Project Delivery (PDMPRO)ΒΆ
The component PDMPRO has been obsoleted in IFS Cloud and customers are recommended to use the Project Deliverables solution (PRJDEL). The tables in PDMPRO have been archived with prefix ''Pd_''. Note that there are no upgrade script available between the two solutions.
Followings are the list of names of the archived tables against the original name of the obsoleted tables in PDMPRO component.
Original Table Name | Archived Table Name |
Activity_Require_Info_Tab | Pd_Act_Require_Info_Tab |
Distribution_Part_Template_Tab | Pd_Dist_Part_Template_Tab |
Eng_Part_Master_Serial_Tab | Pd_Eng_Part_Master_Ser_Tab |
Material_Procurement_List_Tab | Pd_Mat_Procurement_List_Tab |
Pdmpro_Std_Planned_Cost_Tab | Pd_Std_Planned_Cost_Tab |
Procured_Material_Tab | Pd_Procured_Material_Tab |
Project_Function_Part_Tab | Pd_Pj_Function_Part_Tab |
Project_Function_Tab | Pd_Pj_Function_Tab |
Project_Part_Definition_Tab | Pd_Pj_Part_Definition_Tab |
Project_Prod_Str_Temp_Tab | Pd_Pj_Prod_Str_Temp_Tab |
Project_Product_Cost_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Cost_Tab |
Project_Product_Costed_Op_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Costed_Op_Tab |
Project_Product_Info_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Info_Tab |
Project_Product_Journal_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Journal_Tab |
Project_Product_Operation_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Operation_Tab |
Project_Product_Structure_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Structure_Tab |
Project_Spare_Tab | Pd_Pj_Spare_Tab |
Project_Tag_Tab | Pd_Pj_Tag_Tab |
Project_Technical_Calc_Tab | Pd_Pj_Technical_Calc_Tab |
Project_Temp_Structure_Tab | Pd_Pj_Temp_Structure_Tab |
Temp_Pdmpro_Cost_Element_Tab | Pd_Temp_Cost_Element_Tab |