Quarantine inventory

When you inspect newly received inventory and you find discrepancies such as missing documentation, or a difference in the type of repair an item requires, quarantine the inventory until the discrepancies are resolved. Items can be quarantined at any time.

  1. Find the inventory item by doing one of the following:
    • On your to-do list, Inspection Required tab, Pending Expiry tab, or Unserviceable Staging tab, select an inventory item, and click Quarantine Inventory.
    • On the Inventory Details page, click Quarantine Inventory.
  2. On the Quarantine Inventory page, provide the information requested, and click OK.
  3. If prompted, enter your password and click OK.
  4. Optional: Click Print Quarantine Tag.
After you mark the inventory as quarantined, you must physically place the inventory in your organization's quarantine holding area.