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Set up IFS Connect for Forward/Line Maintenance integration with Maintenix

The installation automatically creates the IFS Connect sender, message queue, routing rules, and routing addresses required for communication between the Maintenix and Forward/Line Maintenance applications.

The following items are created during installation:

Description Items created
Connection Sender

A REST Connector Sender for Forward/Line Maintenance must be set up to send messages to the REST APIs that update information related to forward/line maintenance in IFS Maintenix.
Rule Name

An outbound routing rule needs to be created to send a request out of Forward/Line Maintenance.
Note: The MX_AMAPI_BATCH routing rule is currently required to set the new work package created in Maintenix on packaging a fault to the Committed status.
REST Routing Addresses

To send data from Forward/Line Maintenance to IFS Maintenix, the routing address of the REST endpoint must be specified.
Seven routing addresses are created:
You must update the following placeholder values for each routing address:
- Client Secret
- Rest Root Endpoint
- Token Endpoint
Callback Routing Address

IFS Connect needs another routing address to route the response from the first request into a common callback method.

The routing addresses are created with some placeholder values that you must replace.

Update REST Routing Addresses

To send data from Forward/Line Maintenance to IFS Maintenix, the routing address of the REST endpoint must be specified.

  1. Navigate to Solution Manager/Users and Permissions / Identity and Access Manager and open the IAM Clients page.

  2. Search for the Client ID: IFS_connect. Note the Secret. You will need this to update the routing address.

  3. Navigate to Solution Manager/Integration /IFS Connect and open the Routing Addresses page.

  4. In the Address Name filter, enter MX_APPLY_REFERENCE.

  5. Select the MX_APPLY_REFERENCE address, click Details, then click the Edit icon.

  6. In the REST Address Data, edit the following:

  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to create routing addresses for other required APIs changing field values as follows:

Address Name Rest Root End Point
MX_START_WP http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/amapi/maintenance/exec/work/pkg/{id}
MX_DEFER_FAULT http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/amapi/maintenance/exec/fault/{faultId}/defer-fault
MX_COMPLETE_TASK http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/mcmapi/maintenance/exec/task/complete
MX_COMPLETE_WP http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/amapi/maintenance/exec/work/pkg/{wpid}
MX_AMAPI_BATCH http://ifsmaintenix-appserver.<mxserver>/amapi/batch