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Recruitment Integrations for External ATS Vendor SmartRecruiters

The purpose of this page is to provide the development guidelines about the implementations to third party recruitment integration with SmartRecruiters on IFS Cloud Human Capital Management solutions.

Main functionalities are in co-operated with the external recruitment vendor SmartRecruiters;

  • Publishing a Job Vacancy
  • Retrieving the candidates applied

Publishing a Job Vacancy

General Information

As seen in the above image, once the recruitment requisition is approved. The user will be able to see the "Send Job" button in the "Job Posting" data submenu. Once the user click on the "Send Job" button, after filling the mandatory values given below the job vacancy will be created in the SmartRecruiters side with the state "CREATED".

Mapping Information

In order to successfully send the job vacancy details to the SmartRecruiters following mandatory values should be defined in IFS before the integration,

  • Industry Areas
  • Job Functional Areas
  • Employment Type
  • Job Grade

For the integration, following data should available in each page mentioned above.

Basic Data for Industry Areas;

Industry Area Industry Area Description
accounting Accounting
airlines_aviation Airlines/Aviation
alternative_dispute_resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution
alternative_medicine Alternative Medicine
animation Animation
apparel_and_fashion Apparel And Fashion
architecture_and_planning Architecture And Planning
arts_and_crafts Arts And Crafts
automotive Automotive
aviation_and_aerospace Aviation And Aerospace
banking Banking
biotechnology Biotechnology
broadcast_media Broadcast Media
building_materials Building Materials
business_supplies_and_equipment Business Supplies And Equipment
capital_markets Capital Markets
chemicals Chemicals
civic_and_social_organization Civic And Social Organization
civil_engineering Civil Engineering
commercial_real_estate Commercial Real Estate
computer_and_network_security Computer And Network Security
computer_games Computer Games
computer_hardware Computer Hardware
computer_networking Computer Networking
computer_software Computer Software
construction Construction
consumer_electronics Consumer Electronics
consumer_goods Consumer Goods
consumer_services Consumer Services
cosmetics Cosmetics
dairy Dairy
defense_and_space Defense And Space
design Design
elearning E-Learning
education_management Education Management
electrical_manufacturing Electrical And Electronic Manufacturing
entertainment Entertainment
environmental_services Environmental Services
events_services Events Services
executive_office Executive Office
facilities_services Facilities Services
farming Farming
financial_services Financial Services
fine_art Fine Art
fishery Fishery
food_and_beverages Food And Beverages
food_production Food Production
fundraising Fundraising
furniture Furniture
gambling_and_casinos Gambling And Casinos
glass_ceramics_concrete Glass, Ceramics And Concrete
government_administration Government Administration
government_relations Government Relations
graphic_design Graphic Design
health_wellness_fitness Health, Wellness And Fitness
higher_education Higher Education
hospital_and_health_care Hospital And Health Care
hospitality Hospitality
human_resources Human Resources
import_and_export Import And Export
individual_and_family_services Individual And Family Services
industrial_automation Industrial Automation
information_services Information Services
it_and_services Information Technology And Services
insurance Insurance
international_affairs International Affairs
international_trade_and_dev International Trade And Development
internet Internet
investment_banking_venture Investment Banking/Venture
investment_management Investment Management
judiciary Judiciary
law_enforcement Law Enforcement
law_practice Law Practice
legal_services Legal Services
legislative_office Legislative Office
leisure_and_travel Leisure And Travel
libraries Libraries
logistics_and_supply_chain Logistics And Supply Chain
luxury_goods_and_jewelry Luxury Goods And Jewelry
machinery Machinery
management_consulting Management Consulting
maritime Maritime
market_research Market Research
marketing_and_advertising Marketing And Advertising
mechanical_engineering Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
media_production Media Production
medical_device Medical Device
medical_practice Medical Practice
mental_health_care Mental Health Care
military Military
mining_and_metals Mining And Metals
motion_pictures_and_film Motion Pictures And Film
museums_and_institutions Museums And Institutions
music Music
nanotechnology Nanotechnology
newspapers Newspapers
nonprofit_organization_mgmt Non-Profit Organization Management
oil_and_energy Oil And Energy
online_publishing Online Publishing
outsourcing_offshoring Outsourcing/Offshoring
package_freight_delivery Package/Freight Delivery
packaging_and_containers Packaging And Containers
paper_and_forest_products Paper And Forest Products
performing_arts Performing Arts
pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals
philanthropy Philanthropy
photography Photography
plastics Plastics
political_organization Political Organization
primary_secondary_education Primary/Secondary Education
printing Printing
professional_training Professional Training
program_development Program Development
public_policy Public Policy
public_relations Public Relations
public_safety Public Safety
publishing Publishing
railroad_manufacture Railroad Manufacture
ranching Ranching
real_estate Real Estate
recreational_services Recreational Facilities And Services
religious_institutions Religious Institutions
renewables_and_environment Renewables And Environment
research Research
restaurants Restaurants
retail Retail
security_and_investigations Security And Investigations
semiconductors Semiconductors
shipbuilding Shipbuilding
sporting_goods Sporting Goods
sports Sports
staffing_and_recruiting Staffing And Recruiting
supermarkets Supermarkets
telecommunications Telecommunications
textiles Textiles
think_tanks Think Tanks
tobacco Tobacco
translation_and_localization Translation And Localization
transportation_trucking_railroad Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
utilities Utilities
venture_capital Venture Capital
veterinary Veterinary
warehousing Warehousing
wholesale Wholesale
wine_and_spirits Wine And Spirits
wireless Wireless
writing_and_editing Writing And Editing

Basic Data for Job Functional Areas;

Functional Area Functional Area Description
accounting_auditing Accounting/Auditing
administrative Administrative
advertising Advertising
analyst Analyst
art_creative Art/Creative
business_development Business Development
consulting Consulting
customer_service Customer Service
design Design
distribution Distribution
education Education
engineering Engineering
finance Finance
general_business General Business
health_care_provider Health Care Provider
human_resources Human Resources
information_technology Information Technology
legal Legal
management Management
manufacturing Manufacturing
marketing Marketing
other Other
product_management Product Management
production Production
project_management Project Management
public_relations Public Relations
purchasing Purchasing
quality_assurance Quality Assurance
research Research
sales Sales
science Science
strategy_planning Strategy/Planning
supply_chain Supply Chain
training Training
writing_editing Writing/Editing

Basic Data for Employment Types;

Employment Type Employment Type Description
part-time Part-time
contract Contract
permanent Full-time
intern Intern

Basic Data for Job Grades;

Job Grade Job Grade Description
associate Associate
director Director
entry_level Entry Level
executive Executive
internship Internship
mid_senior_level Mid-Senior Level
not_applicable Not Applicable

Following are the other fields that needs to be filled to send a job vacancy to SmartRecruiters other than the above mentioned required Basic Data;

  • City - Retrieving via the Company work location city details.
  • Country - Need to fill when recruitment requisition is created.
  • Default Language - Retrieving the default language for the company.
  • Job Title - Retrieving when creating the recruitment requisition connected to a Job.

When sending details to SmartRecruiters we are building a JSON template including the details relevant to the job posting; The following is the sample JSON template;

  "title": "string",
  "refNumber": "string",
  "targetHiringDate": "2021-07-19T10:03:48.856Z",
  "location": {
    "countryCode": "string",
     "city": "string"
  "industry": {
    "id": "string"
  "function": {
    "id": "string"
  "typeOfEmployment": {
    "id": "string"
  "experienceLevel": {
    "id": "string"
  "template": true,
  "compensation": {
    "min": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "currency": "string"
  "jobAd": {
    "sections": {
      "companyDescription": {
        "title": "string",
        "text": "string"
      "jobDescription": {
        "title": "string",
        "text": "string"
      "qualifications": {
        "title": "string",
        "text": "string"
      "additionalInformation": {
        "title": "string",
        "text": "string"
    "language": {
      "code": "string",
      "label": "string",
      "labelNative": "string"

The relevant industry, function, typeOfEmployment, experienceLevel data fields are mapped directly with the above entered basic data under industry areas, Job functional areas, employment types and job grades pages.

Job Functional Area, Job Grade details should add under the general details and set as default when it comes to the Job. Employment Type and Industry Area can be selected via the Recruitment Requisition page when creating a request.

Implementation Details

Send Job Vacancy logic is mainly written in the RcruitIntegration utility file under the RCRUIT component.


  • JobAdvertisementStructure- Main structure to load the job advertisement / vacancy information.

    Parameter Data Type Description
    job_title VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines job title in Recruitment Requisition
    company_id VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines company id in Recruitment Requisition
    personnel_req_no VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines personnel requisition no in Recruitment Requisition
    target_hiring_date VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines earliest date in Recruitment Requisition
    country_db VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines country in Recruitment Requisition
    city VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines city in Recruitment Requisition
    industry VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines industry area in Recruitment Requisition
    function VARCHAR2(4000) -- Retrieves default functional area per the job in job window
    type_of_employment VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines employment type in Recruitment Requisition
    experience_level BOOLEAN -- Retrieves default job grade per the job in job window
    template VARCHAR2(4000) -- set to true if using a template in SmartRecruiters
    company_description VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines company description in Recruitment Requisition
    job_opp_summary VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines job description in Recruitment Requisition
    key_qualification_needed VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines qualifications in Recruitment Requisition
    additional_information VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines additional information in Recruitment Requisition
    language_db VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines language in Company Defaults
    language VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines language in Company Defaults
    min_estimated_salary NUMBER -- defines minimum estimated salary in Recruitment Requisition
    max_estimated_salary NUMBER -- defines maximum estimated salary in Recruitment Requisition
    currency_code VARCHAR2(4000) -- defines currency code in Recruitment Requisition

Publish Advertisement Function

PublishAdvertisement function in RcruitIntegration integration projection is used to send OR update the job vacancy details.

Function Parameter Data Type
CompanyId Text
PersonnelReqNo Text
Action Text

Action Parameter can be "POST" to Publish the vacancy and "SYNC" to update an existing job vacancy.

Once the Job is posted successfully, you will see the "Sync Job" button visible to post updates related to the job vacancy.

Detailing the above function

When the above function is called with a specific action the relevant request header is mapped towards the REST API. When the action is "POST" the request header is "POST", and when the action is "SYNC" the request header is "PUT".

How the data transferring happens;

Plsql_Rest_Sender_API.Call_Rest_Endpoint_Json_Sync(   rest_service_        => 'ATS_SENDER',
                                                      json_                => json_detail_,
                                                      url_params_          =>  url_params_,
                                                      http_method_         => 'POST',
                                                      sender_              => 'ATS_SENDER',
                                                      message_type_        => 'EVENT',
                                                      accepted_res_codes_  => '201,400,401,403,409,422');

'ATS_SENDER' is the message function we have defined in the Routing Rules to identify the Routing Address related to external recruitment vendor integration.

Error Handling

This is handled in both internally and externally. When it comes to error handling the required fields for the job posting is checked in internally, so the error handling is done internally. When it comes to errors when publishing or the incorrect fields mapped it is handled via retrieving the external error through IFS Application.

Retrieving Applicants - General Information

Once candidates have been hired to jobs and their onboarding status is set to 'Ready to onboard', these candidates are ready to be retrieved into IFS Cloud as Applicants.

Retrieving of candidates and creation of applicants is handled through the background scheduled task 'Get Ready to Onboard Applicants from SmartRecruiters'.

Retrieving Applicants - Implementation Details

The logic for retrieving applicants is mainly written inside the RcruitIntegration utility file under the RCRUIT component.

Get Candidates

The logic to call the SmartRecruiters candidate endpoint to get applicant data is written inside the procedure SR_Get_Hired_Applicants__.

PROCEDURE SR_Get_Hired_Applicants__(

Calling the endpoint is done as below;

Plsql_Rest_Sender_API.Call_Rest_Endpoint_Json_Sync(rest_service_       => 'ATS_SENDER',
                                                   json_               => json_payload_,
                                                   url_params_         => url_params_,
                                                   http_method_        => 'GET',
                                                   query_parameters_   =>  query_params_,
                                                   sender_             => 'REST_SENDER1',
                                                   accepted_res_codes_ => '200,201,400,401');

URL Details

The above REST call is directed to with the following query parameters.

  • onboardingStatus=READY_TO_ONBOARD
  • status=HIRED
  • limit=25
  • If not null, pageId=page_id_

This will return an array of contents containing candidates who have been hired for a job and their onboarding status set as 'Ready to onboard'.

Note: The candidate data returned is not tied to any job. Therefore, the jobs that the candidate has applied will have to be iterated through separately in order to get the jobs in which they have been hired.

Note: If a nextPageId value is found from the above GET call, a recurring call will be done at the end of the procedure, passing the value of nextPageId.

Getting applied jobs

The candidate json object has two parts with information about the applied jobs.

  1. primaryAssignment - This object contains data about the latest job the candidate has been updated in.
  2. secondaryAssignments - This array contains objects of all the other jobs the candidate has applied to.

Using the candidate's id and the above job ids, a GET call is sent to{candidate_id}/jobs/{job_id}/onboardingStatus to get each onboarding status. If the onboarding status is 'READY_TO_ONBOARD', an applicant is created in IFS Cloud with the candidate details.

Creating Applicants

The function to create applicants is as below;

FUNCTION SR_Add_Applicant__(
   ats_applicant_uid_ IN VARCHAR2,
   ats_job_uid_       IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

The parameter ats_applicant_uid_ is the smart recruiters candidate id and ats_job_uid_ is the smart recruiters job id which the candidate was hired and onboarding status was 'Ready to onboard'.

To get a detailed object of the candidate, a GET call is sent to{ats_applicant_uid_}.

Candidate json object

    id                      string
    internal                boolean
    firstName               string
    lastName                string
    email                   string
    phoneNumber             string
    location                CandidateLocation{...}
    web                     WebProfile{...}