Analysis Models - Tabular : Environment Parameters¶
This document describes about the Analysis Models - Tabular related environment parameters to be considered during the configuration of the Tabular framework.
The environment parameters are essential for the SQL Server part of the Tabular Models framework in Analysis Models to work properly. All of the parameters are allowed to be edited using the web client (see below table).
Parameter Name | Description |
ORA_DATA_SOURCE | Specify IFS Oracle Database IP address ( |
ORA_IFSINFO_USERNAME | IFS Cloud Information Schema Username. |
ORA_IFSINFO_PASSWORD | IFS Cloud Information Schema Password. |
SQL_SERVER_INSTALLATION_TYPE | Specify the Installation type of SQL Server ( |
SQL_SERVER_NAME | SQL Server Host Name / Azure SQL Server url ( Use |
SQL_SERVER_NAME_INTERNAL | SQL Server name to be used for connections in SSIS packages. Use This is an optional Parameter. |
SQL_DB_NAME | Specify the SQL Server Database Name. |
SQL_AGENT_JOB_NAME | Specify the SQL Server Agent Job that is used for Running SSIS Packages (Required for ON_PREMISE installations only). |
SQL_USERNAME | SQL Server Username (SQL Server Authentication). |
SQL_PASSWORD | SQL Server Password (SQL Server Authentication). |
SSIS_DB_NAME | SQL Server Database for SSIS (Default value : SSISDB). |
SSIS_CATALOG_FOLDER_NAME | SQL Server Integration Services Catalog Folder Name. |
SSIS_CATALOG_PROJECT_NAME | SQL Server Integration Services Catalog Project Name. This is a constant and should not be changed. |
SSAS_SERVER_NAME | SQL Server Analysis Services Host Name / Azure Analysis Service url (asazure:// |
SSAS_USERNAME | SQL Server Analysis Services Username / Azure Service Principal Client ID (app: |
SSAS_PASSWORD | SQL Server Analysis Services Password / Azure Service Principal secret value |
MAX_WAIT_TIME | This refers to the maximum time in minutes allocated to fetch the status of the job. During this time, the relevant status will continued to be fetched from SQL Server. And the status fetch will not happen once this specified time is completed (after that, manual action is required to fetch the status). The default value is 30 minutes. (0=Unlimited). |
DATA_LOAD_BATCH_FETCH_SIZE | Defines fetch size as the number of rows to be used by SSIS when loading data from IFS Cloud DB to the SQL Server target table. The default value is 10000 and normally works well. Depending on available resources, e.g. configuration of Data Factory in Azure, the fetch size can be increased but it is important to test if a changed setting works. |
ENABLE_ENCRYPT_SQL_CONN | Used to specify the value to the "encrypt" connection string property. It should be set to TRUE to enable encryption. This is an optional Parameter. |
TRUST_SERVER_CERTIFICATE | Used to specify the value to the "trustServerCertificate" connection string property. It should be set to FALSE if you have provided a public CA certificate for the SQL Server. If self-signed this needs to be set to TRUE. This is an optional Parameter. |
HOST_NAME_IN_CERT | Used to specify the value to the "hostNameInCertificate" connection string property. The hostname is to be used to validate the SQL Server TLS/SSL certificate. Make sure the value passed to "hostNameInCertificate" matches the Common Name (CN) or DNS name in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) in the server certificate for a TLS connection to succeed. This is an optional Parameter. |
When the connection to the SQL server fails there will be a banner displayed at the top of the page.
Read more about "Scenario 06" type setup from here.
Available commands:¶
Command | Description |
Setup SQL Server Environment | This command will start the Setup SQL Server Environment assistant. |
Test Connections | This command will start the Test Connections in SSIS assistant which can be used to test the connections in the IFSCloudAnalysisModelsSSISFramework SSIS project. |
Check Environment Setup Status | Directs the user to the Environment Setup Status page. |
Environment Setup Status¶
This page provides information about the environment setup status for the Analysis model functionality. The user can check this page to get an idea about the status of each step. The Reset Status command can be used to manually update the status of each step.
Note: These step statuses get updated to Not Done after every upgrade, and if there is no requirement to run the Environment Setup again, the user has to manually update the status to Success using the Reset Status command.