How to Build in General

The building is performed on a set of fetched and selected components and will produce a result set in a build destination catalog. Several build options exits and what can be build options are dependant on what has been fetched for the components that are currently in the selection.

This sections describes building without any assumptions on what you want to do. For tailored scenarios you can go directly to these

The build can be done in four different ways:

For details see Page: Create Build Structure And Compile

Prerequisites for building

The components that you plan to build has to be already fetched and selected.

The way you plan to build has to match what has been fetched for the components.

To be able to compile Java and C#, IFS Base Functionality (Fndbas) must be included in the build or already built to the destination.

Actions to perform

  1. Select the page header Create Build Structure And Compile.
  2. Select from Components Folder what to build.
    1. [path]\Components for components fetched in Fetch Mode All Files.
    2. [path]\LNG_Components for components fetched in Fetch Mode Only Language Files.
    3. [path]\UPD_Components for components fetched in Fetch Mode Only UPD.
    4. Use browse to point out a components folder structure, manual build.
  3. Create and select a build destination <build_home> using the browse in Build Destination field, e.g. <workspace>\build_home.
  4. Select the components to be included in build from the Select Components to build: list.

    Normally all components should be included. You can use Select All, Unselect All, Filter to speed up selection. Use click, shift-click, or ctrl-click to make your selection.
    If you select Filter the components to be built will be filtered according to the loaded Customer Configuration File.

  5. Select the build options to be included in build from Select Build Options: list.

    Normally all build options should be included. You can use Select All, Unselect All to speed up selection. Select manually the options that should be included.

  6. Select the languages to included in build from Select Languages: list.

    English (US) will always be included, and cannot be excluded, except when building from LNG_Components. English (US) means that [component]_*-en.trs and [component]_*.lng files will be built into build destination. The Client column for each included language can be selected. When not selected, the specific language will not be generated for client runtime although the translations will be installed to the <build_home>. You can use Select All, Unselect All, Filter to speed up selection. Select the languages that should be included. If you select Filter the languages to be included and the Client language will be filtered according to the loaded Customer Configuration File.

  7. Select in Compile Options if compilation should be started after build is ready.

    If the script build.cmd is not available in the included components (fndbas/build) nor in the build destination (<build_home>\build) the selections will be disabled and values ignored in the build process.

    ConfigBuilder will start the script that will in turn start the compilation scripts. If the compilations scripts are not available in build destination after the build, the script will prompt a message about missing script(s).

    1. To get all java sources for Server and Web compiled select Java.
    2. To get all C# sources for Enterprise Explorer compiled select C#.
  8. Select in When Error whether the build process should stop if an error occur or continue and log the error in the log file.
  9. Click the Build button.

    IFS Configuration Builder will now check that all component dependencies are fulfilled.

  10. If an unresolved dependency is found the Dialog: Unresolved Connections will appear.
  11. Dialogs may appear for choices defined by each component. See Dialog: Predefined Options
    1. When component docvue is included Dialog: Predefined Options for Docvue will appear.
    2. When component fndmws is included Dialog: Predefined Options for Fndmws will appear.
    3. When component payint is included Dialog: Predefined Options for Payint will appear.

Post Build Folder Structure

The structure created by the build operation in <build_home> e.g. <workspace>\build_home is described in Folder Structure for Builds.

Manual Compilations

How to perform compilations of sources manually is described in How to Compile Source Code

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