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Main Toolbar

The Main Toolbar offers access to various report editing commands within the IFS Report Studio.

Command Icon Description
Save Save the report
Cut Cuts the selected control to the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selected control to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes a control from the clipboard onto the selected report band.
Delete Deletes the selected control.
Undo Cancels the last change made to the document.
Redo Reverses the last undo action.
Zoom Out Decreases the document's current zoom factor by 5 percent.
Zoom Factor Zooms to a specific zoom factor selected from the dropdown list.
Zoom In Increases the document's current zoom factor by 5 percent.
Validate Bindings Highlights report controls with invalid data binding or incorrect expressions.
Full Screen Toggles between the Report Designer's full screen and default size.
Publish Publish the report
Export Export the report
Preview Switches to Preview Mode.
Design Switches to Design Mode.