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Commands reference

Script-A-Rest primarily includes commands to perform server calls, handle variables and orchestrate scripts. It also includes few other useful utilities and commands for performing assertions.

For information on how to start Test-A-Rest, have a look at the file. It also shows the possible command line arguments.


Commands are structured as one line with command and arguments with an optional JSON block.

Commands must begin at first position on a line. Command keywords are case insensitive. So Get SomeSvc.svc/SomeEntitySet is the same as Get SomeSvc.svc/SomeEntitySet.

Generally URLs, JSON payloads and variable references are case sensitive. So Get SomeSvc.svc/SomeEntitySet is NOT the same as Get someSvc.svc/someentityset.

Line comments can begin either with // or --. Comments be on first position on line. Comments after commands does not work.

Data types

Variables in Script-A-Rest are either basic types like string, int, double, boolean, DateTime or compound JSON types, i.e. containing an JSON object of any size and/or complexity.

JSON only supports string, numeric, boolean and null basic values. Complex JSON values are objects or arrays. Due to lack of JavaScript number precision, FndODataProvider and IFS Cloud Web Framework serializes numbers as strings (using IEEE 754 header). Script-A-Rest sends requests with IEEE 754 header and therefore any JSON values sent must be quoted as strings.


    "pi": "3.14"

Available Commands

Server calls

Script variable handling

Calling other scripts

Other commands

Other references



Post can be done conditionally by using then When keyword.

(Also see the alternatives Action and Create)


Post {ExpectFail} [URL path to service] {Using variableWithEtag} {Include [HeaderKey]} {Into [resultVariable] } {When [condition]}
JSON Object Body


Post DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes Into createResult1
    "Contract": "1",
    "DockCode": "DockA",
    "Description": "Main Gate"

Into section and variable is optional. If specified data returned from server will be placed here.

Post DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes
    "Contract": "1",
    "DockCode": "DockA",
    "Description": "Main Gate"

Using section is optional and needed when calling actions requiring ETag, eg entity-bound actions. When Using is used, Into is mandatory

Post DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes('DockA')/Ifsapp.DockCodesHandling.Release Using getResult1 Into createResult1
    "Extraparams": "1",

Sometimes a call shouldn't be executed unless a certain condition is met.

Post DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes('DockA')/Ifsapp.DockCodesHandling.Release Using getResult1 Into createResult1 When 1==1
    "Extraparams": "1",

See ExpectFail on server calls for details about ExpectErrors keyword

See Add Header to Http Request Example for details of adding headers to the request


Call URL with HTTP GET verb.

Get can be done conditionally by using then When keyword.


Get {ExpectFail} [URL path to service] Include [HeaderKey] Into [resultVariable] When [condition]

Examples (Assuming result of Get command will be used in the following command(s), here CopyJson.)

Example 1

Get DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes(Contract='1',DockCode='A') Into getResult
CopyJson Description Using getResult Into response 

Example 2

Get DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes(Contract='1',DockCode='A') Into getResult When 1==1
CopyJson Description Using getResult Into response When 1==1 

Example 3

ApplyJson Into getResult
Get IsoUnitsOfMeasureHandling.svc/IsoUnitSet(UnitCode='{$input.UnitCode}') Into getResult When 1==1
CopyJson UsedInAppl Using input into response When 1==1 && getResult.UserDefined==false

Into section and variable is mandatory and data returned from server will be placed here.

When section is optional. If specified and condition is met, data returned from the server will be placed in Into variable.

See ExpectFail on server calls for details about ExpectErrors keyword

See Add Header to Http Request Example for details of adding headers to the request


Call URL with HTTP GET verb with options Select, OrderBy and Filter


Query {ExpectFail} [URL path to service] {Select "Attr1,Attr2"} {OrderBy "Attr1 desc,Attr2"} {Filter With Json} Into [resultVariable] When [condition]


The Select query option allows the clients to requests a limited set of properties for each entity.


The OrderBy query option allows clients to request resources in either ascending order or descending order using desc.


The Filter query option allows clients to filter a collection of resources that are addressed by a request URL. The expression specified for the filter is evaluated for each resource in the collection, and only items where the expression evaluates to true are included in the response.

Filter With Json Expressions are evaluated with AND between different attributes and OR within an attribute. Default operator is equal.

A Json Filter in it's simplest form: Returns items for expression Contract=A

   "Contract": "A"

A Json Filter with Multiple attributes: Returns items for expression ((OrderNo=1 OR OrderNo=2) AND (Contract=A OR Contract=B OR Contract=C))

   "OrderNo": "1;2",
   "Contract": "A;B;C"

You can use variables like "OderNo" : "{$input.OrderNo}" inside the Json for the Filter query option. However note that only $ and # works for automatic quotation of string values. Using % does not work due to defect TAR-252.

Filter Operators

Default operator is equal if no operator is specified.

Supported operators:

  • >= Greater Than Or Equal
  • > Greater Than
  • <= Less Than Or Equal
  • < Less Than
  • != Not Equal
  • = Equal

A Json Filter with operator: Returns items for expression OrderNo>=5

   "OrderNo": ">=5"

Filter Data Types


   "Attribute1": "5",
   "Attribute2": "5;7;10"


   "Quantity1": 5,
   "Quantity2": {"Number": "5;7;10"}


    "Enumeration1": {"Enumeration": {"Enum.SomeEnum": "Value1;Value2"}}

Date : Can either be a single day or a range.

    "Date1": {"Date": "2020-12-01"},
    "Date2": {"Date": "2020-12-01;2020-12-23"}
DateTime : Can either be a single day or a range.
json linenums="1"
    "DateTime1": {"DateTime": "2020-12-01"},
    "DateTime2": {"DateTime": "2020-12-01;2020-12-23"}

Filter Examples

Example 1 :

Query ShopOrdersHandling.svc/ShopOrds Select "OrderNo,Contract" OrderBy "Contract,OrderNo desc" Filter With Json Into queryResult
   "Contract": "MF-S1",
   "OrderNo": ">=204129",
   "EffPhaseInDate": {"Date": "2021-01-07;2021-01-08"}


Change an entity URL (HTTP PATCH). Requires an object retrieved either by a Get or Create command.

Patch can be done conditionally by using then When keyword.

(Also see the Modify which is an alias for Patch)


Patch {ExpectFail} [URL path to service] Using [variable] Include [HeaderKey] Into [resultVariable] When [condition]
JSON Object Body

Example : (assuming result retrieved earlier, see Get or Create)

Patch DockCodesHandling.svc/PurchaseDockCodes(Contract='1',DockCode='DockA') Using getResult1 Into patchResult1 When 1==