Shop Floor Connector APIs¶
This documentation outlines the premium APIs available in the ShopFloorConnector projection. The attribute names have been slightly altered and aggregated to better reflect their use cases. For detailed information about attributes, data types, payload examples, and response examples, please refer to the projection documentation accessible from the API Explorer.
Get Shop Floor Information¶
These services provide information about shop orders and operations. Note that some of these REST API Services utilize a POST request format and require an input payload but otherwise function like normal read-only GET requests with a response body.
This service retrieves shop order operation information for a specific operation. The required input payload is either an Operation ID
or a combination of Order number
, Release number
, Sequence number
, and Operation number
The returned information attributes are Site
, Work Center
, Work Center description
, Resource ID
, Operation ID
, Order Number
, Release Number
, Sequence Number
, Operation Number
, Operation Sequence Number
, Part Number
, Part Description
, Executable Quantity
, Remaining Quantity
, Operation Status
, Planned Start Time
, Default Location
, Work Guidelines
, Machine Instructions
, subtasks
, Lot Batch Numbers
, Serial Numbers
, Inspection/analysis Data Points
, Handling Units
, Tools
This service returns shop order component information. It requires input information consisting of Order number
, Release number
, and Sequence number
The returned information attributes are Site
, Part Number
, Structure Type
, Structure Revision
, Structure Alternate
, Drawing Number
, Drawing Number Revision
and arry of component details: Line Item Number
, Component Part Number
, Component Part Description
, Material Line Status
, Required Date
, Unit of Measure
, Quantity per Assembly
, Component Scrap Quantity
, Scrap Factor
, Quantity Required
, Operation Number
, Operation Description
, Reserve Issue Method
, Quantity Reserved
, Quantity on Pick List
, Quantity Issued
, Reserve Issue From Location
, Mrb Exists
, Configuration Id
, Activity Sequence
and Work Guidelines
This service retrieves shop order operation information based on the input of Order number
, Release number
, and Sequence number
The returned information includes details such as Part Number
, Routing Revision
, Routing Alternate
, Production Line
, and an array of operation information, for all operations on the order, using the structure from GetOperationInfo .
This service returns the GetOperationInfo structure for the next executable operation based on Site
, Work Center
, and Resource ID
Based on Site
, Work Center
, and Resource ID
, this service returns the GetOperationInfo structure for the current ongoing activities.
This service provides a list of Shop Orders information. It requires only the Site
as input. Orders in "complete" or "cancelled" status are not returned, while orders in all other statuses are included in the response. Always apply a filter when using GetShopOrders to limit the query and avoid straining system performance.
The returned information attributes are Order Number
, Release Number
, Sequence Number
, Shop Order Type
, Part Number
, Part Revision
, Start Date
, Finish Date
, Need Date
, Earliest Start Date
, Lot Size
, Received Quantity
, Proposed Location
, Process Type Code
, Project Activity Sequence ID
, Priority Category
, Configuration ID
, Packing Instruction ID
, Part Description
, Order Status
, Material Status
, Operation Status
, Product Status
, Packing Instruction Description
, Priority Category Description
, Proposed Location Description
and Interruption Exists
ODATA filter in GetShopOrders¶
Always apply a filter when using this service to limit the query. Limiting the query helps avoid system performance issues and simplifies the response message. You can find more information about ODATA query options here.
A GET request without a filter will return all available orders on the specified site, such as "SW1A" in the image below.
To limit the GetShopOrders query, add a filter at the end of the API service URL.
In this image, a filter is applied to retrieve orders with a RevisedStartDate
greater than "2023-06-07 17:00:00" and Status
equal to "started." The query syntax parameters are added as follows:
?$filter=RevisedStartDate gt 2023-06-07T17:00:00Z and Status eq 'Started'
Filter limitations and considerations¶
The attributes Part Revision
& Lot Size
can not be filtered due to a technical limitation.
When filtering on enumerations, you need to convert the data type from a string to an enumeration in the input. To determine if an attribute is an enumeration, refer to the API documentation in the API explorer.
The image displays the Shop Order Type
attribute and its enumerations.
Example Shop Order Type
To filter on "Manufacturing" in the OrderCode
attribute, the following OData query line is used:
?$filter=OrderCode eq IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.ShopOrdCode'Manufacturing'
This string, IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.ShopOrdCode'Manufacturing'
, converts the string "Manufacturing" to the enumeration data type.
Example Product Status
To filter on "NoReceive" in the ProductStatus
attribute, use this query:
?$ProductStatus eq IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.ShopProdState'NoReceive'
Example Operation Status
To filter on "NoReport" in the OperationStatus
attribute, use this query:
?$OperationStatus eq IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.ShopOperState'NoReport'
Example Material Status
To filter on "NotReserved" in the MaterialStatus
attribute, use this query:
?$MaterialStatus eq IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.ShopMtrlState'NotReserved'
Example Interruption Exists
To filter on if on orders without active Interruptions, use this query:
?$filter=InterruptionExists eq IfsApp.ShopFloorConnector.InterruptionMode'No'
Register Shop Floor actions¶
These services invoke actions and register shop floor activities, enabling automation of shop floor operations.
This service requires input parameters such as Location Number
where the part will be received, Quantity
, and an Operation ID
or the combined Order number
, Release number
, Sequence number
, and Operation number
. Components are backflushed, and simplified material checks are enabled. Support for Lot batch number
and Serial numbers
is included. Serial parts can be received incrementally, one part at a time. You can report a Handling Unit
, but it cannot be generated automatically.
This service allows incremental registration of Quality Results
to a Data Point
on an Analysis Number
. If the required sample size has been registered, you can set Complete
to "true." Values sent to a Data Point are handled based on the data type:
- Attribute: Sending a Result increments the number of Nonconforming by one, and the Result value is added to the current value of Nonconformities.
- Categorical: Sending the Category Value ID as the Result increments the registered value in the corresponding result category by one.
- Variable: Sending the result registers the value in ascending order of the available result number.
Serial Numbers
can also be entered.
Note: that you can only complete an analysis with this API. The confirmation needs to be done manually. The service user account will be the registered user connected to the results in the "Entered By" field.
This service allows you to start machine Time Type
activities, such as Production or Setup, on a given Operation ID
and Resource Id
This service stops ongoing machine time activity on a given Operation ID
. You can also register Interruption causes
, and if Close Operation
is set to true, the operation can be closed.
This service registers the produced quantity for a specified Operation ID
. If Close Operation
is set to true, it can be used to close the operation. By default, the Time of production
is set to the current site time, but you can override it by adding the time of production in the payload.
Registers scraped quantity
and scrap reason
for a specified Operation ID
. If the Close Operation
parameter is set to true, this API can be used to close the operation as well. The Time of production
defaults to the current site time but can be overwritten by specifying the production time in the payload.
The service initiates Downtime on a specified Resource ID
or Work Center
within a particular site
. If only a Work Center is set, all resources in that Work Center are affected by the downtime. You can also enter a Downtime Cause
when initiating downtime.
The service is used to stop ongoing Downtime on a specified Resource ID
or Work Center
within a specific site
To utilize these services, you must have a service account with an appropriate Permission Set and access to the relevant site. For example, if you need to enter the Time of production
on dates in the past, the service account should be configured as a financial user.