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The different types of pages in mobile apps are grouped into categories:

Detail Page

Detail pages are used to allow the user to do CRUD operations on data and/or show a list of items.

  • The user can edit data in groups. Save and Cancel buttons will be displayed when the data is modified.
  • The page can have multiple page commands.

Lists can be shown as either a list button which can be clicked to navigate to a page just showing the full list, or they can be shown as a full list in the lower part of the screen. (See the List element section later for more details.) When a full list is being displayed:

  • The user can click on an item to go to another page.
  • List items in the page can have commands that relate to the item.


page CaseDetail using CcCaseSet {  
   label = "Case";  

   selector CcCaseSelector;  

   group CcCaseDescriptionGroup;  
   group CcCaseResolutionGroup;  

   list CcCaseTaskList(CcCaseTaskArray) {  
       details = TaskDetail(CaseId, TaskId);  

   commandgroup {  
      command AcceptCommand;  
      command TakeOwnershipCommand;  
   command CreateSolutionCaseCommand;  
   command ConnectBusinessObjCommand;  

Custom create command

By default, detail pages show a create button. This button allows the user to load the details page with a new record prepared. Sometimes it is instead desirable to send the user to an assistant. This can be done using a custom create command:

  • Create a new command named [PageName]_Create containing the command to run when the create button is clicked. For example: CaseDetail_Create. The _Create postfix is mandatory to replace the built in create functionality.
  • Mark the command's mode as Global
  • Add this command to the page definition.
command CaseDetail_Create {  
   mode = Global;  
   execute {  
      // Executions  

Before and after CRUD commands

before and after crud actions can be added. The before command is called before a create, update or delete. The after command is called after.

crudactions {  
   before command ConfirmSave;  
   after command AfterCrud;  
command AfterCrud for WorkOrder {  
   execute {  
      if [CrudOperation = "delete"] {  
         success("After Delete");  
  • Calling actions is not allowed in the before command.
  • To stop the the crud action from happening the before command can exit with CANCEL.
  • The CrudOperation variable can be used to get the operation (create, update or delete).

Supported Elements & Properties

  • command
  • commandgroup
  • crudactions
  • group
  • label
  • list
  • markdowntext
  • selector
  • singleton
  • bind

Command Page

Command pages are used to allow the user to show one markdown text and command groups.


page CaseDetail {  
   page MoreAssistantsPage {  
   label = "More Assistants";  

   markdowntext {  
      text = "This page allows you to launch miscellaneous assistants.";  

   command CommandOpenActionedAssistant;  

   commandgroup AutoRestart {  
      command CommandOpenAutoRestartAssistant;  
      command CommandOpenDynamicAutoRestartAssistant;  

   commandgroup StateTests {  
      command CommandOpenStateTestAssistant;  
      command CommandOpenDynamicStateTestAssistant;  

If a page has one markdown text and commands, it will be classed as a Command Page.

Supported Elements & Properties

  • command
  • commandgroup
  • markdowntext