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Predefined Permission Sets

Predefined Permission Sets are created upon installation of IFS Cloud. These are tagged as 'IFS_MANAGED' or 'IFS_MANAGED_BASE' and should not be modified.

IFS Managed Base Permission Sets

The Permission Sets required for login and performing basic functionalities in IFS Cloud.

Permission Set Description Type
FND_WEBRUNTIME The Functional Role needed for a user to logon to IFS Cloud. Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN Role that contains framework functionality for IFS Cloud Web for a user. FND_WEBRUNTIME is granted this role. This role is a basic end user role for all IFS Cloud Web main users. End User Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_B2B Role that contains framework functionality for IFS Cloud Web for a Business to Business (B2B) user. FND_WEBRUNTIME is granted this role. This role is a basic end user role for all IFS Cloud Web B2B users. End User Role
MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME Role needed for a mobile user to logon and run a IFS Cloud Mobile app. FND_RUNTIME is granted to this role. Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN_FNDWF Basic role for end users of IFS Cloud. Contains Business Process Automation Workflow functionality for users Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_B2B_FNDWF Basic role for B2B users of IFS Cloud. Contains Business Process Automation Workflow functionality for B2B users Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN_BISERV Business Reporter- FND Web end-user. Functional Role
FND_CONTACT_WIDGET_USER_ENTERP Role needed for Contact Widget to display customer and supplier information. End User Role


Permission Set Description Type
FND_ADMIN Role needed for a user to be an administrator of IFS Platform. FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN, FND_WEBENDUSER_B2B and FND_CUSTOMIZE are granted to this role. End User Role
FND_SCIM_ADMIN Role used for handling SCIM container requests End User Role

Development & Translations

Permission Set Description Type
FND_DEVELOPER This role is for users that are developing IFS Applications. It gives rights to for instance debugging and analyzing functionality. Developers using IFS Developer Studio also need this role. End User Role
FND_DEVELOPER_FNDDEV Role for Developers which needs for Translation Management. Functional Role
FND_DEVELOPER_FNDMOB This role is for users that are developing IFS Applications. It gives rights to for instance debugging and analyzing functionality. Developers using IFS Developer Studio also need this role. Functional Role
FND_TRANS_MAN Role contains grants related to Translations Management in central scanning environments. End User Role
FND_TRANS_MAN_FNDDEV Role contains grants related to Translations Management in central scanning environments. Functional Role
FND_CUSTOMIZE Role needed for customizing clients. End User Role

IFS Connect

Permission Set Description Type
FND_CONNECT Role needed for a user to run IFS Connect framework. End User Role
FND_CONNECT_APPSRV Role needed for IFS Connect framework user. Functional Role
FND_CONNECT_BISERV Role needed for IFS Connect framework user. Functional Role
FND_CONNECT_TABMFW Role needed to handle Tabular Models background jobs with IFS Connect framework user. Functional Role

Data Migration, Excel Addin, Data synchronization and Data catalog

Permission Set Description Type
FNDMIG_EXCEL_ADMIN Grants the user access to use the IFS Data Migration Excel Addin. End User Role
FND_ADMIN_FNDRRE Grants to Fndrre Administration forms not requiring App owner privileges. Functional Role
IFS_SSRSORINT IFS SSRSOR Integration. End User Role
FND_DCAT_ADMIN Required grants for Data Catalog admin user End User Role
FND_DCAT_USER Required grants for Data Catalog user End User Role
FND_SYNC Required grants for Data Synchronization service user End User Role
FND_SYNCADMIN Required grants for Data Synchronization admin user End User Role
FND_CLOUD_DMM Role needed for data migration manager admin actions. End User Role


Permission Set Description Type
CUSTOM_OBJECTS_ADMIN Required grants for administration of Configuration Items Functional Role
FND_LOBBY_ADMIN End user role administrating IFS Lobby End User Role
FND_LOBBY_SQLDS_ADMIN End user role administrating IFS Lobby and manipulating SQL data sources End User Role
QUERY_DESIGNER_ADMIN Required grants for administration of Query Objects Functional Role

Mobile Framework and Services

Permission Set Description Type
MOBILE_APP_ADMIN Role needed for a user to be an administrator of IFS Cloud Mobile. FND_WEBRUNTIME is granted to this role. End User Role
MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME Role needed for a mobile user to logon and run a IFS Cloud Mobile app. FND_RUNTIME is granted to this role. Functional Role
FND_MOBILE_APP_SYSTEM Role needed for IFS Cloud System User End User Role
FND_MOBILE_APP_SYNC_TRACE Role needed for IFS Cloud Mobile end user to enable synchronization traces. End User Role
VIRTUAL_MAP_USER Role needed to grant for objects in Virtual Map solution. End User Role

Analysis Model

Permission Set Description Type
AAAS_ADMINISTRATOR Role needed for Analysis Models - Power BI admin user. End User Role
AAAS_DL_USER Role needed for Analysis Models - Power BI Data Lake user. End User Role
AAAS_UPLOAD_USER Role needed for Analysis Models - Power BI upload models. End User Role
TABM_SETUP_ADMIN Analysis Models Self Hosted administrator role for environment setup. End User Role
TABM_ADMIN Analysis Models Self Hosted administrator role for general actions. End User Role

Aviation Maintenance

Permission Set Description Type
FLOPS_FLIGHT_CONTROLLER Required grants for the Flight Controller user in the Forward Flight Operations solution. End User Role
MM_ADMINISTRATOR Required grants for the Administrator user configuring Mobile Maintenance for Aviation for end users. End User Role
MM_FLIGHT_API Required grants for third-party flight following systems to update flights in Mobile Maintenance for Aviation using the IFS Cloud Open API. End User Role
MM_LINE_PLANNER Required grants for the Line Planner user in the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation solution. End User Role
MM_MAINT_OPERATIONS_CONTROLLER Required grants for the Maintenance Operations Controller user in the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation solution. End User Role
MM_OVERRIDE_HARD_STOP Required grants to release an aircraft, overriding a release restriction due to missing mandatory components or overdue maintenance. End User Role
MM_SUPERVISOR Required grants for the Supervisor user in the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation solution. End User Role
MM_TECHNICIAN Required grants for the Line Technician user in the Mobile Maintenance for Aviation solution. End User Role
AC_CONFIG_CON_BOARD Required permissions for the Allowable Configuration Board in the Aviation Technical Content Manager solution. End User Role
AC_CONFIG_SPECIALIST Required permissions for the Allowable Configuration Specialist in the Aviation Technical Content Manager solution. End User Role
AC_ENG_SERVICE_PARTNER Required permissions for the Allowable Configuration Engineering Service Partner in the Aviation Technical Content Manager solution. End User Role

Remote Assistance

Permission Set Description Type
FND_REM_ASST_ADMIN Required grants of all the RA admin projections and Actions End User Role
FND_REM_ASST_ENDUSER Required grants of all the enduser related Projections and Actions End User Role
FND_REM_ASST_SERVICE Required grants of RA service user End User Role

IFS Signature Service

Permission Set Description Type
FND_DSS_ASST_ADMIN Required grants of all the Digital Signature admin Actions End User Role
FND_DSS_ASST_ENDUSER Required grants of all the enduser related Actions for Digital Signature End User Role
FND_DSS_ASST_SERVICE Required grants of Digital Signature service user End User Role

IFS AI Services

Permission Set Description Type
FNDGPT_RUNTIME Role needed to access Copilot Chat End User Role
FNDGPT_ADMIN Role needed to administer and publish prompts to the organization Functional Role

IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization

Permission Set Description Type
FNDSCH_RUNTIME Role needed for IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization Workbench users End User Role
FNDSCH_ADMIN Role needed for IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization Workbench Administrator users End User Role
FNDSCH_WEBSERVICE Role needed for IFS Planning and Scheduling Optimization to broadcast messages to IFS Cloud. FND_WEBRUNTIME is granted to this role. End User Role

IFS Human Capital Management

Permission Set Description Type
ABSENCE_INTEGRATION_USER Role needed for Absence Integration users End User Role
PAYROLL_INTEGRATION_USER Role needed for Payroll Integration users End User Role
TIMECLOCK_USER Role needed for Time Clock Integration users End User Role
EMPLOYEE_INTEGRATION_USER Role needed for Employee Integration users End User Role
TRIP_TRACKER_USER Role needed for Trip Tracker Mobile App user End User Role

Business Process Automation (BPA) Workflow

Permission Set Description Type
FND_BPA_ADMIN_FNDWF Role required for Business Process Automation Workflow functionality for admin user Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN_FNDWF Basic role for end users of IFS Cloud. Contains Business Process Automation Workflow functionality for users Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_B2B_FNDWF Basic role for B2B users of IFS Cloud. Contains Business Process Automation Workflow functionality for B2B users Functional Role
FND_BPA_AUTHOR_FNDWF Permission set needed for managing Business Process Automation Workflows and its configurations in IFS Cloud End User Role

Manufacturing Execution Controller

Permission Set Description Type
MANUF_EXECUTION Permission set for Manufacturing Execution integration services. End User Role

IFS Relationship Management Panel

Permission Set Description Type
EXCHANGE_SYNC_USER Permission set for exchange sync users End User Role
MASTER_SYNC_ROLE Permission set for Master sync user End User Role

IFS Business Reporter

Permission Set Description Type
BA_REPORT_ADMIN End user role to be granted to an end user that should manage Configuration and Administration of IFS Business Reporter-related functionality in IFS Cloud Web client. This role also provides the necessary grants to handle report administration in Business Reporter as well as access to all published BR reports. End User Role
BA_REPORT_DESIGNER End user role to be granted to an end user that is supposed to work with report design within IFS Business Reporter client. This role has access to all necessary functionality/activities needed for a report designer but has NO default access to published Reports. End User Role
BA_USER End user role to be granted to an end user that executes IFS Business Reporter reports either from within IFS Business Reporter or in IFS Cloud. This role has access to all necessary functionality/activities needed for an end user but has NO default access to published Reports. End User Role
IFS_BRES Role needed when using IFS BR Execution Server. End User Role
BA_ADMINISTRATOR Functional role for IFS Business Reporter administrators that gives access to all administrator-related activities. Functional Role
BA_DESIGNER Functional role that gives access to IFS Business Reporter design activities. Functional Role
BA_ENDUSER Functional role that gives access to necessary activities for a typical end user in IFS Business Reporter end user mode. Functional Role
BA_PUBLISHER Functional role that gives access to publish a report in IFS Business Reporter to IFS Cloud. Functional Role
BA_REPORT_USER Functional role that gives access to IFS Business Reporter report execution within IFS Cloud. Functional Role
BA_SUPER_USER Functional role with access to all design and end-user related functionality. Functional Role
BA_UNPUBLISHER Functional role that gives access to un-publish a IFS Business Reporter report from IFS Cloud. Functional Role
BA_WRITEBACK_USER Functional role with access to write back related functionality from IFS Business Reporter to IFS Cloud. Functional Role
BR_EXAMPLE_REPORT_ACCESS Functional role with access to all IFS Business Reporter reports. Functional Role
BR_FULL_REPORT_ACCESS Functional role with access to all IFS Business Reporter example reports. Functional Role
FND_CONNECT_BISERV Functional role needed for IFS Connect framework user. Functional Role
FND_ADMIN_BISERV Business Reporter- FND Administrator. Functional Role
FND_WEBENDUSER_MAIN_BISERV Business Reporter- FND Web end-user. Functional Role

IFS Operational Reports and Ad hoc Reports

Permission Set Description Type
FND_PRINTSERVER Role needed for a user to run IFS Print Agent. End User Role
FND_QUICK_REPORTS Role needed for creating and publishing Quick Reports. End User Role
FND_ADMIN_CRYSTL Grants to Crystal Administration forms not requiring App owner privileges. Functional Role
FND_DESIGNER_REPORT Role needed for creating and designing Report Studio - Designer type Reports. End User Role

Demand Planner

Permission Set Description Type
DEMAND_ML This permission set has access only to the Demand ML message communication. End User Role
DEMAND_SUPER This permission set has access to everything related to Demand planning, the only user that can execute manual jobs in the Demand Plan Server from the Dashboard. Only user to create new user and edit access rights for the main Demand Plan Client. End User Role
DEMAND_GENERAL This permission set has access to everything related to Demand planning apart from the basic data set up. The user will be able to add and delete new forecast parts, publish forecast parts to DEMAND_FORECAST users, look at the finished forecasts. The user cannot create/delete/edit base or combined flows or do anything to the Demand Plan Server Setup but can view the Dashboard without being able to execute any jobs on the Demand Plan Server End User Role
DEMAND_FORECAST This permission set has access only to the Demand Forecast Client. This will only allow to examine, and evaluate the forecast published to the user in the Demand Forecast Client. End User Role
IPR_SUPER This permission set has access to everything related to IPR. For example IPR Supply Plan, Manage IPR Supply Plan, Analyze Demand Derivation, Refresh Inventory Part Unit Cost Snapshot, IPR Planning Details for Inventory Parts, Planning Hierarchy Basic Data, the IPR Excel Sheet menu on Inventory Part Planning. End User Role

IFS Document Management

Permission Set Description Type
DOCUMENT_ATTACHMENT_CLOUD_B2B Grants create and read grants to Attachments / Documents in IFS Cloud B2B. End User Role
DOCMAN_ADMINISTRATOR System privilege with full administration rights to Document Management functionality. End User Role
DOCUMENT_ATTACHMENT_CLOUD Grants create and read grants to Attachments / Documents in IFS Cloud. End User Role
DOCUMENT_ESIGN Grants permission to send and receive documents for e-signing. End User Role

Application Services

Permission Set Description Type
MEDIA_LIBRARY Required grants to media library methods for Media Attachment use. End User Role

Warehouse Data Collection

Permission Set Description Type
WADACO_MOBILE_USER Required grants for WADACO mobile clients End User Role

Microsoft Project Integration

Permission Set Description Type
MSP_INTEGRATION Required grants for MS Project Integration users. End User Role

IFS Provider for Oracle Primavera Gateway

Permission Set Description Type
OPG_SYNCHRONIZER Required grants for Oracle Primavera Gateway (OPG) integration, Project & master data synchronization users. End User Role

Export Control Administrator

Permission Set Description Type
EXPCTR_ADMINISTRATOR Grants right to act as Administrator in component Export Control End User Role

Data Services

Permission Set Description Type
DATSVC_ADMINISTRATOR Role needed for Data Services Administrator. End User Role
WLJOB_ADMIN Role needed for Workload Jobs Administrator. End User Role
WLJOB_END_USER Role needed for Workload Jobs End User. End User Role

Several of the roles above include component specific sub roles with component suffix. Example: FND_ADMIN_FNDMIG. These are included in main Permission Sets structure.

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