Stock levels and lows

You can set stock levels for supply locations (airports) and for warehouses (serviceable store location types) to trigger automatic or manual replenishment of stock when a stock low is detected.

The actions that can be triggered when a stock low is detected depends on whether the location is a supply location or a warehouse:

  • When stock runs low at a supply location, it must be replenished from external sources (remote supplier).

  • When stock runs low at a warehouse location, it must be replenished from another warehouse defined as the supplier location (local supplier).

Figure: Remote and local suppliers

Supply locations

To replenish stock for a supply location or for a whole airport, you can set stock levels so that Maintenix automatically generates purchase orders or shipments from outside the supply location. When you set stock levels for a supply location, you also provide information that governs the relative importance of a stock number in the overall restocking strategy for your organization.

Warehouse locations

To replenish stock for a warehouse location, you can set stock levels so that Maintenix automatically generates stock distribution requests to transfer inventory from the supplier location to the warehouse to be replenished. In most cases, the main warehouse is the supplier for the line warehouse and for multiple shop warehouses.

Note: In Maintenix, warehouses are defined as serviceable store location types with a SRVSTORE location code.