Scheduling Data¶
Scheduling data includes data fetches for tables for scheduling entities such as activities, resources, shifts, skills etc. Full details of the scheduling schema can be found in the Scheduling Schema Guide in the IFS Planning & Scheduling Optimization (PSO) documentation.
Tables & Rules mapped¶
Table | Rule |
Activity | Activity |
Activity_Custom_Metric | ActivityCustomMetric |
Activity_Custom_URL | ActivityCustomURL |
Activity_Group | ActivityGroup |
Activity_Incentive | ActivityIncentive |
Activity_Operation | ActivityOperation |
Activity_Operation_Usage | ActivityOperationUsage |
Activity_Part | ActivityPart |
Activity_Productive_Time | ActivityProductiveTime |
Activity_Resource_Pool_Set | ActivityResourcePoolSet |
Activity_Skill | ActivitySkill |
Activity_SLA | ActivitySLA |
Activity_Status | ActivityStatus |
Activity_Type | ActivityType |
Activity_Type_App_Template | ActivityTypeAppTemplate |
Activity_Type_Custom_Metric | ActTypeCustomMetric |
Activity_Type_Custom_URL | ActivityTypeCustomURL |
Activity_Type_Part | ActivityTypePart |
Activity_Type_Skill | ActivityTypeSkill |
Activity_Usage_Period | ActivityUsagePeriod |
Additional_Attribute | AdditionalAttribute |
Appointment_Offer_Response | AppointmentOfferResponse |
Appointment_Request | AppointmentRequest |
Appointment_Template | AppointmentTemplate |
Appointment_Template_Item | AppointmentTemplateItem |
Availability | Availability |
Availability_Pattern | AvailabilityPattern |
Broadcast | Broadcast |
Broadcast_Parameter | BroadcastParameter |
Calendar | Calendar |
Calendar_Item | CalendarItem |
Capacity | Capacity |
Capacity_Part | CapacityPart |
Child_Schedule | ChildSchedule |
Contract | Contract |
Customer | Customer |
Custom_Exception | CustomException |
Custom_Exception_Data | CustomExceptionData |
Custom_Metric | CustomMetric |
Custom_URL | CustomURL |
Depot_Transfer | DepotTransfer |
Depot_Transfer_Settings | DepotTransferSettings |
Distance_Penalty | DistancePenalty |
Fuel_Type | FuelType |
Icon | Icon |
Incentive | Incentive |
Incentive_Availability | IncentiveAvailability |
Isochrone_Request | IsochroneRequest |
Location | Location |
Location_Region | LocationRegion |
Location_Type | LocationType |
Modelling_Pattern | ModellingPattern |
Object_Deletion | ObjectDeletion |
Object_Group | ObjectGroup |
Operation | Operation |
Operation_Hierarchy | OperationHierarchy |
Operation_Ordering | OperationOrdering |
Operation_Skill | OperationSkill |
Part | Part |
Part_Stock | PartStock |
Part_Transfer_Settings | PartTransferSettings |
Position | Position |
Productivity_Category | ProductivityCategory |
Region | Region |
Resource_Capacity | ResourceCapacity |
Resource_Custom_URL | ResourceCustomURL |
Resource_Type_Capacity | ResourceTypeCapacity |
Resource_Part | ResourcePart |
Resource_Pool | ResourcePool |
Resource_Pool_Item | ResourcePoolItem |
Resource_Pool_Set | ResourcePoolSet |
Resource_Preference | ResourcePreference |
Resource_Region | ResourceRegion |
Resource_Region_Availability | ResourceRegionAvail |
Resource_Skill | ResourceSkill |
Resource_Skill_Availability | ResourceSkillAvail |
Resource_Type | ResourceType |
Resource_Type_Capacity | ResourceTypeCapacity |
Resource_Type_Custom_URL | ResourceTypeCustomURL |
Resource_Type_Location | ResourceTypeLocation |
Resource_Type_Skill | ResourceTypeSkill |
Resource_Type_Transition | ResourceTypeTransition |
Resources | Resource |
Rule | Rule |
Rule_Collection | RuleCollection |
Rule_Collection_Rule | RuleCollectionRule |
Rule_Parameter | RuleParameter |
Rule_Resource | RuleResource |
Schedule_Event | ScheduleEvent |
Schedule_Exception_Response | ScheduleExceptResponse |
Separation_Group | SeparationGroup |
Separation_Model | SeparationModel |
Separation_Model_Item | SeparationModelItem |
Shift | Shift |
Shift_Break | ShiftBreak |
Shift_Pattern | ShiftPattern |
Shift_Type | ShiftType |
Shift_Type_Break | ShiftTypeBreak |
Skill | Skill |
Skill_Hierarchy | SkillHierarchy |
Skill_Set | SkillSet |
Skill_Set_Incentive | SkillSetIncentive |
Skill_Set_Incentive_Avail | SkillSetIncentiveAvail |
Skill_Set_Incentive_Level | SkillSetIncentiveLevel |
Skill_Set_Skill | SkillSetSkill |
Skill_Type | SkillType |
SLA_Type | SLAType |
Slot_Usage_Rule | SlotUsageRule |
Slot_Usage_Rule_Set | SlotUsageRuleSet |
Source_Data | SourceData |
Source_Data_Parameter | SourceDataParameter |
Special_Day | SpecialDay |
Special_Day_Item | SpecialDayItem |
Target | Target |
Target_Focus | TargetFocus |
Target_Level | TargetLevel |
Team_Resource | TeamResource |
Transfer_Rule | TransferRule |
Transfer_Rule_Set | TransferRuleSet |
Travel_Cost_Model | TravelCostModel |
Travel_Detail_Request | TravelDetailRequest |
Travel_Penalty | TravelPenalty |
URL_Parameter | URLParameter |
URL_String | URLString |
Usage_Class | UsageClass |
Usage_Model | UsageModel |
Usage_Model_Item | UsageModelItem |
Usage_Model_SLA | UsageModelSLA |
Vehicle | Vehicle |
Vehicle_Class | VehicleClass |
Vehicle_Model | VehicleModel |
Vehicle_Ownership_Type | VehicleOwnershipType |
Visit_Operation | VisitOperation |
Visit_Part | VisitPart |
The Broadcast attributes are either fixed, set on the Scheduling Optimization Dataset or set in design time in the Scheduling package as follows:
- broadcast_id - By default the same as the Dataset ID for the main broadcast. It can also be defined in the Scheduling package definition ** which would then take precedence. It is fixed to "ABE" for Appointment broadcasts, "DSP" for Scheduling Dispatch Service broadcasts and to "SWB" for PSO Workbench broadcasts.
- active - Ignored.
- broadcast_type_id - Fixed value (only "REST" is supported).
- cron_string - Ignored.
- description - By default taken from Scheduling Optimization Dataset for the main broadcast. It can also be defined in the Scheduling package definition ** which would then take precedence. For custom defined broadcasts *** it is blank by default.
- plan_type - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- minimum_plan_quality - By default taken from Scheduling Optimization Dataset. It can also be defined in the Scheduling package definition ** which would then take precedence.
- minimum_step_interval - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- once_only - By default set to "TRUE" for Static datasets. It can also be defined in the Scheduling package definition ** which would then take precedence.
- maximum_wait - By default taken from Scheduling Optimization Dataset. It can also be defined in the Scheduling package definition ** which would then take precedence.
- input_reference_id - Ignored.
- maximum_frequency - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- allocation_type - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- expiry_datetime - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- time_filter_start - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- time_filter_end - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- minimum_visit_status - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- include_main_broadcast - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- include_abe_broadcast * - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- include_dsp_broadcast * - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- include_swb_broadcast * - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- custom_broadcast_ids * - Comma separated list of custom defined broadcasts ***. Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
Broadcast Parameters¶
The Broadcast Parameters are taken from Scheduling Optimization Configuration Broadcast Settings or set as follows:
- url - Taken from Scheduling Optimization Configuration.
- httpmethod - Fixed value "PATCH".
- username- Taken from Scheduling Optimization Configuration.
- password - Taken from Scheduling Optimization Configuration.
- auth_token_url - Taken from Scheduling Optimization Configuration.
- mediatype - Fixed value "application/octet-stream".
- etag - Fixed value "*".
- compression - Fixed value "gzip".
- required_tables - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
- excluded_tables - Taken from the Scheduling package definition **.
* If these are set to true then the load input will include the additional broadcast request. This will always be for a 'CHANGE' plan and filtered to the correct allocation type (2 for ABE, 8 for DSP). In addition, if you don't explicitly set this parameter but the dataset process type is set to 'Appointment' then the ABE broadcast will automatically be added.
** It is possible to define this parameter by overriding the method Get_Broadcast_Settings in design time.
*** It is possible to define custom broadcasts by defining the Custom Broadcast ID's as a comma separated list in the Scheduling package definition. The settings for each custom broadcast can then be defined by overriding the method Get_Custom_Broadcast in design time.