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Edit Parquet Data Sources

Analysis Models - Power BI provides the opportunity to Edit the created Parquet Data Sources. All the data sources that are created and Loaded are considered as New Data Sources. These data sources can be edited.

The Parquet Data Source Details page displays the available edit options.

Editing columns

Selecting the Edit Columns button opens the Edit Data Source Columns assistant. It will display the default column selection of the respective Parquet Data Source (included /excluded) and enables further including and excluding of columns according to the preference.

Once the column editing is completed, selecting OK closes the Edit Data Source Columns assistant and updates the Oracle source columns section on the Parquet Data Source Details page.

As the column selection is completed, Loading can be performed to trigger an update of the .parquet file. This updates the Refresh History upon successful completion.

Editing other details

In the Parquet Data Source Details page, the Edit icon enables the available data fields that can be edited.

Field Data Source Load Type Scope of Modification
Max Age Full & Incremental Numerical value can be changed by typing in the new value
Description Full & Incremental Description can be added
Partition Column Incremental Column can be changed by selecting via LoV
Detect Changes Column Incremental Column can be changed by selecting via LoV
Detect Changes Function Incremental Current selection can be changed
Include Row Count Incremental Current selection can be changed

Editing Load type == Full

Editing Load type == Incremental