Upgrade from IFSAPP9 to IFSAPP10


    Steps to uplift IFSAPP9 client code to IFSAPP10.

  1. Download App9 customization project.
  2. Copy _Cust folder and navigator-functional_Cust.xml and paste it into App10 folder structure.
  3. Open customization project in Visual Studio inside App10 workspace and open all forms at least once in design mode to update designer files with new changes.
  4. Compile and resolve compile errors. (Resolving errors need to be done manually, case-by-case)
  5. Update Navigator
  6. Update Dictionary
  7. Update Presentation Objects.

    Hints on resolving possible errors.


[FndWindowRegistration("COST_STRUCTURE_ITEM", "CostStructureItem", "", FndWindowRegistrationFlags.None, false, "")]

Above constructor is no longer available and hence should be corrected as

[FndWindowRegistration("COST_STRUCTURE_ITEM", "CostStructureItem")]


Note: You can get an idea of how core forms have been changed from App9 to App10 beforehand from Update Analyzer.

    Updating the Navigator

Use Edit Navigator functionality available with IFS Development Tools in Visual Studio to modify navigator with the newly added and changed windows. More information on updating the navigator is available here.

    Updating the dictionary

After the move process, the client dictionary needs to be updated. It's done by running the Generate Dictionary functionality available with IFS Development Tools menu in Visual Studio. Make sure to add both core and customization projects to the scanning process. More information on generating the dictionary is available here.

    Updating presentation object repository

Presentation object corresponding to the moved item and the renamed item should be updated by scanning both Core and Customization layers. After the scan, the updated presentation object and its dependency information will end up in <module>PresObjectRepository_<layer>.ins file. Old entries will get removed from <module>PresObjectRepository.ins. After running through this process, developer should carry out necessary updates to permission sets in order to reflect new changes and make sure that the functionality remains intact. More information on presentation object scanning can be found here.