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Aurena Native User Details

A mobile app User is created in IFS Cloud the first time the User connects from a mobile app.

Use the Aurena Native User Details screens to browse and manage mobile app users including Apps/Devices and viewing Installed Apps, Device Locations, Logs and Synchronized Entities.

See the Mobile App Framework Synchronization Guide and/or the Troubleshooting Mobile Apps for more information.

Aurena Native User Details

Aurena Native User Details displays the User ID, Description and State of the mobile app users that have connected to IFS Cloud from a mobile app.

Installed Apps

Installed Applications show all mobile apps that have been used on all devices that the mobile app user has connected to IFS Cloud with.

A mobile app record is created the first time a mobile app user connects with a new mobile app version or device.

Device Locations

Use this screen to view the historical GPS locations of the User/Device captured by the mobile app.

Note: Note that device locations will only be captured if they are allowed and enabled for the User/Device/Application.

Synchronized Entities

This screen displays all entities that have been synchronized for each User/Device/Application combination. It shows the date/time the entity was last synchronized and also displays the next time the entity is scheduled to be synchronized.


Each time a synchronization event occurs for a User/Device/Application a log record is created.

The log information can be of the type Info, Warning or Error.

Type Description
Info An Info log is written for all events as detailed in below synchronization events table
Warning A warning is written when an issue has occurred but the system is functioning such as device is disabled or when an entity is taking too long to synchronize
Error An error is written when an issue has occurred that prevents the client or server sending/receiving data such as failed executing query or error when synchronizing entity.

Synchronization events include (but not limited to):

Event Description
Application New Application registered for the mobile app user/device or the Application has been deleted
Metadata Metadata has been deployed for the mobile app
Device New device registered for the mobile app user/application
Pre Initialize Scheduled Activation processed for the mobile app user/device/application collecting data for downloading
Activation The mobile app user enters their User ID, Password, Service URL & System ID in a mobile app downloading all data for the first time
Initialization The mobile app user requests to re-download all data from within an mobile app
Batch Batch synchronization data is gathered for the mobile app user
Push Push synchronization data is gathered for the mobile app user
Synchronizing Synchronizing entity data

A Database Task exists to clean up Logs.  It is recommended to schedule this to ensure good performance of the system.

Action Commands

Enable User

It is possible to set the mobile app user state to "Active" if it is set to "Disabled" via the command Enable User.

Disable User

If a User is no longer allowed to use mobile apps then it is possible to set the mobile app user state to "Disabled" via the command Disable User. By doing this all Apps/Devices registered against the mobile app User will also be set to "Disabled" and the mobile app user will no longer be able to synchronize mobile apps.

Delete User

This will remove the User and related Synchronized Entity data.  The remaining data will be removed via the Clean Up Aurena Native Entity Sync Data schedule task. This can be done only if the user has been disabled first.

Sync Now

To be able to advance the batch synchronization process for a specific Entity, User, Device and App Version it is possible to select the record and use the command Sync Now. This will not alter the schedule configuration but will synchronize the selected Entities, Users, Devices and App Versions combinations. Only available in Synchronized Entities.