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Application Parameters

Application Parameters are defined per mobile app and are categorized. They are either system defined or App defined.

Administrator can define the parameter value for each parameter from a given drop down or free text entry.

System Defined Parameters

The parameters under this section are system defined parameters and are available in all mobile apps. Observe that not all of the parameters are used in all apps, due to that a certain app might not have the required functionality built into the app.

Device Parameters

Device Parameters are used to configure the mobile apps on the device. There might exist more app specific device parameters for certain apps, see section App Specific App Parameters.

General Device Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure general settings of the mobile app on the device.

Parameter Description Default Value
SEND_LOGS_WITH_DATA_DEFAULT Send Device Logs Default Setting. FALSE
TREE_STRUCTURE_MAIN_ACTION Tree structure app setting. PinNode

Data Synchronization Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the way data is synchronized between IFS Cloud and the mobile app devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
DEFAULT_SYNC_INTERVAL Identifies the interval in seconds before the next synchronization with IFS Cloud. 60
DATA_CHUNK_SIZE Maximum data chunk size before data is split. 100
SERVER_CAPABILITIES This is used to enable new server capabilities that are added for a new IFS Cloud Release, so app client can read the parameter value and enable it, if server is newer and has that capability. This is a read only parameter. ConnectMedia^
SYNC_DATA_TRANSFER_MODE This is always set to Grouped and is an old legacy parameter from when we had the Metrix framework in the client. It determines the Sync Data Transfer Mode. This is a read only parameter. GROUPED

Device Barcode Scanning Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the mobile apps barcode scanning capabilities on the devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
BARCODE_SCANNING_ENABLED Determines whether to enable barcode scanning for all text data using the command. TRUE
SCANDIT_APP_KEY_ANDROID Android App Key for Scandit Barcode Scanner provided by Scandit.  
SCANDIT_APP_KEY_IOS iOS App Key for Scandit Barcode Scanner provided by Scandit.  
SCANDIT_APP_KEY_WINDOWS Windows App Key for Scandit Barcode Scanner provided by Scandit.  

Note 1: If the Scandit License Key is set then Scandit will be used for scanning bar codes.

Note 2: If the Scandit License Key is invalid then it will be impossible to scan bar codes.

Note 3: To see what Barcode Font is supported, see Supported Barcode Fonts.

Note 4: On Android and iOS, only the device camera can be used to scan a barcode. External barcode scanners connected via USB/Bluetooth are not supported on these platforms. If a Scandit license key is set for the respective platform, the device will use Scandit barcode scanner, and otherwise it will fall back to the default ZXing barcode scanner.

Note 5: On Windows, scanning barcodes through the device camera (both front and back) is not supported. You will need to have a Universal Windows Platform Point of Service (Windows UWP POS) certified barcode scanner for full functionality, or otherwise any USB/Bluetooth connected barcode scanner which can read text into a text field would work with limited functionality.

Device Location Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the device location settings used within the mobile apps.

Parameter Description Default Value
LOCATION_TRACKING_MODE Whether the app should continually track location and, if so, how accurate the locations should be. COARSE is less precise than FINE. COARSE
LOCATION_TRACKING_INTERVAL_MIN The length of time between updates when continually tracking location. 15
LOCATION_ON_DEMAND_MODE Whether the app should be able to obtain the device location when requested and, if so, how accurate the location should be. COARSE is less precise than FINE. FINE

Embedded Maps Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure embedded maps

Parameter Description Default Value
EMBEDDED_MAPS_ANDROID Specifies if and what embedded map is used within the mobile app on Android. Disabled
EMBEDDED_MAPS_IOS Specifies if and what embedded map is used within the mobile app on iOS. Disabled
EMBEDDED_MAPS_WINDOWS Specifies if and what embedded map is used within the mobile app on Windows. Disabled

Note: See also Embedded Maps parameters under Specific App Parameters .

Device Security Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the device security settings used within the mobile apps.

Parameter Description Default Value
PIN_AUTHENTICATION PIN authentication enabled. FALSE
PIN_CODE_FAIL_BEHAVIOUR Behavior of PIN Code retry failure. Values are LOCK or BLOCK. LOCK means that the App will be locked for a time period, defined in parameter PIN_CODE_LOCK_APP_TIME. BLOCK means that the account will be blocked after x number of tries and you need to disconnect and connect again. LOCK
PIN_CODE_IS_COMPLEX Complexity of the PIN Code. If set to TRUE, the PIN code will be enforced to follow a pattern. The PIN Code prompt message should inform the user of the expected pattern. TRUE
PIN_CODE_LOCK_APP_TIME Number of seconds for the app to be locked when the PIN Code tries are over. 60
PIN_CODE_MIN_LENGTH Minimum length of the PIN Code. 6
PIN_CODE_NO_OF_TRIES Number of retries of the PIN Code. Set it to * for unlimited retries. 3
ENABLE_SCREENSHOTS Enables or disables the possibility to do screenshots from the app. TRUE
MULTI_USER Steers if the Switch User functionality should be available in the app or not. The Switch User functionality is used when several people share the same device and need to disconnect and login as another user. FALSE

Picture Handling Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure picture handling used within the mobile app devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
PICTURE_MAX_DIMENSION Maximum picture dimension when synchronizing. Any larger sizes than stated value would be resized to value entered. 2000
PICTURE_MAX_BYTES Maximum picture bytes when synchronizing. Any larger sizes than stated value would be resized to value entered. 1048576
EXISTING_DEVICE_MEDIA_ALLOWED Allow selecting of existing media from the device's camera roll or gallery to upload. TRUE

Video Handling Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure video handling used within the mobile app devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
VIDEO_MAX_MB Maximum video megabytes when synchronizing. Any larger sizes than stated value would prompt an error message and the upload will not be done. 20000

Inactive Device Parameters

The following parameter is used for handling inactive devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
DEVICE_INACTIVE_DAYS No of days after device goes to inactive. 7

Device Logging Parameters

The following parameter is used to control how logging and instrumentation is handled on the mobile devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_KEY By default, IFS sets a value to capture anonymized usage information that we use to improve the product. If required, this can be changed to an Azure App Insights subscription that you own and manage yourself. (IFS-specific default value)

Specific App Parameters

The specific app parameters handles certain functionality within a specific app. The app parameters are not steered from the mobile framework and are defined by the application groups owning the app. In most cases the app parameter listed here only exists for one or a two apps.

IFS MWO Service and IFS MWO Maintenance

The app parameters listed below are used in IFS MWO Service and/or IFS MWO Maintenance. There are a few app parameters that are only used in IFS MWO Service, in such case it is stated below.

Input Masks Parameters

The following parameter is used for Input Masks Control.

Parameter Description Default Value
ALLOW_ACCENTED_CHARS Allow accented characters in masked fields. If enabled, accented characters can be used when answering maintenance survey questions which have input masks linked. FALSE

Lidar Media Attachment Parameters

The following parameter is used to handle Lidar measurement for Apple Lidar.

Parameter Description Default Value
ALLOW_LIDAR_MEDIA_ATTACHMENTS If enabled, when the camera button is used in the Apple LiDAR app, a copy of the measurement screenshot will be saved to the media library, attached to the current business object. TRUE

MS Teams Integration Parameter

The following parameter handles if MS teams will be visible or not for the app.

Parameter Description Default Value
MS_TEAMS_ENABLED If enabled, users can initiate chats and calls to their contacts using the MS Teams app and view the contact's MS Teams presence on the contact widget. TRUE

Note: System Parameters for MS Teams must be also configured and enabled for this feature to be visible in the mobile app.

Historical Measurements Parameters

The following parameters handles how historical object measurements should be handled.

Parameter Description Default Value
HIST_DATE_LIMIT_MEAS Number of days in the past should be looked to get the historical measurement records to be transferred. 30
HIST_REC_LIMIT_MEAS Number of historical measurement records to be transferred per parameter of each object. 5

Calendar Parameters

The following parameters are used to handle the calendar functionality. Only used in IFS MWO Service.

Parameter Description Default Value
CALENDAR_FUTURE_LIMIT Defines the number of days to the future that should be used to sync absences, training allocations, project allocations, and miscellaneous resource allocations to be displayed in the calendar. 30
CALENDAR_HISTORY_LIMIT Defines the number of days to the past that should be used to sync historical absences, training allocations, project allocations, and miscellaneous resource allocations to be displayed in the calendar. 30
CALENDAR_VIEW Display the My Work Calendar option in the main menu, if the parameter is set as TRUE. TRUE

Embedded Maps Parameters

The following parameters are, in addition, to the embedded map parameters listed above and are handling map range and UOM. Only used in IFS MWO Service.

Parameter Description Default Value
EMBEDDED_MAP_RANGE Defines the default range in the Find Part search dialog which is used to find a required service part from a nearby warehouse. 10
EMBEDDED_MAP_UNIT Defines the UOM for the range in the Find Part search dialog which is used to find a required service part from a nearby warehouse. Defined in kilometers or miles. Kilometres

Other App Parameters

The following parameters are used to handle various behaviors in IFS MWO Service and IFS MWO Maintenance. If it is only included in one of the app, it is stated in the description.

Parameter Description Default Value
CONTACT_LIST_TYPE Defines if the contact list should be derived based on the user connected service organization or the branch. This is only used in IFS MWO Service. SERVICE_ORGANIZATION
CREATE_TASK_ON_FAULT_REP Create a work task when a fault report is created from mobile. TRUE
DEFAULT_MOBILE_TT_DESTINATION Defines the default destination for the Transport Task line when it is generated from mobile. MOVE_TO_TRANSIT
FIND_PART_GREEN_LIMIT The time interval (in hours) starting from the current time to show the part available remote warehouses (vans) in green during Find Part search. If the last synced time of the remote warehouse falls within this time period, it is displayed in green otherwise in yellow in the map. This is only used in IFS MWO Service. 4
HIDE_OBJECT_COUNT Defines if the object counters should be disabled in the app. This is useful when a high number of objects are synced into mobile as count functionality can cause performance issues in the client. FALSE
SERIAL_PLAN_QTY_LIMIT The maximum number of serial tracked parts that can be planned at a time (Plan Qty). 500
SERVICE_REQUEST_FOR_NEW_WORK Defines what should be created (Request or Work Order) when New Work is initiated from mobile. This is only used in IFS MWO Service. TRUE
SHIFT_BREAK_LIMIT Defines number of days into the future that should be used to sync resource shifts and breaks. 10
SHOW_FULLY_RESERVED_PARTS Defines if the fully reserved part stocks should be displayed in My Stock in MWO application. That is, the part physically exists in the van stock but the full quantity is reserved so no available quantities. False
RESTRICT_MULTIPLE_WORK_PROCESSING Restricts updating the status of a Work Assignment to OnRoute, Work Started, Waiting at Location or Pending Completion, while another assignment is in status OnRoute, Work Started, Waiting at Location or Pending Completion. This restriction applies until the first Assignment is completed, Incomplete, or Cancelled. FALSE
CREATE_TASKS_WITH_STATUS_NEW Use this parameter to create work tasks with the status "NEW" when registering a new work that needs to be done. This applies to both IFS MWO Service and IFS MWO Maintenance app for the Option “Request additional work that needs to be done” in both New Work and Additional Work. Also this applies to above mentioned option in Additional Work in Request based solution in IFS MWO Service app. FALSE
SERVICE_BOOK_HISTORY_LIMIT This parameter defines the number of days into the past for which completed work tasks (in statuses Work Done, Reported, and Finished) should be considered based on the Actual Finish date of the task in the Service Book. Ongoing work tasks are not affected by this parameter and will always be displayed in the Service Book. This is only used in IFS MWO Service. 30
LOG_BOOK_HISTORY_LIMIT This parameter defines the number of days into the past for which completed work tasks (in statuses Work Done, Reported, and Finished) should be considered based on the Actual Finish date of the task in the Log Book. Ongoing work tasks are not affected by this parameter and will always be displayed in the Log Book. This is only used in IFS MWO Maintenance. 30

IFS Mobile Maintenance for Aviation

Lidar Media Attachment Parameters

The following parameter is used to handle Lidar measurement for Apple Lidar.

Parameter Description Default Value
ALLOW_LIDAR_MEDIA_ATTACHMENTS If enabled, when the camera button is used in the Apple LiDAR app, a copy of the measurement screenshot will be saved to the media library, attached to the current business object. TRUE

IFS Notify Me

Enable Cloud Web

The following parameter handles if access to IFS Cloud web is allowed from the app or not.

Parameter Description Default Value
ENABLE_CLOUD_WEB_LINKS If enabled, there is a possibility to open up the IFS Cloud Web page from the app. TRUE

IFS Scan It

Proceed on Carriage Return

The following parameter handles how to handle the next action after barcode is scanned

Parameter Description Default Value
PROCEED_ON_CARRIAGE_RETURN Move to next field or execute first command when a barcode with CR is scanned. TRUE

IFS Trip Tracker

Various Parameters

The following parameters are used in Trip Tracker to handle how certain information should be presented and used in the app.

Parameter Description Default Value
ALLOW_CHANGE_DEFAULT_REIMBURSABLE_VALUE If the value is set to TRUE, the Reimbursable option will be shown as an editable field. If FALSE, the field is hidden. TRUE
ALLOW_TAX_AMOUNT_EDITING If the value is set to FALSE, when reporting expenses, tax amount field is hidden. If TRUE, the user can enter or modify the tax amount. FALSE
ATTACH_IMAGES_TO If the value is LINE, uploaded images from trip tracker will be shown in the expense line of the expense sheet details. If HEADER, images will be shown in expense sheet. LINE
BASIC_DATA_AVAILABLE_DAYS_AFTER_EXPIRY Number of days the invalid basic data are available after elapsing Valid To date. Project activities, allowance areas and expense codes will be considered as basic data. 30
DEFAULT_COMPANY_REPORTING_ONLY If the value is set to TRUE, the default company of the user will be considered. If FALSE, the user needs to select the company for which the expenses are reported. TRUE
EXPENSE_SHEETS_AVAILABLE_DAYS_AFTER_CONFIRMATION Number of days a trip will be available in Trip Tracker once it is Confirmed. 30
PROJECT_ACTIVITY If the value is OPTIONAL, project activity for expense sheet/expense lines will be non-compulsory. If MANDATORY, project activity will be compulsory. If NOT_USED, OPTIONAL

Synchronization Process Parameters

The following parameters are used to control the synchronization process.

Database Process Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the database processes used to collect and send data to the mobile app devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
GROUPED_PUSH_DATA_INTERVAL Grouped Push data restartup interval (seconds) 10
GROUPED_PUSH_ENABLED Grouped Push data available ON
MAX_PUSH_EVENTS_ERROR_COUNT Maximum number of error lines display when retry create push triggers 10
PUSH_DATA_INTERVAL Push data restartup interval (seconds) 10
PUSH_ENABLED Push data available ON
SERVER_LOG Database Extended logging OFF

Push Notification Parameters

The following parameters are used to configure the push notifications to be sent to the mobile app devices.

Parameter Description Default Value
NOTIFICATION_HUB_PATH Notification Hub Path.  

Note: An Azure Notification Hub is used to deliver Push Notifications from IFS Cloud to the mobile apps. It is possible to create your own Azure Notification Hub for sending of Push Notifications. To do this the NOTIFICATION_HUB_PATH must be set to the Azure Notification Hub Name and the NOTIFICATION_HUB_URL must be set to the Connection String relating to the Access Policy Name "DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature".

Grouped Push Parameters

If the mobile app uses the Synchronization Rule Delivery Method of Grouped Push then the following system parameters will be available.

Note: With the exception of Trace Level and Clean Up Parameters the default values of the Grouped Push Parameters are adequate for all installations. It is therefore only recommended to change Grouped Push Parameters with full understanding of these parameters and potential impact on the installation.

Group Push Initialization Parameter

This parameter control if the grouped push initialization should be fetched in the background or be a part of the normal initialization process.

Parameter Description Default Value
DETACHED_GROUPED_PUSH_DATA Determines whether grouped push initialization data should be fetched in the background or included in the normal initialization process. Setting this to TRUE allows the data to be fetched in the background, resulting in a faster display of the home screen. Setting it to FALSE means the home screen will not appear until the grouped data has been fetched as part of the normal initialization. FALSE

Trace Level Parameters

These parameters control the information collected in the Grouped Push Transaction Traces

Parameter Description Default Value
BATCH_TRACE_LEVEL Trace level for Grouped Push main task WARNING
INIT_TRACE_LEVEL Trace level for Grouped Push INIT sub-task WARNING
TRIGGER_TRACE_LEVEL Travel level for Grouped Push triggers WARNING

These parameters can be set with one of the following trace levels:

  • WARNING - only warnings and error messages are inserted
  • STAT - one database row per background operation within the Grouped Push process
  • INFO - one database row per important event within an operation, including SQL statements
  • TRACE - additional information about OBJKEYs, user IDs, device IDs, etc
  • DEBUG - maximum debug level: propagation of trigger events, fetched column values, etc.

Note: Trace levels INFO, TRACE and DEBUG may generate huge number of records in Grouped Push Transaction Traces. It is therefore recommended to not leave these parameter set to any value other than STAT or WARNING for longer than a few hours.

Fetch Size Parameters

These parameters control the number of rows fetched to PL/SQL memory in one SQL call within the Grouped Push process. Changing these affects the trade-off between execution time and memory usage:

Parameter Description Default Value
FETCH_SIZE_DATA Number of entity data rows without LOB columns fetched from the database to PL/SQL memory in one SQL call 2000
FETCH_SIZE_LOB_DATA Number of entity data rows containing LOB columns fetched from the database to PL/SQL memory in one SQL call 500
FETCH_SIZE_LOG Number of transaction log rows fetched from the database to PL/SQL memory in one SQL call 5000
FETCH_SIZE_OBJKEY Number of OBJKEYs fetched from the database to PL/SQL memory in one SQL call 10000

Schedule and Interval Parameters

These parameters control teh frequency of background operations within the Grouped Push process

Parameter Description Default Value
CONFIG_REPEAT_INTERVAL Configuration cache tables will be refreshed when the configuration is changed, but not more often than the value of this parameter (in seconds) 10
INIT_SCHEDULE Scheduling expression for creation of INIT transactions in background (MobileSyncRule Syntax or Oracle Scheduler Calendaring Syntax) FREQ=DAILY; BYHOUR=1
INIT_REPEAT_INTERVAL INIT transactions are created according to schedule, but not more often than the value of this parameter (in seconds) 60
REFRESH_REPEAT_INTERVAL Refresh transactions are created according to schedule, but not more often than the value of this parameter (in seconds) 60
TRANSACTION_RETRY_INTERVAL Background processing of a failed transaction will be retried, but not more often than the value of this parameter (in seconds) 60
TRANSACTION_MOVE_INTERVAL All unprocessed (Grouped) transactions will be moved to current SCN time when the first one becomes older than the value of this parameter (in seconds) 3000
