Below is a list of different monitoring concepts related to the area Application Monitoring Metrics.
The relationship between different concepts in the documentation.
A single string or numerical value available from the monitored system that can be consumed by a monitoring tool is called a metric.
A value that defines a limit. If the metric passes this value it will indicate a changed status.
Provides the status (Critical, Warning, OK, Unknown) for a metric based on supplied thresholds.
Service Groups¶
A service group definition is used to group one or more services together for simplifying configuration.
A logical description in the technical documentation describing how to determine a Service Group status.
Multiple Instances¶
Indicates if a specific Service Group may have several instances of the same type, i.e. In a clustered IFS Cloud installation one or several Managed Server instances may be defined. For each Managed Server instance one service instance need to be configured.
The recommended interval to query the system for a specific metric.
Use of concepts in documentation¶
Each Service Group is described using defined concepts under Metric & Service Groups.