for clocking without absence
  • GetTimeCardInitData - Gets data required for initial loading of Time Card for current week
  • GetAbsenceLimitsInitData - Gets data required for initial loading of Absence Limits
  • GetBalancesInitData - Gets data required for initial loading of Balances
  • GetEmpSchedInitData - Gets data required for initial loading of Employee Schedules for current week

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ GetCurrentUser()


  • TimeCardInitDataStructure - Structure to load data required for initial loading of Time Card for current week
  • TimeCardSummaryStructure - Structure that contains summarized information of selected week
  • AbsenceLimitsInitDataStructure - Structure to load data required for initial loading of Absence Limits
  • BalancesInitDataStructure - Structure to load data required for initial loading of Balances for current date
  • EmpSchedInitDataStructure - Structure to load data required for initial loading of Employee Schedules for current week

LOV Entity Sets

  • TimeClockPersonCompanies - Companies
  • TimeClockCompanyPersons - Employees
  • TimeClockCompanyOrgs - Organizations
  • TimeClockDayTypes - Day types
  • TimeClockInTypes - Types of clocking-in using Time Clock
  • TimeClockOutTypes - Types of clocking-out using Time Clock
  • TimeClockOvertimeTypes - Types of overtime
  • TimeClockWageCodes - Wage codes
  • TimeClockAbsenceTypes - Absence types
  • TimeClockSubstitutionCompanyPersons - Employees to substitute during the requested absence period of an employee
  • TimeClockAbsenceWageCodes - Absence Wage codes
  • TimeClockBalanceWageCodes - Balance Wage codes
  • TimeClockAbsenceReasons - Absence reasons
  • TimeClockOnDemandAbsenceTypes - On demand absence types

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ TimeClockPersonCompanies

Shop Floor Reporting


  • JoinTeam - Registers that an employee has joined a Team
  • LeaveTeam - Register that an employee has left a Team
  • ReportQtyComplete - Reports completed quantity of an operation
  • ReportQtyScrap - Reports scrapping from manufacturing
  • StartIndirectJob - Registers that a team or an employee has started working on an indirect job
  • StartMachineDowntime - Registers that the downtime has started on a work center resource
  • StartOperation - If TimeTypeDb attribute is 'RUN_TIME' it registers that a production has started on one or several operations. If TimeTypeDb attribute is 'SETUP_TIME' it registers that a setup has started on one or several operations
  • StopIndirectJob - Registers that a team or an employee has finished working on an indirect job
  • StopMachineDowntime - Registers that downtime has stopped on a work center resource
  • StopOperation - If TimeTypeDb attribute is 'RUN_TIME' it registers that a started production stopped on one or several operations. If TimeTypeDb attribute is 'SETUP_TIME' it registers that a started setup stopped on one or several operations
  • ClockIntoTeam - Clocks in to team
  • AutoResumeTeamOps - Resumes team operations automatically

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ JoinTeam


  • GetDowntimeCause - Gets the downtime cause for the selected resource
  • AskForResumeOperations - Gets operations to be resumed
  • GetAndSetOperationInfo - Gets operation related information
  • GetJoinTeamInitData - Gets data required for executing Join Team function

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ GetDowntimeCause(Contract='1', WorkCenterNo='99', ResourceId='99')


  • AskForResumeOpStructure - Structure containing operations to be resumed
  • JoinTeamInitDataStructure - Structure to load data required for executing Join Team function

LOV Entity Sets

  • TimeClockUserAllowedSites - Allowed sites for user
  • TimeClockScrappingCauses - Scrapping causes
  • TimeClockActiveMachineDowntimeWorkCenters - Active downtime causes
  • TimeClockWorkCenters - Work centers
  • TimeClockIndirectJobs - Indirect jobs
  • TimeClockWorkCenterResources - Work center resources
  • TimeClockShopFloorEmployeeSites - Sites of employee
  • TimeClockOpInterruptionCausePerSites - Interruption causes
  • TimeClockActiveMachineDowntimeResources - Work center resources at machine downtime
  • TimeClockSFRActiveMachineDowntimeWorkCenters - Active work centers at machine downtime
  • TimeClockActiveIndirectJobs - Active indirect jobs
  • TimeClockShopFloorTeamCompanies - Teams
  • TimeClockCloseOperations - Close Operation statuses
  • TimeClockLaborTimes - Labor Time statuses
  • TimeClockMachineTimes - Machine Time statuses
  • TimeClockShopOrderOperations - Shop order operations information
  • TimeClockActiveShopOrderOperations - Active shop order operations information
  • TimeClockStopClockings - Stop clockings statuses
  • TimeClockStopEmpClockings - Stop employee clockings statuses

Example: /int/ifsapplications/projection/v1/TimeClockService.svc/ TimeClockUserAllowedSites