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External Files Interface

The purpose with this document is to describe the functionality in the External Files Interface, a general tool kit that handles input and output of text files

The processing of input and output files can be executed online or in batch mode. If batch mode is used then the files are read from or written to an FTP server using IFSCONNECT. See External File Assistant and Batch Process for more information.

The External Files toolkit introduces the following basic definitions:

  • External File Types

    A file type is more or less associated with one interface and describes the data that the interface can handle.

  • External File Templates

    A file template defines the file layout for input as well as for output files. This means that it is possible to create different file layouts that reads the data associated with one file type

Other external interfaces in IFS Financials External Currencies Interface, External Voucher Interface, External Supplier Invoice Interface and External Customer Invoice Interface are interacting with the External Files toolkit. When e.g. external supplier invoices are loaded through the External Supplier Invoice Assistant, it actually means that the External File Assistant is executed but with the restriction to only present valid template applicable for supplier invoices. All data/transactions will be handled and stored by the External Files toolkit, but of course each specific interface has to take care reading or creating the interface specific data.

System defined external file types and file templates will be created in the database during installation to  enable a quick start-up for the end-user. The External Files toolkit can be used to create user-defined file templates, tailored for a specific file layout.

Use this page when you want find get detailed knowledge about the External File Interface, i.e. what it consists of and how to use it.

Functional Overview

The External Files toolkit can be divided in two parts, Basic Data and General Utilities.

Basic Data related functionality

Functionality Description
External File Type Each External File Type specifies that data that the interface associated with the file type can handle
External File Template An External File Template describes how to interpret a file with data valid for a specific file type. It also specifies how to format data during creation of an output file.
External File Separators Specifies valid file separators in an external file
Default External File Template Enables definition of  a default file template per file type and company
Copy File templates can be copied.
Pre-Defined Definitions During installation of IFS Financials some pre-defined file types and file templates are defined. These file types and file templates are considered to be system defined. The purpose is to supply default definitions that can be used more or less instantly after the installation

General Utilities related functionality

Functionality Description
External File Assistant This is a general assistant that handles load of an input file or creation of an output file for any valid combination of external file type and external file template
External File Transactions The External File Transactions page makes it possible to view details of any performed input or output operation. It can also be used as a toolbox where each step in the input or output process can be executed
External File Identities A file template may contain definitions of control columns that during input will be used to build an identity string that is stored. Control column definitions are during input verified against stored identities to avoid reading and processing the same data more than once.
External File Log The log contains information for each step performed during the input or output process

The Input Process

The steps in the input process are,

  • Read the file and store the lines as External File Transactions
  • Unpack the file transaction lines into separate column using defined control statements for the file temp
  • Call an interface, API, that has the responsibility to fetch valid unpacked data and process it

The Output Process

The steps in the output process are,

  • Call an interface, API, that has the responsibility to create output data and define it as.External File Transactions.
  • Pack the data according to template instructions to file lines.
  • Write the file lines to an output file.

External File Types

An External File Type is normally associated with an interface in a component and it defines the data that can be handled by this interface.

An External File Type consists of the following basic data definitions,

  • General file type data
  • Record Types A file type must contain at least one record type.
  • Column Definitions for a Record Type Each record type has a definition of one or more possible columns.
  • Available Parameters Parameters can be associated with a file type. The parameters are used during input or output in the External File Assistant where the user supplies values for the parameters.
  • Parameter Sets A file type can have one or more parameter sets. One parameter set can be defined as the default one.
  • Parameters Per Parameter Set Available parameters are associated with a parameter set.

For analysis of defined file types, External File Types page can be used.

The following system defined file types are created during an installation/upgrade of IFS Financials,

External File Type Description
BankStatement Associated with the Bank Statement interface in Payment. Note that Bank Statement files can only be loaded via the External File Assistant
BudgetPeriod Associated with the budget interface in General Ledger, used to import or export budget period data from/to file
BudgetTemplate Associated with the Budget Process, used to import or export budget template information from/to file
BudgetTransaction Associated with the Budget Process, used to import or export budget template transactional data from/to file
BudgetYear Associated with the budget interface in General Ledger, used to import or export budget year data from/to file
CashPlanAdjustment Associated with Cash Planning, used to import or export Cash Plan Adjustments.
DescribeInput Internal file type in External Files, used when creating an example output file for a file template
ExtAdjJournal Associated with Group Consolidation, used to import adjustment journals.
ExtCurrency Associated with the External Currency interface in Accounting Rules, used to load a file with currency rates to a company
ExtCustInv Associated with the External Customer Invoices interface in Invoice, used to load a file with external customer invoices.
ExtCustPayment Associated with the External Payment Interface in Payment, used to load a file with customer payments to a company
ExtFAObjectImport Associated with Importing Fixed Asset Objects using templates.
ExtFileImpEmp Internal file type in External Files used when creating an export or import of a file type and all related data.
ExtFileInsCreate Internal file type in External Files used when creating a file with insert instructions for a file type and all related data.
ExtMixedPayment Associated with the External Payment Interface in Payment, used to load a file with bank account balances and payments related to customer and supplier
ExtPayment This file type is used internally by the external interface in Payment.
ExtPosPayCheck Associated with the Supplier Check payment, used to export Positive Pay files.
ExtRepBal Associated with Group Consolidation, used to import reporting journals related to external reporting entities.
ExtSuppInv Associated with the External Supplier Invoices interface in Invoice, used to load a file with external supplier invoices.
ExtSuppPaymRet Used to handle supplier payment return file
ExtVoucher Associated with the External Vouchers interface in Accounting Rules, used to load a file with external vouchers.
GermanReturnTax Used to handle German specific return tax file
GrossIncome Associated with the Tax Ledger. Used for output purposes
JinsuiExport Used for export of Jinsui specific info
JinsuiImport Used for import of Jinsui specific info
MandateToPi Used for creation of mandate file to a payment institute
PlanUnitTransactions Associated with the Planning Unit interface. Used to import or export planning unit transactions.
RemoveTrans Internal file type in External Files to be used when ordering a job that removes transactions in the External File Transactions storage.
SAF-T Associated with the Standard Audit File For Tax File. Note that SAF-T files can only be created via the  Audit Interface Assistant.
SICORE Associated with the Tax Ledger. Used for output purposes of specific SICORE reports (Argentina).
SnapCons Associated with the Snapshot Export functionality in Consolidated Accounts.
TaxTempExpCreate Associated with Tax Ledger
TaxTempField Associated with Tax Ledger. Used for output/creation of tax reports

All these file types can be used in External File Assistant.

One external file type can be referenced by several external file template definitions.

External File Type

This page is used to view file type definitions that describes the contents of a file to be handled by the External Files toolkit.

To navigate to the page, select Details on one or more file types in the External File Types page.

Every file type needs at least one Record Type. Each record type has a detailed specification that defines the columns that are valid when interpreting a file line of this type.

Definitions for System Defined file types are pre-defined.

Record Type ID Description Record Set Identity First In Record Set Last In Record Set Mandatory Record Parent Record Type
H Supplier Invoice Head 1 Yes No Yes
N Supplier Invoice Installment 1 No No No I
I Supplier Invoice Item 1 No No Yes H
V Supplier Advance Invoice 1 No No No H
O One-Time Supplier Specific Information 1 No No No H
P Supplier Invoice Posting 1 No No No I
T Supplier Invoice Tax 1 No No No I
A Supplier Invoice 2 Yes Yes Yes

The table shows the record types for system defined file type ExtSuppInv.

This file type has two available record sets,

  1. Records set 1 is used for detailed specification of invoice header, invoice line, posting information, installment data and tax lines.
  2. Record set 2 is an all-in-one record type that can be used when each external invoice can be described on one single line.

Detailed information for the some of the columns in the detail section,

Column Description
Record Set Id Identity that can be connected to several Record Type IDs. The purpose is to be able to group several record types into one record set. A file can contain several record sets, each one described by one or several record type
First In Record Set Indicates the record type must be the first section in a file when a new record set is found. The check box is always selected if the file type contains only one record set
Last In Record Set Indicates if the record type must be the last section in a file when handling a record set. Options First In Record Set and Last In Record Set are selected if the file type contains only one record set
Mandatory Record Indicates if the record type is mandatory
Parent Record Type Optional. Defines the parent record type for the current record type and must refer to an existing record type. Parent Record Type cannot be the same as the Record Type ID. The field is used during the interpretation of a record set to sort the records in appropriate order
View Name Optional. Defines the view name to be used by the general output method. The general method for output is called External_File_Utility_API.Create_External_Output and can be defined as Api To Call on the Output Files tab for a file template. The general method will use the view name when extracting the record type related column data for output files. The view name cannot be defined manually
Input Package The field defined the package name to be used by the general input method. The general method for input is called External_File_Utility_API.Create_External_Input and can be defined as Api To Call on the Input Files tab for a file template. In this case the general method will try to access the standard methods New__and Modify__in the Input Package when the unpacked file data is processed. The input package cannot be defined manually

Commands in header section,

  • External File Template Will navigate to the External File Template detail page and show all file templates having a reference to the current file type (i.e. ExtSuppInv)
  • External File Type Parameter Definition Will navigate to a page where parameter data for the file type can be specified.
  • External File Load Parameters This command will be enabled if the interface that is associated with the file type has a parameter page with specific load parameters for that interface.

Commands in detail section,

External File Column Definition

Use this page to view valid column definitions for each record type in an external file type definition.

To navigate to this page, click on one or more record types in the External File Type page and select the command External File Column Definition.

System-defined file types usually don't require any modifications using this page since the column definitions are pre-defined.

Detailed Information,

Column Description
Column ID This is the identity of the column. This identity is referred to on the detail tab in the External File Template page.
Description Name or description of the column
Mandatory Determines whether the column is mandatory when the file type is used in a file template definition.
Destination Column Specifies the destination column in the External File Transaction storage. Possible values are C1-C80N1-N40, and D1-D20
Data Type Specifies what type of data the column can contain. Possible values are,
  • DATE

Command in header section,

  • External File Template

    Opens the External File Template detail page and show all file templates having a reference to the current file type (i.e. ExtSuppInv)

External File Type Parameter Definition

Use this page to define input and output parameters associated with a file type. The parameters are used when the execution of an input or output file is ordered, e.g., in the External File Assistant page.

Use the tab Available Parameters define the available input and output parameters associated with an external file type. Parameters are used by pages related to the external interface where an execution of an input or output file is ordered. The parameters used can be one, several, or all of the available parameters.

Information related to detail columns,

Column Description
Parameter Number This is the number of the file type parameter, defined as a number. The number also defines the input order when parameters are listed on the parameter page in the External File Assistant
Parameter ID This is the internal identity of the file type parameter. There are a few identities that can be recognized by the External Files toolkit. These are,
    This parameter can be used to define the file direction (1 for input and 2 for output), making it possible to define whether a parameter set containing this parameter applies to input or output file handling.
    This parameter can be used to define an order by statement
Description Name or description of the file type parameter. This field is supported by translation.
Browsable Field If this is selected, it is possible to get the value for the parameter through the file browser.
Help Text Help text for the parameter shown in the general parameter input dialog,available e.g. in the External File Assistant page. The field is supported by translation.
Validate Method Name of method, "<package_name>.<method_name>" to be used for validation of the parameter value during input. File type parameter identities can be used as parameters to the method, e.g. Currency_Type_API.Exist(COMPANY,CURRENCY_TYPE) where COMPANYand CURRENCY_TYPEwill be replaced by the actual input values of these parameters.
List of Values View Name of a view to be used as List Of Values view for this parameter in the External File Assistant
Enumerate Method Name of a method, "<package_name>.<method_name>" to be used to create an enumeration list for the parameter during input in the External File Assistant

External File Type Parameter Sets

Use the list Parameter Sets in the External File Type Parameter Definition page to define parameter sets associated with an external file type.

A parameter set makes it possible to define different combinations of available input or output parameters. The parameter sets can be referred to in External File Assistant where an import or export of an external file is ordered.

A parameter set can be used for both input and output files, but if the parameters for input files differ from those for output files, then different parameter sets must be defined.

Only one parameter set can be defined as the default one.

Commands from parameter sets list ,

  • External File Parameters Per Set

    Will navigate to the External File Type Parameter Set Definition page, that displays parameters associated with each parameter set for the current file type.

  • Create Parameters Per Set From Available Parameters

    This options can be used to create parameters in a parameter set, by adding all available parameters to the set.

External File Type Parameter Set Definition

Use this page to define the parameters that will be associated with a file type parameter set. Parameter sets can be referred to in external dialogs/assistants, whenever there is a need to import or export an external file.

Detailed Information,

Column Description
Parameter Number This is the number of the file type parameter that was defined in the External File Type Parameter Definition - Available Parameters page.
Description Name or description of the file type parameter. This field is not editable
Default Value This is the default value that will be displayed for the parameter as, for example, in the External File Assistant page. It can be a fixed value, it can refer to a system value or it can be defined with no value (in which case the field will appear empty)
Available system values are,
<USER_ID> - User id in current session
<COMPANY> - The current user's default company
<SYSDATE> - The system date at execution time
<CURR_TYPE> - Default currency rate type for the current company with respect to the base currency
<BASE_CURRENCY> - Base currency for the current company

If <COMPANY> is specified, then at runtime the current default company (for the current user) will be used as the default value. Note that when the company-related default values, <CURR_TYPE> and <BASE_CURRENCY> are evaluated, the company must be known. Company is normally specified via another parameter.
How the system values are evaluated depends on the implementation for each file type. For system-defined file types, a special method will be registered during installation/upgrade that can take care of the default parameter value evaluation via the parameter IDs and the specified default values. In this case, the parameter representing company (it usually has parameter ID COMPANY), is given the default value <COMPANY> or is given a fixed default value. In either case, the specific method will understand how to evaluate the value of company before evaluating the value of another parameter such as <CURR_TYPE>
Mandatory Param Select this option if the parameter should be mandatory in the External File Assistant page
Show At Load Select this option if the parameter should be displayed in the External File Assistant page
Editable At Load Select this option if the parameter should be possible to edit in the External File Assistant page

External File Template

External File Templates defines how to unpack/pack a file lines in/to a text file.

The following can be defined for a file template:

Valid file separators are defined separately.

For analysis of defined file templates External File templates page can be used.

The following system defined file templates are are created during an installation/upgrade of IFS Financials,

External File Template External File Type Description
BudgetPeriod BudgetPeriod Associated with the budget interface in General Ledger, defining a standard budget period file
BudgetYear BudgetYear Associated with the budget interface in General Ledger, defining a standard budget year file
CUP_BASSOC ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Banker Associate File - Domestic Payments in JPY, Japan
CUP_BGMAX ExtCustPayment Template for bankgiro BGMAX
CUP_BGMAXQ ExtCustPayment Template for bankgiro BGMAX (No22,23)
CUP_DDAGNOR ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Direct Debiting, in NOK, Norway
CUP_DDBGSEK ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Bankgiro, Direct Debiting in SEK, Sweden
CUP_DDNAGSEK ExtCustPayment Template for direct debiting new autogiro, Sweden
CUP_DDPGSEK ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Post giro, Direct Debiting in SEK, Sweden
CUP_DEDUCTION ExtCustPayment Generic File Template to read customer payment advice file with deductions.
CUP_KTL_FI ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for KTL Reference Domestic Payments in EUR, Finland
CUP_MANDATE_TO_PI MandateToPi Mandate to Payment Institute file template
CUP_MT940NLABN ExtCustPayment Template for MT940 ABN AMRO Netherland
CUP_OCRBGSEK ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Bankgiro, OCR Domestic Payments in SEK, Sweden
CUP_OCRDKK ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for OCR Domestic Payments in DKK, Danmark
CUP_OCRNOR ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for OCR Domestic Payments in NOK, Norway
CUP_OCRPGSEK ExtCustPayment File Template used to read a customer payment file for Postgiro OCR Domestic Payments in SEK, Sweden
CUP_REMADV ExtCustPayment Generic File Template to read EDI remittance advice file with deductions.
CUP_TOTALIN ExtCustPayment Plusgirot Total In, Sweden
CashPlanAdjustment CashPlanAdjustment File Template used for Cash Plan Adjustments.
DescribeInput DescribeInput Internal file template used when creating an example file describing how to input data for a specific file template.
EuSalesTax EuSalesTax German EU Sales Tax file template
ExtAdjJournal ExtAdjJournal  External Consolidation Adjustment Journal 
ExtFAObjectImport ExtFAObjectImport Associated with Importing Fixed Asset Objects using templates.
ExtFileExpImp ExtFileExpImp Internal file template used when creating an export or import of a file type and all related data
ExtReportedBalances  ExtRepBal  Reported Balances 
GermanReturnTax GermanReturnTax German Return Tax file template
IIBBBuenosAiresCity GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Buenos Aires City (Argentina)
IIBBBuenosAiresStatePurch GrossIncome File template used when creating a purchase tax report in Tax Ledger for Buenos Aires State (Argentina)
IIBBBuenosAiresStateSales GrossIncome File template used when creating a sales tax report in Tax Ledger for Buenos Aires State (Argentina)
IIBBCatamarcaState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Catamarca State (Argentina)
IIBBChacoState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Chaco State (Argentina).
IIBBCorrientesState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Corrientes State (Argentina).
IIBBMendozaState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Mendoza State (Argentina)
IIBBNeuquenState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Neuquen State (Argentina)
IIBBTucumanState GrossIncome File template used when creating a tax report in Tax Ledger for Tucuman State (Argentina)
JinsuiExport JinsuiExport Standard Jinsui Export File
JinsuiImport JinsuiImport Standard Jinsui Import File
MXP_MT940DE ExtMixedPayment File template used to load bank statement of accounts for MT940 Germany (Version of the MT940 swift file format used in Germany)
PlanUnitTransactions PlanUnitTransactions Associated with the Planning Unit interface. Standard planning transaction file template.
RemoveTrans RemoveTrans Internal file template used when ordering a job that removes transactions in the External File Transactions storage.
SAF-T Norwegian Template SAF-T Associated with the Standard Audit File For Tax File. This is used to create the SAF-T xml file.
SICORE SICORE Standard file template for SICORE output files in Tax Ledger
SRF_BGSWE ExtSuppPaymRet Bankgiro Return BGSWE
SRF_BR_237_CP ExtSuppPaymRet Brazilian 237-CP layout return file from bank
SRF_PGFOR ExtSuppPaymRet Plusgiro Foreign Return PGFOR
SRF_PGSWE ExtSuppPaymRet Plusgiro Domestic Return PGSWE
STDBNKSTAT BankStatement File template describing a standard bank statement file
STDCIN1 ExtCustInv File template to be used to read a file with external customer invoices, where each invoice is described by a header line, item lines, posting lines and tax lines.
STDCIN2 ExtCustInv File template to be used to read a file with external customer invoices where each invoice is described on one single line
STDCURR ExtCurrency File template describing a standard file with currency rates
STDFICURR ExtCurrency File template describing a standard currency rate file for the Finnish market
STDFRBNKSTAT BankStatement File template describing a standard bank statement file for the French market
STDPAY ExtPayment File template for standard payments
STDSIN1 ExtSuppInv File template to be used to read a file with external supplier invoices, where each invoice is described by a header line, item lines, posting lines, tax lines and installment lines
STDSIN2 ExtSuppInv File template to be used to read a file with external supplier invoices where each invoice is described on one single line
STDSIN3 ExtSuppInv Standard Supplier Invoice File A (eInvoice)