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XML Plug-in

This is a plug-in that expects a xml stream and returns a xml stream. It can be used in order to get strong typed and/or flattened XML. In order to use it a number of properties has to be set in the rpl file.

Report Plug-in Layout

Layout properties

The required layout properties for the xml plug-in:

Name Value
plugin-type XML
plugin-class ifs.application.reportingservices.impl.extendedformatter.xmlplugin.XMLPlugin
output-extension xml

Plug-in properties

This plug-in does not use the properties tag of the report plug-in layout.

Plug-in data

This plug-in does not use the data tag of the report plug-in layout.

Plug-in variables

This plug-in does not use the variable tag of the report plug-in layout.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<layout-type>XML</layout-type> <!--SCRIPT,XSL,XML,EXCEL-->  
<output-method>FILE</output-method> <!-- BINARY,FILE,E-MAIL-->  
   <e-mail-subject>Email Subject</e-mail-subject>  
Email Body Content from the RPL  
<report-title>RPL LAYOUT</report-title>  
<!-- not used by this plugin -->  
<!-- not used by this plugin -->  
<!-- not used by this plugin -->   