A turn-in is a type of transfer that moves parts from a maintenance site to the warehouse. Turned in parts are routed to serviceable staging, unserviceable staging, or quarantine. Maintenix automatically creates expected turn-ins and turn-ins can also be manually created and completed.
Expected and pending turn-ins
Pending turn-ins are created when parts are removed. Many of these turn-ins are expected. When repairable inventory is issued to fulfill a part request, storeroom clerks expect that a part with the same part number will be removed and turned into the warehouse. So for every repairable inventory item that's issued, Maintenix creates an expected turn-in row on the Turn In tab.
- When inventory is issued but the removal is not yet performed, the row displays only information about the issued inventory. "Unknown" is displayed in the To Be Turned In columns. At this point the turn-in is expected, but not pending.
- When the removal is recorded, the row is updated. The To Be Turned In columns show the serial or batch number of the removed part and a pending turn-in transfer for the removed part is created. You can see a record of the pending transfer on the Inventory Details page, Open tab, Open Moves sub-tab.
When the removed part is physically passed from the maintenance site to the storeroom clerk, the clerk completes the turn-in. The row is no longer listed on the Turn In tab, but you can see a record of the completed transfer on the Inventory Details page, Historical tab, Movement sub-tab.
- If the task is canceled, this cancels the part request. The existing row on the Turn In tab is updated to show information about the issued part in the To Be Turned In columns. You can then complete the turn-in.
- If you turn in the issued inventory before the task is canceled, you manually update the turn-in with information about the issued part when you complete the turn-in.
Unexpected turn-ins
If a part is removed on a task and there is no expected turn-in, a pending turn-in is created for the removed part and a row is added to the Turn In tab. In Maintenix terms, this turn-in is out of sequence. In all likelihood, inventory will be issued later on the same task or on another task to replace the removed part so you don't want an expected turn-in created when the pending turn-in for the removed part is already created.
- On a task with a part requirement to remove and install.
- On a task with a part requirement to remove. (The install is on a separate task).
- When the part is removed, Maintenix adds a pending turn-in row to the Turn In tab. The To Be Turned In columns show information about the removed part but there is no issued inventory information and no expected turn-in date.
- When inventory is issued, instead of updating the existing row, Maintenix temporarily creates another row on the Turn In tab that shows only information about the issued part. However, this row disappears when the issued inventory is installed.
- Maintenix adds a pending turn-in row to the Turn In tab. The To Be Turned In columns show information about the removed part but there is no issued inventory information and no expected turn-in date.
- The task is completed and the removed part is turned in. The turn-in is now complete.
- A clerk issues inventory for a task with a part requirement to install a part in the same configuration slot. Maintenix checks for matching historical turn-ins and if any are found, displays them on the Unexpected Turn Ins page.
- The clerk can link to a historical turn-in or create a new expected turn-in. If the clerk links to a historical turn-in, Maintenix does not add a new expected turn-in row to the Turn In tab.
What turn-ins are displayed on the Unexpected Turn In page?
- The task that resulted in the removed part being turned in, is COMPLETE.
- The turn-in occurred the specified number of days before the issue date as configured in the UNEXPECTED_TURN_IN_SEARCH_DAYS configuration parameter.
Monitoring turn-ins
By default the Turn In tab displays only pending turn-ins that are expected because inventory was issued to a maintenance task. To see all pending transfers including turn-in of removed components that are not directly associated with an issue transfer, you can select the Include all turn-ins check box. Users that select this check box see the full list every time they log in.
The Expected Turn In Date column on the Turn In tab, is based on the number of days after inventory is issued for a maintenance task, that is specified by the EXPECTED_TURN_IN_DELAY configuration parameter. For this reason, expected dates are only show for turn-ins created when inventory is issued and not when parts are removed.
Manual turn-ins
On the Turn In tab, if you select a turn-in and click the Turn In button, this completes a pending turn-in. If you don't select a turn-in and you simply click the Turn In button, you get a page which you use to manually create and complete a turn in.
If you manually turn-in a part for which there is already a pending turn-in transfer, the manual turn-in is completed and the pending transfer is canceled. This is important to note if you prefer to use the manual page to scan in the barcode of an item that you need to turn-in.
You also do manual turn-ins when expected turn-ins aren't created, such as when a kit is issued but not used. Kits are not repairable, so Maintenix does not create expected turn-ins for them. (Although, expected turn-ins are created for all repairable inventory items inside kits).
Turn-in processing
- Turned in inventory is routed according to inventory
Turn-in condition and routing Condition Routed to RFI Serviceable staging REPREQ Unserviceable staging QUAR Quarantine RFB – when Ready for Build is enabled, inventory can be serviceable even though it's missing mandatory sub-components. You select the RFI condition when turning in RFB-condition items; they are routed to unserviceable staging and repair routers can see the reason for repair is RFB. Unserviceable staging - When you turn-in consigned components, with the ownership type of CSGNRCVD, Maintenix changes their ownership back to the vendor, and reduces the consignment owed quantity by the turned in quantity.
- If the inventory that you turn in does not exist in the system, and all mandatory fields in the Turn-in page are filled in, Maintenix creates a record for the inventory automatically, and sends an alert message to designated users and roles.
- When you create a turn-in for batch inventory, Maintenix tries to merge the turned-in items into their original batch. If this is not possible, then it creates a new batch for the turned-in items.
- When you turn in a kit, if there is a mix of serviceable and unserviceable repairable items, then instead of turning in the kit and all its contents at once, you can select all the RFI kit contents for turn in. The kit contents that you don't select are removed from the kit and remain on the Turn In tab. You complete these turn-ins, one item at a time, and select a REPREQ condition so that they are routed to the Unserviceable Staging tab.