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BR Execution Server Monitoring Support

IFS Business Reporter Execution Server (BRES) supports two entries in the Application Monitoring Console that enables for the administrator to keep track of the current status.

Use this page to learn more about monitoring support for the BRES.

Monitoring Support

The IFS Business Reporter Execution Server supports the following monitoring events:

  1. Number of BR Execution Server(s) which are not responding for 15 minutes

    1. It is possible to use more than one computer hosting a IFS Business Reporter Execution Server, even if the general recommendation is to use only one.
    2. Each active BRES instance that has not responded for 15 minutes will be logged and information will be made available in Application Monitoring Console , as entry identity BRES_NON_RESPONDING_SERVERS in category BR.
    3. If a BRES is listed it will be necessary for the administrator to figure out why the server is not responding.
  2. Number of reports which are not responding in BR Execution Server(s)

    1. The event keeps track of BR reports that have been execution longer than the timeout value in seconds defined by the parameter Report Execution Timeout (sec)
      Will be available in Application Monitoring Console, as entry identity BRES_NON_RESPONDING_REPORTS in category BR.
    2. In monitoring entry details it is possible to see which reports that are have been terminated.
    3. Terminated reports needs to be examined.

When there are errors with reported errors we can take a look in the BR Execution Server Reports Queue page:

  • There are 6 reports in Rendering in Progress state, these reports correspond to the reported error reports.

To investigate what is wrong, one option is to download the report definition and the data used to render the report. This is done in the BR Execution Server Reports Queue page by using the command Export Report Template and Data Set. Once downloaded, click on the report and it will open in IFS Business Reporter and the rendering will take place. Investigate if there is something wrong with the design or if the reports gives some errors and then try to correct the report and republish it again.

For some reports it might be that the timeout has a too low value; then it is possible to stop the BRES instance, increase the timeout and then start the BRES again. There is however one important thing to consider. The reports that have been stopped will have the status Rendering in Progress. To make sure that they will be processed, set the status to Ready for Rendering in the BR Execution Server Reports Queue form by modifying Rendering Status column.

Report status changed to Ready for Rendering after having investigated the reports.

After changing the status and restarting the IFS Business Reporter Execution Server, all but one report has rendered successfully. The report with status Error must be investigated a bit further.