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Installing behind a Proxy (Optional)


When accessing through the internet proxy, the URLs under need to be whitelisted.

Steps for Installing behind a Proxy

  1. The Management Server by default will NOT use the Windows Proxy Setting. Run the following command first to make it work:

    ps> $env:HTTP_PROXY="<proxy server>" ps> $env:HTTPS_PROXY="<proxy server>" ps> $env:NO_PROXY="<local ip range>"

  2. The following configurations in the Linux Middle-Tier Server VM are required.

    2.1. Test if proxy is working:

    curl -v -x http://proxyhostname:3128

    2.2. sudo vim /etc/environment and set below variables.

    HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxyhostname:3128 HTTP_PROXY=http://proxyhostname:3128 NO_PROXY=,,, https_proxy=http://proxyhostname:3128 http_proxy=http://proxyhostname:3128 no_proxy=,,,

  3. Open a Powershell Window in Windows Management Server ifsroot folder, then run ./main.ps1 to install the Remote Deployment Option which will install microk8s.

  4. Copy kubernetes config file from ifsroot\config to C:\Users\<user>\config, otherwise the installation script run fails as not able to connect to microk8s on the middle-tier server.

  5. At this point the pods on the middle-tier server are running, however if the PodCidrRange in the main-config.json file have been updated from default value, the following script should be executed to update the pod ip range in the microk8s: PS > .\main.ps1 -resource 'CHANGE-POD-IP-RANGE'

  6. Go to Middle Tier Server and comment all proxy setting at /etc/environment.

  7. Now reboot the Middle Tier Server.

  8. Go back to the Management Server and run the IFS Cloud Installer command with action=delete option to delete the Middle Tier.

    cd .\deliveries\buildhome\build-home\ifsinstaller\ .\installer.cmd --set action=delete --values ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml --values ifsroot\deliveries\buildhome\build-home\ifsinstaller\solutionset.yaml

  9. Then run the IFS Cloud installer command with action=mtinstaller option to install the Middle Tier.

    .\installer.cmd --set action=mtinstaller --values ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml --values ifsroot\deliveries\buildhome\build-home\ifsinstaller\solutionset.yaml