Supporting Custom Functionality¶
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Entities having an ObjKeyStyle codegen property other than "none" are by default enabled for framework functionality such as Custom Objects and Attributes. Entities with non-standard architectural design not compatible with these framework functionalities should be added to the Exclude Entities from having Custom Attributes list. Once an entity is excluded it is automatically disabled for use with Custom Objects and Fields.
Disabling Custom functionality for Logical Units¶
To exclude an entity from Custom functionality a call to the Custom_Field_Excludes_API.Register method may be added to the fndcob\source\fndcob\database\CustomFieldExcludedLogicalUnits.ins file, stating the reason for exclusion.
Custom_Field_Excludes_API.Register('[LU_NAME]','[REASON]', [REGISTER_DATE]);
Custom_Field_Excludes_API.Register('PersonInfo', 'The LU cannot be extended', To_date('2015-02-10-00.00.00', Client_SYS.Date_Format_));