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Projection Data Source Designer

When creating a projection data source, properties in following sections need to be defined.


There are two types of data roots in projection data sources.

  • Entity Set: An entity set returns a set of records based on an entity. It returns a fixed set of data. Filtering and ordering can be done on top of that data set.

  • Function: A function returns a set of records, a primitive, a structure or a record set of structure and can be parameterized. So they can be used to get data according to user's inputs. Similar to entity sets, filtering and ordering can be done on functions which returns a set of records.

Functions which return a set of structures and functions which accept complex typed parameters are not supported in lobby data source designer.

This section includes following configuration settings:

Property Description
Name The name of the Data Source
Projection The projection used to create the data source
This projection could be a standard projection or a query projection created via Query Designer.
Data Root All available entity sets and functions in the selected projection are listed here. Select appropriate entity set or function for the data source from the list.
If the selected data root has been created with the query designer, the command QD_Zoom_Icon is enabled. This will open the query designer with the definition of the selected data root.
Time Zone Default Setting For Projection data sources, this field which is used to indicate whether the entity used to create the database view is time zone aware or not will be automatically filled out according to the metadata.
None: Entity is not time zone aware
Server: Entity is time zone aware
Site: Entity is Site time zone aware
Note: If the entity used for the view is time zone aware and you select None, the Lobby Element will not support any date/time conversions.
Parameters Parameters of the selected function are listed here. Constant values, CSVs or page parameters can be provided as parameter values. Data set can be fetched according to the user's input when page parameters are plugged to function parameters
This feature is not available for entity sets
Filter The condition to be used for the '$filter' section in the query. The condition needs to be defined according to ODATA syntax.
Also it is possible to use Page Parameters defined in the Page Properties Configuration dialog.
E.g. Company eq $COMPANY$.
(Remember to append the $ sign for page parameters)
Group By The column to be used to group the data
Order By The column to be used to order the data. Default is ascending.

Figure: Example definition of a data source using a projection function


This section is used to manage which columns to use from the output of the data root. You can select columns, remove columns and re-arrange the order of the columns.

Property Description
Column This shows the selected column name as it appears in the database table.
Name Users can define an alias for the selected column name and this Name is used to refer the selected column for the rest of the lobby designers.
Data Type This indicates that, what is the data type of the selected column. This field is read only.

Projection Data Source Column

Figure: Columns Section

Click View Columns button which opens the column chooser dialog. All available columns in the view are displayed in the left side of the dialog, select a column and click on the swap button in the middle to add it.

Since functions which return primitives have no columns, there will be a generic column called 'Value' in the column chooser

Figure:Column Chooser


In this section you can see/modify the author of the data source, define key words to make it easier to find the data source in the Data Source Designer and write a text with additional information about the page etc. The following is available:

Property Description
Component Component of the Data Source (Default is 'CONFIG')
Author Author of the Data Source
Keywords Keywords which can be used when searching for the Data Source
Descriptive Text Description about the Data Source
Last Modified Last Modified Date and Time of the Data Source
Copied From If the Data Source is a copy of another Data Source, this field shows the name of the Original Data Source

Projection Data Source Information Section

Figure:  Information Section