Installing Languages¶
A couple of ways can be used to set up the application with languages.
The main options are through the installer and solution manager.
Installing languages through the installer¶
The simplest way to install languages is through the installer. This is done by creating a delivery that contains the required translation files.
To get the required languages and create the delivery the recommended way is to use the Used Languages self-service option in the Lifecycle Experience portal.
The installation process has two main steps.
- Importing the Translation Files into the database through the delivery using the installer
At delivery installation, the files are imported into the database. After the files are imported a background job is created to process the files.
- Background Job execution.
This is where the files are processed and the application is updated with the translations. The time taken for this can vary based on the number of languages and the number of components that are been processed.
It's possible to monitor the progress of the processing job through the background jobs page. Search for function "Language_Sys.Bulk_Import_Def_Call_".
- The background job can still be running when the environment is brought up after applying the delivery. However, the translations will only reflect after the background job has finished executing.
- Applying another delivery soon after a delivery that contains language changes can cause the second delivery to hang or get delayed. This is because the delivery installation process will wait for a while for all background jobs to finish executing (including this one). If the job is not finished after the wait time the delivery installation will start and then since the language processing and the delivery installation may try to lock the same resources it can slow down the process causing the delivery installation to appear as hanging.
Installing languages through Solution Manager¶
Another way to get the languages installed is to import them using the Import Language Files page. The Translation Downloader web page can be used to get the translations that are needed.
If several languages and modules are selected to be imported, it is recommended to use the Run as Background Job option.
If Solution Manager and the Lifecycle Portal are used interchangeably to update an environment with languages, please note that when using the portal the latest languages are fetched for the languages selected in the Lifecycle Portal and will not consider languages that have been activated or imported using the application.
General Considerations¶
Deactivating languages for logins¶
Importing a language to the application will also enable users to log in to the application with it. However, there can be scenarios where users do not need to use the language to log in to the application.
In such a scenario, make sure to disable Enabled For Selection option in the Used Languages page in the application.