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Navigator Configurations

Configuring the Aurena navigator can be done with the Navigator Designer tool. With Navigator Designer you can do the following navigator configurations:

  • Change the label of a navigator node
  • Hide a navigator node
  • Add a new navigator node

Enable Navigator Designer

Navigator Designer is enabled through the user menu. Enabling Navigator Designer will replace the navigator pane with the Navigator Designer tool.

Work in Navigator Designer

Change a navigator node label

Navigator node labels can be changed by following these steps:

  1. Open Navigator Designer in the user menu
  2. Click on the navigator node you want to configure
  3. Update the Label field in the pane that opens up in the bottom of the designer.
  4. If the customer are running IFS Aurena in several languages, the translations for the changed navigator node need to be updated too. See Translate a configured navigator node.

Hide a navigator node

Navigator nodes can be hidden from the navigator by following these steps:

  1. Open Navigator Designer in the user menu
  2. Hover on the navigator node you would like to hide
  3. Click on the trash can icon. This will mark the navigator node with a strike through line in Navigator Designer indicating that the item has been hidden in runtime.

Add a navigator node

A new navigator node can be a navigation reference to:

  • An external URL
  • An Aurena page or assistant
  • A Custom Page
  • A Lobby page

or a menu node to create a new navigator folder.

Steps to add a node:

1.Open Navigator Designer in the user menu

2.Hover on the navigator node where you would like to add a subnode

  1. Click on ‘+’

4.In the dialog, set Client, EntryType, Label and Page for all PageTypes except for EntryType = MENU.

5.Save and Publish

Page References for Page Types

Page Type Page reference notation
MENU No Page is needed to be set here since this is a node not containing any navigation target.
PAGE Navigates to a page

Lets say a user wants to create a node to navigate in to /web/page/BackgroundJobsHandling/BackgroundJobsOverview
Since /web/page/[ client name ]/[ page name ],

Client = BackgroundJobsHandling
EntryType = PAGE
Label = Suitable text
Page = BackgroundJobsOverview
INTERNAL Navigates to an internal URL

Copy the URL in to the 'Page' field including nessosary parameters.

Page = page/ReportArchive/ReportArchive;$filter=ResultKey eq 15895
to filter on Result Key when navigating to the page.
You don't need to add the 'path' parameter. Fill in rest of the fields apropreatly.

Note that the 'Page' field have a maximum character limit of 250.
EXTERNAL Navigates to an external URL
Set the external page URL for the 'Page' field and set other fields apropreatly.

Note that the 'Page' field have a maximum character limit of 250.
ASSISTANT Navigates to an assistant

Lets say you want to create a node to navigate in to /web/assistant/ManageGeographies/CreateCountryAssistant
Since /web/assistant/[ client name ]/[ Assistant name ]

Client = ManageGeographies
Label = Suitable text
Page = CreateCountryAssistant
LOBBY Set the Lobby ID for 'Page' field, which is found in the Lobby page URL: /web/lobby/[ id ] and set other fields apropreatly.

Same way as with configurations made in Page Designer, Navigator Configurations can be made either in a Global Context or in additional contexts. See Configuration Context for more information about the Configuration Context concept.

Export and Import of Navigator Configurations

In the Navigator Configuration Overview page, all Navigator configurations are listed by Context. From here they can be added to Application Configuration Packages to take the navigator configurations between different environments.

Translate a Configured navigator node

See Translations in Configurations for information on how to add translations to configured items.