Project Delivery (PDMPRO)ΒΆ
The purpose with this page is to provide information related to Project Delivery (PDMPRO) which is obsoleted from IFS Cloud 21R2 onwards.
The existing database tables of PDMPRO are archived with the prefix ''Pd_''.
Followings are the list of names of the archived tables against the original name of the obsoleted tables in PDMPRO component.
Original Table Name | Archived Table Name |
Activity_Require_Info_Tab | Pd_Act_Require_Info_Tab |
Distribution_Part_Template_Tab | Pd_Dist_Part_Template_Tab |
Eng_Part_Master_Serial_Tab | Pd_Eng_Part_Master_Ser_Tab |
Material_Procurement_List_Tab | Pd_Mat_Procurement_List_Tab |
Pdmpro_Std_Planned_Cost_Tab | Pd_Std_Planned_Cost_Tab |
Procured_Material_Tab | Pd_Procured_Material_Tab |
Project_Function_Part_Tab | Pd_Pj_Function_Part_Tab |
Project_Function_Tab | Pd_Pj_Function_Tab |
Project_Part_Definition_Tab | Pd_Pj_Part_Definition_Tab |
Project_Prod_Str_Temp_Tab | Pd_Pj_Prod_Str_Temp_Tab |
Project_Product_Cost_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Cost_Tab |
Project_Product_Costed_Op_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Costed_Op_Tab |
Project_Product_Info_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Info_Tab |
Project_Product_Journal_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Journal_Tab |
Project_Product_Operation_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Operation_Tab |
Project_Product_Structure_Tab | Pd_Pj_Product_Structure_Tab |
Project_Spare_Tab | Pd_Pj_Spare_Tab |
Project_Tag_Tab | Pd_Pj_Tag_Tab |
Project_Technical_Calc_Tab | Pd_Pj_Technical_Calc_Tab |
Project_Temp_Structure_Tab | Pd_Pj_Temp_Structure_Tab |
Temp_Pdmpro_Cost_Element_Tab | Pd_Temp_Cost_Element_Tab |