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Global Settings

For Security Checkpoints in IFS Cloud Web, there are three global settings.

  • Security Checkpoints Enabled
  • All Users Valid
  • Comments Required

Security Checkpoints Enabled

This is the global settings that enables or disables Security Checkpoints for IFS Cloud Web.

Security Checkpoints in IFS Cloud Web can coexists with Legacy Checkpoints. Read more about Legacy Checkpoints here.

All Users Valid

All Users Valid controls which Users are allowed to pass a Security Checkpoint in IFS Cloud Web.

This concept provides the functionality of controlling if it is only the logged in User or not, that can pass a Security Checkpoint in IFS Cloud Web with its credentials.


When All Users Valid are enabled, all Users in IFS Cloud are allowed to pass a Security Checkpoint in IFS Cloud Web, even though they are not the currently logged in User.

If the User have permissions to perform the Action and their credentials are correct, the transaction will be executed.


User A and User B are Users in IFS Cloud.

User A is currently logged in into IFS Cloud Web. User A asks User B to verify some record details before performing the transaction. User B analyzes the record details at User A's workstation and decides that information is correct. User B performs the action to execute the transaction at User A's workstation and a Security Checkpoints is encountered. User B enters his or hers credentials. The Security Checkpoints mechanisms verifies User B's credentials and check if the users has the permissions to perform the action. If yes, then the transaction is executed.


Only the currently logged in User is allowed the pass Security Checkpoints in IFS Cloud Web.

When encountering a Security Checkpoints in IFS Cloud Web, the User's credentials are checked to find if they are the currently logged in User. If the User trying to pass the Security Checkpoint is not the logged in User, then the Security Checkpoint verification will fail and the transaction will be aborted.

Comments Required

Comments Required can be enabled or disabled.

When enabled, the User is required to provide a comment in addition to the User credentials when passing a Security Checkpoint in IFS Cloud Web.