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IFS Connect for HMRC Integration for Monthly Tax Return

The purpose with this document is to provide a guide on how to configure IFS Connect for HMRC integration with TEST and LIVE end points for supplier verification. Steps given below are for configuring TEST end point. Configurations can be done in the same for live testing.

Successful HMRC integration needs proper configuration of IFS Connect. HMRC monthly tax return is a two-step process.

  1. A synchronous request if sent to HMRC and wait until acknowledgment is received.
  2. An asynchronous request is sent to HMRC using the id received with acknowledgment to get the tax verification response back.

Note: Address chaining is used to handle the request and response between IFS and HMRC.

IFS Connect configurations for receiving acknowledgement - Synchronous Request

Routing Rule:


Routing Addresses:



Configure routing address - Example_Cis_Irmark_Tax

  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.
  2. Select Transport Connector as PLSQL and navigate to PLSQL Address Data and fill the information as follows.

    • Plsql Method - Tax_Ledger_Utility_API.Generate_Xml_With_Ir
  3. After saving add the transformer IFS_TO_HMRC_TAX

Configure Routing Address - Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax_Test_Server

  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.

  2. Select Transport Connector as HTTP and navigate to HTTP Address Data and fill the information as follows.

    • Sender Instance – HTTP sender

      • URL – HMRC integration submission end point -
      • Authentication Method – None

Configure Routing Rule - Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax_Test_Server

  1. Navigate to Routing Rules.

  2. Fill following information.

    • Direction – Outbound

    • Route From – Application Message

    • Queue – keep this field empty since first request is synchronous.

    • Destination Addresses

      Add Example_Cis_Irmark_Tax address and it should be the first address chain and should be set up as the main address.

      This will generate Irmark for the request XML

      Add Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax_Test_Server as the second address chain and set it also as the main address.

      This will send the final XML to HMRC.

    • Content Based Conditions -

      • Sender - TAX_CIS_UK
      • Receiver - HMRC_TEST

IFS Connect configurations for receiving response - Asynchronous Request

Routing Rule:


Routing Addresses:



Configure Routing Address - Example_Poll_Cis_Tax_Test_Server

  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.

  2. Select Transport Connector as HTTP and navigate to HTTP Address Data and fill the information as follows.

    • Sender Instance – HTTP sender
    • URL – HMRC integration poll end point -
    • Authentication Method – None

Configure Routing Address - Example_Receive_Cis_Monthly_Tax

  1. Navigate to Routing Addresses.
  2. Select Transport Connector as Projection and navigate to Projection Address Data and fill the information as follows.

    • Projection Method – Action
    • Projection Resource – CisTaxReturnService.ReceiveTaxResponse
    • Authentication Method – None

Configure Routing Rule - Example_Poll_Cis_Tax_Test_Server

  1. Navigate to Routing Rules.

  2. Fill following information.

    • Direction – Outbound

    • Route From – Application Message

    • Queue – OUT1.

    • Destination Addresses

      Add Example_Poll_Cis_Tax_Test_Server address and it should be the first address chain and should be set up as the main address.

      This will send the poll message to HMRC.

      Add Example_Receive_Cis_Monthly_Tax as the second address chain and set it also as the main address.

      This will receive the response from HMRC.

    • Content Based Conditions

      • Receiver - HMRC_TEST

IFS Connect configurations to delete user data from HMRC - Asynchronous Request

Routing Rule:


Routing Addresses:


Configure Routing Rule - Example_Delete_Cis_Monthly_Tax_Test_Server

  1. Navigate to Routing Rules.
  2. Fill following information.
    • Direction – Outbound
    • Route From – Application Message
    • Queue – OUT1
    • Destination Addresses – Add Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax_Test_Server address.
    • Content Based Conditions
      • Sender - CIS_TAX_DELETE
      • Receiver - HMRC_TEST

Configuring IFS connect for LIVE testing

Configuring IFS connect for live testing is similar as above setup. Only difference is set the receiver as HMRC_LIVE as the content based condition in routing rules.

Routing Rules Routing Addresses
Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax Example_Cis_Irmark_Tax
Example_Poll_Cis_Tax Example_Poll_Cis_Tax
Example_Delete_Cis_Monthly_Tax Example_Send_Cis_Monthly_Tax