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A field is the most basic of controls used for data entry as well as display. Based on the data type of the field, the control can take on the appearance of any of the variations listed below.


Figure 1 - Field Control


The field control has many variations, some of these variant controls are generated automatically based on the attribute type while others are separate controls and added manually.

Variant Control Auto Generated? Notes
Address Field No Used to visualize an address
Badge Yes Automatically generated for Not null read-only attributes of type BOOLEAN
Computed Field No Used for string interpolations
Currency/Measure No Used to display/edit a combination of value and unit
Date Range Field No Used to display/edit start and end dates in a single field
Date Time Picker Yes Automatically generated for attributes of type DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP
Drop-down List Yes Generated for nullable attribute of type BOOLEAN and for enumerations
Free Text No Used to enter and store values that do not require a check against a reference
List of Values No Used to display reference values
Multiline Yes Used to enter long text
Signature No Used to manually enter a signature
Static No Used for read-only attributes
Toggle Button Yes Automatically generated for Not null editable attributes of type BOOLEAN

When to use

A field can be used anywhere you need to enter or display data.



How to use

Use the field within a list, group, or selector in the client model.

field <field_name> {  
  // Properties  





Below is a list of properties that can be used to customize the control. <<<<<<< HEAD

basedate | columnexclude | columnvisible | defaulttoprevious | editable | emphasis | enumerationtrue | falselabel | fieldhint | filterlabel | format | height | initialfocus | label | lovswitch | maxlength | multiline | preserveprecision | regexp | required | searchable | showonlydate | size | sortable | truelabel | type | visible


additionaltimezones | basedate | columnexclude | columnvisible | defaulttoprevious | displaytimezone | editable | emphasis | enumerationtrue | falselabel | fieldhint | filterlabel | format | height | initialfocus | label | lovswitch | maxlength | multiline | preserveprecision | regexp | required | searchable | showonlydate | size | sortable | truelabel | type | visible | showtimezonebadge

ef17533df (UPZGEN-927-Fixed broken links in all pages of Client Controls)


Below is a simple example of a field in use.

list ItemsList for SubConItem {  
   orderby = RevSeq, LineNo, ItemNo;  
   label = "";  
   field RevSeqRef;  
   field CalculationMethod;  
   field Objstate {  
      size = Small;  
      label = "Status";  
      field Quantity;  
   field UnitOfMeasureRef {  
      size = Small;  
   field CurrencyTypeRef {  
      size = Small;  
   field ItemRate;  
   field SubConValue;  
   field SubConValAdjusted;  
   field SubConValOverride {  
      size = Small;  

Example - Field in use in a List