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If a particular CORE file with layered support has been modified in several layers and modifications in all the layers are in the Modification folder, they are treated as related files. Related files are displayed together in adjoining rows in the grid, and remain so even when sorted. These files are distinguished by icons.

Core File  Customization File Extension File

Annotate High Impact

In a scenario where the corresponding core method of an overridden method has changed between base and target updates, by default, the tool displays it as a 'Low' impact. If required to show it as 'High' impact, the following annotation can be used in the customization file.

@UpdateAnalyzer #Comment=<meaningful comment> 
The above annotation will work only for the following files types:
  • Views
  • Storage

The results will be shown in the tool as below:

Note that this annotation will display the impact as "High*" and the meaningful comment added is shown in the 'Comment' column.

Export to Excel

This option exports the content of the Main Grid to an Excel document. To export, right click on the main grid and select “Export to Excel”. In the popup dialog, select either to export the “Selected Records”, “All Filtered Records” or “All Records”.

Copy files to workspace folder

This option copies files listed in the Main Grid to a workspace folder on disc. To do this copy, right click on the main grid and select “Copy files to workspace folder”. In the popup dialog, select either to export the “Selected Files”, “All Filtered Files” or “All Files”. In the next dialog, select a destination folder for this copy. Note that existing files in the destination folder will be overwritten. If a file cannot be copied, probably because it is read only at the destination folder, a dialog will pop up where you can choose to ignore this specific file or abort copying files, but you can also retry to copy this file if you managed to find out why the file could not be copied, e.g. the Read Only property was removed.

Copy File Path

This option allows copying the file path to the clipboard. To copy, right click on the file in Main Grid and select “Copy File Path”. Select either “Base”, “Target” or “Modification” from the sub context menu to copy the required path.

Note: To copy the file paths of “Base” and “Target” files, files should be Analyzed.

Open File

This option allows opening a file in an external editor.

To Open the file from the Main Grid:
To open a file, right click on the file in Main Grid and select “Open File”. Select either “Base”, “Target” or “Modification” from the sub context menu to open the required file.

Note: To open “Base” and “Target” files, files should be Analyzed.

To Open the file from Diff Viewer:
Click on the ‘Open’ button next to the file path in the Diff Viewer to open the file from an external editor.

To Open the file from Interface Report Issue Viewer:
Click on the ‘Open’ button next to the file path in the Interface Report Issue Viewer to open the file from an external editor.