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Authorization Code Flow with PKCE

Since the use of a public client means that the IAM client does not use client secrets to secure the token endpoint, it is highly recommended to use a standard called Proof Key For Code Exchange or PKCE. For this, the authorization endpoint request will include another two query parameters called code_challenge and code_challenge_method while the token endpoint request will include another query parameter called code_verifier.

GET <AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT>?client_id=<IAM_CLIENT_ID>&response_type=code&scope=openid microprofile-jwt&state=<GUID>&nonce=<RANDOM_STRING>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>&&code_challenge=<CODE_CHALLENGE>&code_challenge_method=<CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD>

Sample Authorization endpoint request with PKCE

code_verifier: A random string with at least 43 characters and at most 128 characters

code_challenge: If the code_challenge_method is S256, then the code_challenge should be calculated

code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))

If the code_challenge_method is plain, then the code_challenge should be the same as the code_verifier.

code_challenge_method: Can be either S256 or plain

POST https://<SYSTEM_URL>/auth/realms/<NAMESPACE>/protocol/openid-connect/token

Sample token endpoint request in authorization code flow with PKCE