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Customization Development of Non-Layered Files


This section explains how customization development is done in non-layered files.

Customization Workflow of Non-Layered Files

  • Setup any required development tools.

  • Clone the customer-solution repository.

    git clone <cutomization_repo_url>
  • Create and checkout a topic branch.

    git checkout -b <topic_branch_name>
  • Download the core code zip file from the Build Place. The name of the download button will contain the customer-solution repository version.

  • Unzip it and find the relevant file that needs to be customized.

  • Create a directory structure similar to that of the above file's directory path, inside the cloned customization project folder.

  • Add a copy of the downloaded file to the directory structure created above.

  • Commit the above file to the remote branch created above (Refer here for the terminology of the commit message).

    git add .
    git commit -m "commit_message"
    git push origin <topic_branch_name> 
  • Create a Pull Request to merge the changes to the customer-solution repository master branch.

  • Approve the changes.

  • When completing the Pull Request, ensure that the 'Delete <topic branch>' option is unchecked.

  • Complete the Pull Request and merge.

  • Open the file using the relevant development tool and do the necessary changes.

    Eg: customer_solution\apppay\server\reports\layouts

  • Commit and push customization changes to the same remote branch that was used to commit the core code file (Refer here for the terminology of the commit message).

    git add .
    git commit -m "commit_message"
    git push origin <topic_branch_name>
  • Create a Pull Request to merge the changes to the customer-solution repository master branch.

  • Approve and merge the changes.


The reason for committing the core code file first and then the customized file in a separate Pull Request, is to separately identify the customization change in the respository.