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Client Control Properties List¶

Properties are used to change the behavior and the look and feel of the control. Below are a list of properties used by the IFS Cloud Web client controls.


Displays the state of the stages in Process Viewer.

Type: String

Valid Values: Valid string value or string variable.

Default Values: None

Used in: Process Viewer


activestage = "${SelectedStage}";  


Free text field/LOV

Displays an expanded view of the List of Values.

Type: List Reference.

Valid Values: List Reference.

Default Values: None

Used in: Free Text, List of Values


advancedview LineProgramLovList;  


Determines if the calendar item spans the entire day. If the given expression evaluates true the time aspect of the calendar items will be ignored and the event will fill up the whole day/days of the given dates

Type: Boolean or expression returning a boolean value

Valid Values: * Boolean: [true] | [false] * Expression: A valid expression returning a boolean value.

Default Values: false

Used in: Calendar


allday = [false];   
allday = [Employee = "Damon"];  


The alldaylabel property is used to add a custom label to the allday slot of the view. Different allday labels can be defined for each view.

Type: String

Valid Values: Valid string value or string variable.

Default Values: None

Used in: Calendar


//Adding an allday label for WorkWeek view  
view WorkWeek { alldaylabel =Â