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Analysis Models - Logs

This page provides information about available log functionality in IFS Analysis Models that supports Tabular Models framework.

The available logs provide information that can be useful when investigating errors or execution details.

Import Logs

When importing a tabular SSAS model to IFS Cloud, there will be an import log created.

After an import, e.g. via the Tabular Model page, use the Logs command to navigate to the Import Logs page where the log entry can be found.

Attribute Description
Model ID The IFS identity of the imported Tabular Model
Config Layer Configuration layer that applies for the model, e.g. Base means a standard model, Config means a configured model.
Import ID Identity of the import
Timestamp When the import was made
Database ID The identity of SSAS database. Either the true identity or the identity defined during import that should override the identity of the source database in SSAS.
Imported Model The imported model in JSON format (.bim file). Parts of the model can be viewed in a dialog by pressing the notepad icon.
User ID Indentity of the end user that performed the import.
Import Log The import log. Parts of the log can be viewed in a dialog by pressing the notepad icon.
Command Description
Download Model Downloads the complete Tabular Model in JSON format, i.e. the .bim file.
Download Log Downloads the complete import log file. Can be used to investigate import details.

SSIS Event Logs

Different actions in the Tabular Models framework, will trigger execution of SSIS packages. One example is when running a data load configuration.

E.g. look at a Data Load Run that has ended with the status Executed With Errors.

In the details there are some successful executions but also one Data Source that has executed with Failed state. Note the SSIS Execution ID = 10834.

Navigate to the SSIS Event Logs page,

To retrieve log information, use the Import SSIS Log command to start an import assistant.

Next navigates to the Set Parameters page in the assistant.

Supply the offset in the SSIS log and number of rows from that offset to be retrieved. SSIS generates a lot of log details which means that it might be difficult to find the needed log entry.  When the parameters are set, use Next.

A message will appear.

Verify that it is ok to continue and then finish the assistant.

The information retrieved to the SSIS Event Logs page contains a lot of information as defined in the SSIS log in SQL Server. We want to find the SSIS Execution ID from the Data Load Runs page in the column Operation ID in the log page. If the information is not found, move to the SSIS Custom Event Logs page instead.

TheSSIS Event Logs page also provides the following commands:

  • Delete All
    Deletes all retrieved log rows. Available on global level.
  • Delete all entries for selected operation
    Applies on row level.
  • Download Message
    Applies on row level.

SSIS Custom Event Logs

The SSIS Custom Event Logs page contain custom specific information logged during SSIS exeuctions in SQL Server. The level of detail is less than in the case of the SSIS Event Logs page.

In this log we can usually in the Operation ID column find the SSIS Execution ID from the Data Load Runs page (see images earlier on this page).

To retrieve the log information it will be necessary to do an import,

  • Use the Import SSIS Custom Log command
  • In the assistant, go to the parameters page and set the number of rows to retrieve and the start offset.
  • Accept to perform the import and finish the assistant.

In the retrieved log entries the requested information related to the SSIS Execution ID from the Data Load Runs page can be found.

Clicking on the notepad icon will open a dialog that views parts of the log information. This information is sometimes enough to get an idea of what went wrong when investigation SSIS execution errors.

TheSSIS Custom Event Logs page also provides the following commands:

  • Delete All
    Deletes all retrieved log rows. Available on global level.
  • Delete all entries for selected operation
    Applies on row level.
  • Download Log
    Applies on row level.

SQL Server Agent Job Logs

When performing actions related to Tabular Models in the Aurena client and the SQL Server is hosted on-prem, then some of the actions in SQL Server will be handled by running SQL Server Agent Jobs. This is e.g. the case when performing a data load run, which means that there is an agent job that will run a dedicated SSIS package to handle transfer of data from the IFS Cloud Oracle database to the SQL Server database.

The execution of SQL Server Agent Jobs are logged and can be retrieved and viewed in the SQL Server Agent Jobs page.

To retrieve the log information it will be necessary to do an import,

  • Use the Import Agent Job Log command
  • In the assistant, go to the parameters page and set the number of rows to retrieve and the start offset.
  • Accept to perform the import and finish the assistant.

TheSQL Server Agent Jobs page also provides the following commands:

  • Delete All
    Deletes all retrieved log rows. Available on global level.
  • Download Message
    Applies on row level.