User Groups¶
User Groups are used to group users into logical groupings. The purpose of the group is to help administrate many users at the same time. A user can belong to several User Groups.
Note: These User Groups should not be confused with Finance User Groups or Resource Groups.
Figure 1 - Sample User Group in IFS Cloud Web
User Group contains two parts, - User Group Users - User Group Permissions
User Group Users¶
We can "Activate" or "Deactivate" Users inside User Groups. Activating or deactivating users in any group will affect users in other groups and individual users.
Figure 2 - Sample Group Users Acivation & Deactivation in IFS Cloud Web
User Group Permissions¶
User Groups can be used to assign a set of permissions for users. This is much easier than granting permissions separately to each individual user.
Permissions for user groups can be assigned or revoked in the User Group Permissions screen. A permission set can belong to several user groups.
Figure 3 - Sample User Group Permissions IFS Cloud Web
When users are connected with a user group, they inherit the permissions of the user group. If additional permissions are required for the user at a specific property, they can be granted beyond the ones already granted through the user group. These additional permissions (Direct Grants) will not be affected if the user is removed from the group.